As Brennan grew more successful, he became nearly as famous for his political conservativism as for his acting, eventually embodying the baroque paranoia of a character in “Dr. Yes. Of course, Castro was installed by our own State Department, according to the delusions presented here. For a while there, I thought I was listening to a Mitt Romney speech from last year, not a political Neanderthal from 1965. And yes, Brennan says that social security is a way to steal your money. We get dollars and cents from him but nary a trace of compassion for the “loafers, spongers, welfare cheats, students” which all poor people must be. Brennan had little use for reprobates. And what, I ask you, would a zany rightwing screed be without the homey but totally bullshit little stories that Paul Harvey once specialized in? Brennan knew Batista was good because… his corrupt regime repaid American foreign aide with 20% interest. Because then, as now conservatives hate poor people. Yup. Now, had she give up all their slaves, THAT would have been a sacrifice for it would indeed have broken them financially. All the now-standard conservative bullshit memes are here. Stripping money out of government programs is justified, according to Brennan, because The Founding Fathers didn’t want a free ride. He even tells a Jewish joke but, being essentially a coward as all conservatives are, he changes them to “Dutchmen.” I guess the writer knew better than to screw with Jews. We should all be so broke. Brennan is remembered for his great acting career where was oft imitated for his starring role as curmudgeonly but warm hearted Grandpa Amos McCoy on television’s The Real McCoys. It is funny today, but overall this exercise in political rage and hate makes Archie Bunker sound like St. Francis of Assisi. It has to be heard. Nobody escapes Brennan’s angry conservative stereotyping and vituperation. And get this… THIS WAS SOLD AS A COMEDY ALBUM. So about this nightmare… exactly how will the commies destroy the United States? But the creators of this thing dwell on money. For a woman married to the richest man in America to give up her teacups hardly qualifies as a sacrifice. He died in 1960. In his later years, he was known to canvass co-workers about their voting habits, and if they did anything so radical as vote for a Democrat, he would bewail his country’s impending misfortune. 1940 census summary and census takers worksheet - renting in Los Angeles, California are 35 year old Ward Bond (born Nebraska; occupation "Actor - Moving Pictures"), his 35 year old wife Doris (born West Virginia), 12 year old son Keneth [sic] (born California), and a maid. As Brennan sums up his philosophy, he actually says that Life is just a chase to get money to come in. 3           pt.4, KEY records was the recording arm of the John Birch Society– all are spoken word, far-right, paranoia regarding communist infiltration, often recorded live at JBS conventions (and a lot of them are ridiculously long and lo-fi microgroove LPs.). I’ll refrain from quoting that. Farm worker unions are all controlled by Castro. John was chosen to replace the iconic Ward Bond as wagon-master following Bond’s death in 1960. Walter Brennan reportedly danced a jig and screamed at the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. From his biography-During the 1960s Brennan was convinced that the anti-war and civil rights movements were being run by overseas Communists – and said as much in interviews. We all know that Life is so much more than that. This record does not omit them. He refused to have anything to do with Ward Bond, for instance, because of Bond’s alcoholism and general loutish behavior, and he turned down the part of Jeeter Lester in “Tobacco Road” (1941) because of the character’s shiftlessness. Walter Andrew Brennan(July 25, 1894 – September 21, 1974) was an American actor who won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in 1936, 1938, and 1940, making him one of only three male actors to win three Academy Awards. yes but nefarious using his character to sell his brand of evil. Bond wed Doris Sellers Childs in 1936, and they divorced in 1944. During the 1960s Brennan was convinced that the anti-war and civil rights movements were being run by overseas Communists – and said as much in interviews. No mention of Batista, the corrupt dictator who raped and pillaged the island of Cuba. Witticisms like, “What did Italy ever give us? They are welfare cheats. Although the carefully chosen audience guffaws with wild abandon, most all of the alleged zinger just made me cringe. He was anything but a countrified hillbilly he portrayed in The Real McCoys that he became associated with. The Bond family, John W., Mabel L., and sister Bernice, lived in Benkelman until 1919 when they moved to Denver, Colorado, where Ward graduated from East High School. Here is part of the LP called “He’s Your Uncle, Not Your Dad!”, So buckle up and hear a side of Mr. Brennan that you may not have heard, Side One pt. – so it’s ok. No bigot he.) A list of the films in which he appeared includes many of the classic movies of the Golden Age, ranging from 'It Happened One Night' in 1934, and 'Gone with the Wind' in 1939' to 'Its a Wonderful Life' in 1946, and 'The Searchers' in 1956. This LP is a classic! 2           pt. A few years later Brennan refused to support Richard Nixon for president, claiming he was a “do-gooder” liberal. He also tells the nonsensical story that Martha Washington had to melt down her silver tea service so the new nation could make coins. Walter Brennan was one of the most dangerous actors who ever lived. He refused to have anything to do with Ward Bond, for instance, because of Bond’s alcoholism and general loutish behavior, and he turned down the part of Jeeter Lester in “Tobacco Road” (1941) because of the character’s shiftlessness. (slaps face) How does Brennan know? All this man cares about is money. No wonder vinyl copies go for upwards of $80! Bond was born in Benkelman in Dundy County, Nebraska. And what, I ask you, would a zany rightwing screed be without the homey but totally bullshit little stories that Paul Harvey once specialized in?

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