The Maori language, called Te Reo, is an official language in New Zealand and it is not surprising to hear Maori words sprinkled into everyday conversation, regardless of ancestry. I had heard that Canadians were like Kiwis and Americans were like Aussies and I have to say it’s not completely inaccurate. Public displays of anger are not accepted, however you may come across fighting when there is a lot of alcohol involved usually at sporting events or parties. In the 2018 census, 22,986 people (0.5%) reported the ability to use New Zealand Sign Language.. Popular Wine Trails in Colourful Valleys. I haven’t been to New Zealand yet, but have lived most of my life on the west coast of B.C. Though this performance is something that Canadians tend to find impressive, it should never be imitated or mocked, as it is a sacred ritual and a protected part of New Zealand culture. ). There was some debate in the New Zealand Government about the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB), the Crown corporation that manages assets on behalf of the Canada Pension Plan, trying to buy a 40% stake in Auckland Airport, a strategic asset for the New Zealand government, with the Labour Party trying to block the sale by passing new laws which prevent foreign acquisitions of New Zealand "strategic assets". New Zealand has a unicameral parliamentary system, which means it is made up of only one house. There are historic Maori villages in Rotorua and gold mining villages in Otago. Elections are held at three-year intervals, and a person gets two votes, one for the political party and another for the MP. Making eye contact is important when listening or speaking to others. We are both small population countries with similar wealth at just over $40K GDP per capita (USD). [18], The Strategic Alliance Cyber Crime Working Group' is a new initiative by Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and headed by the United States as a "formal partnership between these nations dedicated to tackling larger global crime issues, particularly organized crime". A bach in NZ is a cottage for those who don’t know. The most popular TV show is “Shortland Street”; a long running soap based in a fictional hospital. They tend to feel under-recognised on a global scale so are more than happy to talk about their home country. 120 members sit in the house of representatives who are voted in using the mixed member proportional voting system. Great post! [16] It will be used to identify policies & issues that affect cyber response & recovery by government agencies. This cultural interpreter grew up in Otorohanga, a small New Zealand farming town. If the special ties with the United States waxed during the postwar years, the historic ones with Great Britain waned further. Both Canada and New Zealand offer "Working Holiday Schemes". Other commonly used words are Aotearoa (New Zealand), kai (food), hui (meeting) and whanau (family – pronounced FAH-now). For instance, one concern was the growing corporatisation of the DNS in the hands of large multinational corporations. The possibility of promotion is a big motivator for good performance. Your email address will not be published. When you take students out of the picture by looking only at network traffic from non-public networks we are seeing about 0.2 blocked threats per user per day. New Zealand and Canada are both exclusive members of a collection of five countries who participate in the highly secretive ECHELON program. However, overall men and women are seen as equals in the workplace. I’m Canadian and have traveled in New Zealand and your comparisons are great. NBA basketball has recently gained attention due to Kiwi star, Steven Adams, but baseball is still fairly non-existent. Did we miss some common similarities between Canucks and Kiwis? Because I am a Kiwi, and I am currently living in NZ we had to research the similarities of Canada & NZ. How do you think about the answers? Recent defence operations include strategic actions in Timor Leste, Bosnia and Afghanistan, training exercises and staff exchanges. all have english speaking people in them and were ruled by Great Britain at one point in history. [19], Map showing the Strategic Alliance Cyber Crime Working Group member countries and lead agencies. New Zealanders do have a very good work ethic which includes showing up on time and performing responsibilities to their best ability. In 2012, I left Canada to spend some time in South America, volunteering with an NGO and teaching English to business professionals. Canada, Australia, and New Zealand have much in common, culturally, so it is not too difficult for a resident of one of those countries to make themselves at home in another of them. Again, here Defenz is doing the same thing for New Zealanders with its local feeds. Moraine Lake and the Canadian Rockies – Alberta, Canada, Lake Matheson and the Southern Alps – South Island, New Zealand. United States is Canada’s Big Brother – Canucks are often confused for Yankees, Australia is New Zealand’s Big Brother – Kiwis are often confused for Aussies. I would have to be split between Ireland and Australia. Ancient Glaciers Surrounded by Spectacular Mountains. You can sign in to vote the answer. New Zealand and Canada are both members of the Commonwealth and have fought in wars together. Either way, if a customer avoids a disastrous ransomware incident or data privacy breach (that in Canada could be subject to fines under our PIPEDA legislation) then it has served its purpose. Still have questions? Kiwi slang can be confusing – a “dairy” is a corner store, to “shout” is to buy a round (of drinks or food) and “tea” can refer to either your drink or your food. The TV show ‘Flight of the Conchord’ about two Kiwi musicians living in NYC is a humorous look into New Zealand culture. We feel the same way. With this footprint they could detect new malicious domains and update the feed within 14-minutes of them being seen for the very first time, anywhere in the world. Both are great countries. Possibly Australia as we are really just a 4 hour plan trip away. Categories: Adventures Canada New Zealand Reflections Top Lists Travel Stories, What a fantastic list! It was there that I met my Kiwi husband and from there moved to New Zealand. Today, though there is widespread acceptance and integration of Maori culture in everyday New Zealand lives, there continues to be some tension on both sides, especially around the day commemorating the historical treaty signing (Waitangi Day). However, since the Statute of Westminster they had both won the power to declare war independently of Britain. Being a manager or superior is considered a position that is earned and usually this position is held by someone who has worked their way to this level. DNS Firewall: What do Canada and New Zealand have in common? They both play similar sports and consequently there is a lot of competition between the two countries. Books – The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton, The Bone People by Keri Hulme, Films – Boy, The Hunt for the Wilderpeople, Whale Rider, Once Were Warriors, The Dark Horse, TV Shows – Shortland Street, Outrageous Fortune, Flight of the Conchords, Top of the Lake, Music – Lorde, Broods, Six60, Fat Freddy’s Drop, Shihad, Crowded House. The exercise was named Cyber Storm 2 and was co-ordinated by the United States Department of Homeland Security and the New Zealand Government Communications Security Bureau. The dry, mountainous landscapes surrounding both wine countries are actually quite similar in nature. If you are working in an office environment your work attire will be business casual. 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New Zealand’s National Heroes can typically be found on the rugby pitch but the All Blacks are not the only well-regarded Kiwis. Ethnicity: The predominant ethnic groups in New Zealand are Maori (pronounced MOW-ree, not may-OR-ee) and Pakeha (PAH-ke-ha – those with European ancestry).

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