Why are litter-louts tolerated? therefore, if people who are passionate about the issue, and know a lot more about it, feel like it is the just thing to do, i respect and encourage their opinions. Of course, we all break laws: even myself, when behind the wheel, taking my eye from the speedometer for some moments and keeping up with the traffic! I apologised profusely, and he allowed me to complete my trespass. Travellers have been moved on for decades but in an era of preposterous land prices, there is less physical space than ever to accommodate them. NO quick judgments. And it's through the support of people like you that it is able to do so. Supporters of these politicians, please don't make excuses. Above all, the laws that governments pass must be just. This seaside town was then reportedly in “lockdown” after antisocial behaviour and shoplifting. Perhaps individuals can be martyred so maybe mass social action is what is needed. Richard Lartey, 27, from London, said he has been waiting over a month for his money to be returned for a cancelled BA flight. AMERICANS can't break the law (for a better living) just because they have kids . British Airways fined £20m over data breach, Last chance for self-employed to apply for £6,500 coronavirus grant, Italy booted off England’s safe travel corridor list, Millions of Londoners banned from socialising indoors this weekend, Insurers extend Covid support until December. Opinions, ethics and morals of the population should always be considered when laws are being made. Travellers get away with it, residents complain. Everyone has different viewpoints on different issues and it's extremely difficult to compromise and create a law that reflects all of them. The UK’s biggest travel operators and airlines are breaking the law by delaying refunds for cancelled trips or removing customers’ refund rights altogether, an investigation reveals. From this principle it follows that anyone offering sanctuary to people who seek protection in Australia is acting wrongly. You could equally ask, why are speeding drivers tolerated? Letters: Travellers are not allowed to break the law and are facing eviction and loss of their homes, while local councillors and council officials are able to do so BA has told Richard that his money will be returned, but he has yet to receive the money back. “We must promote a tolerant society and make sure there are legal sites available for Travellers, but equally, the rule of law must be applied to everyone.”, Available for everyone, funded by readers, Charity accuses force of blatant discrimination after email to firms in Barking and Dagenham, MPs and councillors have branded group illiterate and violent over past two years, Synod to vote to protect Roma, Gypsies and Travellers from ‘institutional racism’, New figures show a huge rise in Romany and Traveller families having their children taken away. But so do middle-class law-breakers. Lennie | 18 February 2016, Opinions always seem to get in the way of laws, not that this is a bad thing. I stoked a fire and watched the Perseid meteor shower, thanks to a generous friend who let my group stay in his garden. Gavan | 18 February 2016, CONVENIENT IMMORALITY needs to be the title for our Australian policies on asylum seekers.

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