On a map, the breach looked like a bulge and that is where the name came from. Even Hitler's own generals thought his Ardennes offensive was lunatic. Does Jerry Seinfeld have Parkinson's disease? The German plan was to drive through the Ardennes and capture the port of Antwerp vital to the Allied war effort. It was unexpected and it caught the allies off guard and without enough troops and tanks. What's the most famous historical image.? Hitler attempted to split the western allies and recapture the vital supply port of Antwerp by ordering his forces to launch a surprise thrust through the hilly and wooded Ardennes region in Southern Belgium. In mid-January 1945, they were forced to retreat, having suffered heavy losses in men and tanks that they were unable to replace. This time in the Ardennes coincided with a period of intense cold and rain and the soldiers on the ground faced very difficult conditions. The Fifth Panzer Army, led by Manteuffel, was to attack the centre of the American forces, capture the  strategic road and rail centre of St Vith and then drive on to Brussels. You can unsubscribe at any time. Thanks! Hitler's Last Stand: Why the Battle of the Bulge Still Matters. Trench foot was a common problem for infantrymen, as was exposure. The campaign is often known as the 'battle of the Bulge' – but how did it get its name? Pagkakaiba ng pagsulat ng ulat at sulating pananaliksik? Thank you for subscribing to HistoryExtra, you now have unlimited access. But lunacy does not equal ineffectiveness. As Allied resistance stiffened and improving weather allowed the Allied Air Forces to join the action, the German attack ground to a halt. In the build-up to the Bulge, all Allied armored divisions on the Western Front were disengaged from combat. Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? The allies, mostly American, had air superiority but there were too many clouds for them to attack, or they would have won easily. They were also wrong. Nonetheless, Hitler pursued his hopeless plan—and inflicted more than 80,000 casualties in a month. What is the rising action of faith love and dr lazaro? Third, don't ignore intelligence. In 1944, the Nazis launched a huge counterattack in the Ardennes region in Southern Belgium, aimed at bringing the Allied advance on Germany to an abrupt halt. As the Bulge proved, brave soldiers can make up for failed strategy. When on trial after the war, von Rundstedt said that “all, absolutely all, conditions for the possible success of such an offensive were lacking.” His views were shared by General von Mellenthin: Also, Hitler’s plan that a successful attack would split the Allies was also based on false hope. (Recommended: The Last Time China and America Went to War). But they did, and the political repercussions helped turn the American public against the war. There seems to be a problem, please try again. It was fought because the Germans were flooding France with unhealthy fast food (hence the "Bulge" part). North Korea's rulers are certain to have zany schemes that they believe will defeat the United States. Or would it take months for the Pentagon to plan it, the White House to approve it, the State Department to convince the rest of the world that it was justified and Congressional Republicans or Democrats to denounce it? Image: Wikimedia Commons/Pospesch/CC by-sa 3.0 de, © Copyright 2020 Center for the National Interest All Rights Reserved, 5 Greatest Air Battles in Military History, The Last Time China and America Went to War, 5 Places Where World War III Could Break Out. Why do you think the Treaty of Versailles was too harsh on Germany? The Battle of the Bulge, fought over the winter months of 1944 – 1945, was the last major Nazi offensive against the Allies in World War Two. In 1944, the Nazis launched a huge counterattack in the Ardennes region in Southern Belgium, aimed at bringing the Allied advance on Germany to an abrupt halt. This is part of the world war 2 were Germany fought against the u.s and French in Bellgium. What had started as a day-long holding action became a major two-day battle, pitting a scratch force of Americans against a battle-hardened German division. And "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq turned out to be anything but. But, this battle was the last big one of the war when the Germans surprised the allies by mounting an attack. http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/battle_of_the... Why do people in the US even celebrate Columbus? Those who were caught were shot after a court martial. First, never, ever underestimate the enemy. With almost 500 airborne soldiers heading his way, Desobry decided not only to stay but to attack. Second, just because you think an idea is crazy, doesn't mean the enemy will. Ano ang Imahinasyong guhit na naghahati sa daigdig sa magkaibang araw? Then came waves of tanks and infantry that surged out of the winter mist and slammed into the stunned and bewildered defenders. Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? But most American soldiers fought bravely. Hitler had convinced himself that the alliance between Britain, France and America in the western sector of Europe was not strong and that a major attack and defeat would break up the alliance. It was as if they were preparing for a counterattack. Thousands of American troops surrendered, to be marched off to prison camps. Please enter your number below. The Allies were surprised by the attack. The Battle of the Bulge, fought over the winter months of 1944 – 1945, was the last major Nazi offensive against the Allies in World War Two. The attack began with a barrage from 1,600 guns and rocket launchers that pounded trenches and command posts. Read the original article. Why was the battle of bulge called the battle of bulge? 7 8 9. A few tired or inexperienced U.S. divisions, assigned to what was supposed to be a quiet sector in the Ardennes region of Belgium, were assaulted by thirty German panzer and infantry divisions and 600 tanks in a massive surprise offensive. As the Bulge proved, brave soldiers can make up for failed strategy. Therefore, he ordered a massive attack against what were primarily American forces. Answered by one of our Q&A experts, historian and author Julian Humphrys. The German attack on the American lines pushed the Americans At the Bulge, 6,000 soldiers of the encircled U.S. 106th Infantry Division raised the white flag. Our best wishes for a productive day. Roberts, from his Bastogne headquarters in the Hotel LeBrun, gave an answer that probably made Desobry’s blood run cold. The Germans had based their attack on a massive armoured onslaught. He told the young officer to hold the phone line. The German plan was to drive through the Ardennes and capture the port of Antwerp vital to the Allied war effort. In reality,the Germans didn't even have enough fuel to reach Antwerp,and the success of the whole operation was predicated on capturing major US fuel dumps as the Germans advanced rapidly.So,the whole plan was highly infeasible,ill advised pie in the sky from the very beginning. Hitler’s plan was to launch a massive attack using three armies on the Allies which would, in his mind, destabilise their accord and also take the huge port of Antwerp through which a great deal of supplies was reaching the Allies.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'historylearningsite_co_uk-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',114,'0','0'])); Hitler believed that his forces would be able to surround and cut off Canada’s First Army, America’s First and Ninth Armies and Britain’s Second Army. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. It was called the battle of the bulge. The Allies faced several military logistics issues: They had to call up reinforcements and Patton's Army had to speed day and night to get the the battle. Though the weather was typical for the Ardennes in winter, the ground was hard enough for military vehicles to cross and this suited the armoured attack Hitler envisaged. If anything, such an attack helped to engender a greater feeling of kinship with one consolidated aim – to defeat Nazi Germany.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'historylearningsite_co_uk-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_14',116,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'historylearningsite_co_uk-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_15',116,'0','1'])); History Learning Site Copyright © 2000 - 2020. It was equally crazy for the Viet Cong to come out in the open and expose themselves to overwhelming U.S. firepower during the Tet Offensive. However, such an attack required fuel to maintain it and the Germans simply did not possess such quantities of fuel. Top Answer. Within two days, some German units had advanced up to 60 miles into Allied territory, creating a ‘bulge’ in the frontline – giving the battle its popular name. Before the attack started, English speaking German soldiers dressed in American uniforms went behind the lines of the Allies and caused havoc by spreading misinformation, changing road signs and cutting telephone lines. Battle of the Bulge – Troops of the 82nd Airborne Division advance in a snowstorm behind the tank in a move to attack Herresbach, Belgium. It is a primer of valuable lessons that still apply today. Just from memory, it was fought in December 1944 in Belgium near the German border. If you subscribe to BBC History Magazine Print or Digital Editions then you can unlock 10 years’ worth of archived history material fully searchable by Topic, Location, Period and Person. With the sounds of battle reverberating against his headquarters walls, Desobry held the line. Follow him on Twitter: @Mipeck1. Could Hitler rise to power in the modern Era? Was osuna bin Hussain a general for the soviet union in the cold war? Whatever the follies of America's Afghan war, lack of valor or toughness was not one of them. The Battle of the Bulge, the Ardenneroffensive or the Ardennes counter offensive is considered to be the last German offensive with some serious resources in the ww2. Top Answer. The battle was a last ditch attempt by Hitler to split the Allies in two in their drive towards Germany and destroy their ability to supply themselves. It was a perfect example of shock and awe. The Battle of the Bulge was the result of a last ditch effort by the Germans to turn the tide of battle back in their favor in the West.

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