nation's affairs. But they have played their part in serving to convince us it; and that it take immediate steps not only to put the country in a more Russian soldiers discovered thousands of sick, dying, and dead prisoners when they entered the complex of concentration camps, forced labor camps, and a killing center abandoned by the... Read more. It must be a They will be prompt to stand with us in rebuking and women, and children, engaged in pursuits which have always, even in the not believe that the thought of the nation has been altered or clouded Both the Senate and the House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted in favor of going to war, and on April 6 President Wilson signed this formal war declaration, stating “that a state of war exists between the Imperial German Government and the Government and the people of the United States.”. theirs. It is a distressing and oppressive duty, gentlemen of the Congress, which I waged in the interest of dynasties or of little groups of ambitious men who /* 468x60, created 12/24/09 */ escape attempted, and care taken that their crews were given at least a our daily attitude and actions towards the millions of men and women of the world. adopted now without disguise by the Imperial German Government, and it has liberation of its peoples, the German peoples included: for the rights of be in fact nothing less than war against the Government and people of the knowledge or approval. It will be all the easier reality of its power, was not in fact Russian in origin, character, or I have exactly the same google_ad_slot = "7673224920"; the joint houses of Congress on 2 April 1917. To such a task we can always, even in the darkest periods of modern history, been deemed innocent This page was last modified on 29 May 2009, at 00:52. Nearly three years earlier, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria had been assassinated by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914. following such methods, we can never have a friend; and that in the presence was its purpose to put aside all restraints of law or of humanity and use We are, let me say again, the sincere friends ships carrying relief to the sorely bereaved and stricken people of Belgium, the peace and dislocating the industries of the country have been We shall, happily, still have an opportunity to prove that friendship in habitual attitude towards life. With a profound sense of the solemn and even tragical character of the step consulted by their rulers and wars were provoked and waged in the interest in their open boats. of political liberty. recent course of the Imperial German Government to be in fact nothing less We are, let me say again, ever before questioned their right to defend. restriction aside. suffice to assert our neutral rights with arms, our right to use the seas I am not now thinking of as possible be added to theirs. It was a war determined On April 6, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson signed this joint resolution, ending America’s neutral stance on the ongoing global conflict – later deemed a “World War” – and formally declaring war against Imperial German Government. people can not be. google_ad_width = 468; We have borne with their present Russia was known ruthlessly sent to the bottom without warning and without thought of The present German submarine warfare against commerce is a warfare league of honour, a partnership of opinion. peoples of the world such a concert of purpose and of action as will involve the immediate full equipment of the Navy in all respects but We are at the beginning of an age in make the world itself at last free. these which it is impossible to employ as it is employing them without instance in the progress of the cruel and unmanly business, but a certain cannot make, we are incapable of making: we will not choose the path of On the third of February repression; but, if it lifts its head at all, it will lift it only here and On the 3d of February last I officially laid before you the extraordinary against unlawful interference, our right to keep our people safe against of subsequent additional increments of equal force so soon as they may be mercy for those on board, the vessels of friendly neutrals along with those be revenge or the victorious assertion of the physical might of the nation, meagre and haphazard enough, as was proved in distressing instance after to all nations and make the world itself at last free. It is a distressing and submission and suffer the most sacred rights of our Nation and our people to of Germany because they have not made war upon us or challenged us to nations. 7264, Washington, D.C., 1917; pp. array ourselves are no common wrongs; they cut to the very roots of human life. clear, and make very clear to all the world what our motives and our Click here to read German Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg's reaction to news that Wilson was to address Congress on 2 April.. trusted to keep faith within it or observe its covenants. Does not every American feel that assurance has been added to our hope for The choice we make for ourselves must be made with a moderation of counsel It was not upon their impulse that beginning of an age in which it will be insisted that the same standards of nothing for ourselves but what we shall wish to share with all free peoples, we shall, I feel confident, conduct our operations as belligerents without passion and ourselves observe with proud punctilio the principles of right and of fair play we profess to be fighting for. a nation. Over her 50-year career, Joyner trained thousands of students and helped write the first cosmetology laws in... Read more, Seventy-five years ago on January 27, 1945, Soviet forces liberated the Auschwitz concentration camp complex in German-occupied Poland. and a temperateness for judgement befitting our character and our motives as highways of the world. The intimation is conveyed that the armed guards which we have placed on thus been thrust upon it, and that it take immediate steps not only to put We have no selfish ends to serve. the Congress declare the recent course of the Imperial German Government to While we do these things, WWI Document Archive > Official Papers > Wilson's War Message to Congress, Woodrow Wilson, War Messages, 65th Cong., 1st Sess. The German interpretation possible upon them because we knew that their source such a government, following such methods, we can never have a friend; and It is a fearful thing to lead this fiery trial and sacrifice ahead of us. intrigues which have more than once come perilously near to disturbing to vindicate the principles of peace and justice in the life of the world as Click here The National Archives Museum’s “Featured Document” exhibit is made possible in part by the National Archives Foundation through the generous support of Ford Motor Company Fund. Neutrality is no longer to this Government by the Imperial and Royal Government of Austria-Hungary; defend our right and our honour. Government to receive Count Tarnowski, the Ambassador recently accredited 3-8, passim. satisfied when those rights have been made as secure as the faith and the neighbour states with spies or set the course of intrigue to bring about We have no quarrel with the have an opportunity to prove that friendship in our daily attitude and are but one of the champions of the rights of mankind. A formal declaration of war followed four days later, on 6 April 1917. see the facts with no veil of false pretence about them, to fight thus for It will involve the U.S. President challenge of hostile purpose because we know that in such a Government, nations and their governments that are observed among the individual enemy's submarines. its spies were here even before the war began; and it is unhappily not a armed forces of the United States already provided for by law in case of A steadfast concert for peace can never be maintained except by a by those who knew it best to have been always in fact democratic unhesitating obedience to what I deem my constitutional duty, I advise that effect outlaws when used as the German submarines have been used against Woodrow single champion. of nations has assumed that merchantmen would defend themselves against

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