For … - "Silly shrimp," said the prince, very haughtily, "it is nothing to do with you," and rode on. The sick King waited long for him, but he came not. He had three sons who were much distressed about it, and went down into the palace-garden and wept. Then the magician came and said: “You must kill me the day before the wedding. © 2020, a VareGuide / Weider Media production. Sign in. Does not the food please you?” “What an idea! This they did, and brought back to the king the dog’s tongue and the rent garment: “Royal Majesty, here is her tongue and garment.” And his Majesty gave them a reward. When the three kings came and saw the golden stairs, they did not like to step on them. But the dwarf bewitched him, and he, like the other, rode into a ravine, and could neither go forwards nor backwards. "Little shrimp," said the prince, "that is nothing to thee," and rode on without giving him another look. Then the second son said, "Father, let me go forth to seek the water," and thought to himself, "If my brother is dead, then the kingdom will fall to me." Then he thought: “But this king will be offended if I do not go, and will declare war against me some time.” He accepted and went. All Rights Reserved. The unfortunate princess was found in the forest by a magician, who took her to his house opposite the royal palace. Water and Salt is an Italian fairy tale, it can be found in the collection Italian Popular Tales, collected by Thomas Frederick Crane. AT 0551 - The Sons on a Quest for a Wonderful Remedy for their Father. Tales of the king’s plight reached beyond the borders, from town to town, and finally to a simple shepherdess’ hut. They told him that their father was so ill that he would most certainly die, for nothing seemed to cure him. So fare haughty people. The prince thought in his heart, "If I bring the water, then I shall be best beloved of my father, and shall inherit the kingdom." The Language of Animals (Italian Folk Tale), The Forest Bride: The Story of a Little Mouse Who Was a Princess, Little Saddleslut (Greek version of Cinderella), Little Red-Cap (Little Red Riding Hood, Grimms' Version), The Little Girl and the Winter Whirlwinds. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. There they met an old man who inquired as to the cause of their grief. There they met an old man who inquired as to the cause of their grief. He had three sons who were much distressed about it, and went down into the palace-garden and wept. Discover more than 3,800 classic tales plus new stories by fairy tale fans. When they finished eating they began to tell stories, and the king told them all about his daughter. Quick! call the executioners, for I will have her killed immediately.”, The other sisters privately gave the executioners a little dog, and told them to kill it and rend one of the youngest sister’s garments, but to leave her in a cave. The salt was so clean and shone so brightly in the sunlight. They remained happy and contented, and here we are with nothing. The eldest said, "I will manage to find it," and went to the sick King, and begged to be allowed to go forth in search of the water of life, for that alone could save him. Padraic Colum was a prolific author and playwright who wrote several collections of stories for... is the world's largest collection of fairy tales, fables and folktales. She asked him if he could still recognize her, and stepping out of the room put on the same dress she wore when he sent her away to be killed. She carried nothing with her but the clothes she wore and her box of salt. But the little dwarf had grown angry, and had wished an evil wish. “You caused me to be killed because I told you I loved you as much as salt and water: now you have seen what it is to eat without salt and water.” Her father could not say a word, but embraced her and begged her pardon. I would rather die." You must invite three kings, your father the first. His daughter said: “Royal Majesty, why do you not eat? It is very fine.” “Why don’t you eat then?” “I don’t feel very well.” The bride and groom helped him to some bits of meat, but the king did not want it, and chewed his food over and over again like a goat (as if he could eat it without salt!). When he received the invitation he said: “And how can I go with this love for my daughter?” And he would not go. These three daughters being at table one day, their father said: “Come now, let us see which of you three loves me.” The oldest said: “Papa, I love you as much as my eyes.” The second answered: “I love you as much as my heart.” The youngest said: “I love you as much as water and salt.” The king heard her with amazement: “Do you value me like water and salt? "No," said the King, "the danger of it is too great. Already a member? You must order the servants to pass water and salt to all the guests except your father.”, Now let us return to the father of this young girl, who the longer he lived the more his love for her increased, and he was sick of grief. Once upon a time there was a king with three daughters. There was once a King who had an illness, and no one believed that he would come out of it with his life. The day before the wedding they killed the magician and quartered him, and put a quarter in each of four rooms, and sprinkled his blood in all the rooms and on the stairway, and the blood and flesh became gold and precious stones. Join now to publish your own tales, get feedback from readers, and enter writing competitions. But he begged so long that the King consented. Over it all went, rags and tags and rotten timbers, till the little ship was as empty as a soup bowl after supper. He just turned round and ran back to the shore, and called out to his ancient old sailor-men and told them to empty everything they had on board over into the sea. They remained happy and contented, and here we are with nothing. At first the King would not allow him to go either, but at last he yielded, so the prince set out on the same road that his brother had taken, and he too met the dwarf, who stopped him to ask, whither he was going in such haste? The water of life There was once a King who had an illness, and no one believed that he would come out of it with his life. Here the king’s son saw her and fell desperately in love with her, and the match was soon agreed upon. “You caused me to be killed because I told you I loved you as much as salt and water: now you have seen what it is to eat without salt and water.” Her father could not say a word, but embraced her and begged her pardon. Soon after this the prince entered a ravine, and the further he rode the closer the mountains drew together, and at last the road became so narrow that he could not advance a step further; it was impossible either to turn his horse or to dismount from the saddle, and he was shut in there as if in prison. That evening they were married: the next day they had a banquet. » Thomas Frederick Crane » Water and Salt. Or Create a free Fairytalez account in less than a minute. Then the old man said, "I know of one more remedy, and that is the water of life; if he drinks of it he will become well again; but it is hard to find."

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