Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure 10. Sustainable Development Goal 14 (Goal 14 or SDG 14) is about "Life below water" and is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015. Use the hose only for rinsing; this simple practice can save as much as 100 gallons when washing a car. A very concerning problem that has emerged lately is the underwater noise. Protecting Life Below Water: Tending to Relationality and Expanding Oceanic Consciousness Beyond Coastal Zones by Zoe Todd. When watering the lawn, do it long enough for the moisture to soak down to the roots where it will do the most good. Bathing water forecast system ensures timely and accurate information for swimmers. Install Composting Toilets If it takes too long – make sure you are connected to the internet. We make it easy to develop spill budgets, assess daily sedimentation loads and run complex scenarios through a simple web interface. To ensure conservation of life below water, we all have to take action. Governing agencies rely on DHI's environmental knowledge and access to advanced modelling tools and resources to initiate, sustain and enforce environmental protection. Peace and Justice Strong Institutions 17. Even if working with marine life isn't your career path, you can volunteer. For more information about the thirstiest appliances in your home and how to reduce their water usage, read Top 5 Water Wasters in Your Home. Areas that are already planted can be ‘top dressed’ with compost or organic matter every year. Our models even have the power to predict the consequences of climate changes within the food chain to better protect your livelihood. Minimize watering on cool and cloudy days and do not water in the rain. Xeriscape: Water-Saving Landscaping Replace herbaceous perennial borders with native plants. EPA WaterSense Install Water-Saving Showerheads, Shower Timers, and Low-Flow Faucet Aerators If the current situation at the oceans continues, the news will surely not be good. You can also install a simple shower timer, available from Eartheasy or your local water utility. By 2030, increase the economic benefits to small island developing States and least developed countries from the sustainable use of marine resources, including through sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism. DHI is here to provide you with more information, answer any questions you may have, and discuss the best services and technological solutions for your unique challenges. How Do You Protect Marine Life? ...said Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete. Protecting Life Below Water Over three billion people depend their livelihood on marine and coastal resources, as they provide food security and can ensure human health. or installing a simple drip-irrigation system. Oceans provide abundant natural resources, support the livelihood of over three billion people and buffer global warming effects.

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