The city required 1000 tons of food in a day, but the most it received were 100 tons, which was rationed by the authorities. At Kiev, five Soviet armies got trapped and Kiev fell, and over 650,000 Russian troops were killed or captured. Due to their technological sophistication like radar which enabled them detect the U-boats on surface, submerged, or day or night despite the weather conditions. World War II lasted from 1939 to 1945. It began when the British declared war against Germany. The six year naval warfare pitted the German undersea-boats (U-boats), aircraft, surface raiders, warships and later Italian submarines, against the Allied escort warships, and convoys moving military equipment and supplies, across the Atlantic to Great Britain, and the Soviet Union. Estimates put the death toll at 62 and 78 million, including 24 million from the Soviet Union, and 6 million Jews, 60 percent of all the Jewish population in Europe. On April 22nd Hitler, was almost admitting defeat as the route to Berlin was open, but his deputy Martin Bormann urged him to fight on. The United States shifted to a stance of "nonbelligerancy" rather than neutrality so it could find ways to help the Allies, and the Lend-Lease Act (the exchange of materiel aid then for 99-year leases on property to be used for foreign military bases) was proposed late in the year. August 4: Anne Frank and her family are discovered and arrested. Germany lost 100,000 soldiers (captured) during the battle in Minsk. The Battle of the Bulge, however, postponed the Allies marching into Germany for a while. They also lost vast military equipment. To capture these fortifications the Americans would have to engage the Japanese in frontal assaults. Over 3 million Axis troops and 3,500 tanks were involved when Operation Barbarossa began on June 22nd of 1941. On September 1942 General Friedrich Paulus and his Fourth Panzer Army neared Stalingrad aiming to secure oil fields in the Caucasus. In this forest there was a massacre of over 50,000 soldiers and civilians, with majority of the dead being Nazis. Described as the largest sea-land-and-air battle in history, the Battle of Okinawa occurred from April 1st until June 22nd of 1945. His army led by Marshalls Gerd von Rundstedt, and Walther Model, launched a counter attack on a 75 mile dense Ardennes Forest stretch, on a misty winter December 16th morning. Instead Hitler opted for Crimea and Donets Basin to be invaded, due to them being resource rich. May 7: Germany signs an unconditional surrender. This US victory halted the Japanese, Pacific expansion. By the end of 1942, Leningrad had fewer than one million residents. Before landing in Okinawa to anchor, the Americans bombed the Hagushi bay for seven days before April 1st. What ensued was one of the most brutal of World War II battles, and individual streets battles were fought hand to hand. A 200 mile road out of the city was constructed in 27 days by thousands of people to Zaborie. By June 28th, Panzer Group 2, led by General Heinz Guderian and General Hermann Hoth’s Panzer’s Group 4, had surrounded three Russian armies and taken hostage 320,000 men in Bialystok-Minsk. The US also agreed to build escort vessels for the British under the Lend Lease Program. In the 12 week battle, 1733 German aircraft had been destroyed, and 2662 pilots had died, and over 6000 captured or wounded. Bar guerrilla activity, by April 20th all Japanese resistance in the north of Okinawa had been eradicated. General Mitsuru Ushijima commanded the 130,000 Japanese troops on the 450,000 in Population Island, and had been ordered to hold onto the island at all costs. It led to one of the largest ever armored clashes, the Battle of Prokhorovka, fought on July 12, 1943. They succeeded in destroying over 100 Allied aircraft on the ground but the Luftwaffe incurred irreplaceable losses. February 19: Roosevelt issues Executive Order 9066, which allows the. With the Germans trapped in Stalingrad, winter set in, and temperatures dropped way below zero, and food, ammunition, and heating amenities, were inadequate. World War II (WWII) was a long and bloody war that lasted about six years. The Army Group South would invade Ukraine towards Kiev, and the Donbass Industrial Region. By James Karuga on August 26 2019 in Society. In the Pacific, Japan gained more territory in China, but its success was limited by the Communist troops there. He has appeared on The History Channel as a featured expert. August 23: Germany and the Soviet Union sign the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact. To Russia, Stalingrad was a hub for communications and manufacturing. By May the tide had turned against the Germans in the Battle of the Atlantic, as more U-Boats were sunk than Allied merchant vessels. Two other Panzer troops pressed ahead on the far side of Smolensk on July 27th and two more Russian armies were trapped and annihilated, and 300,000 Red Army, taken prisoner. General Simon Buckner, the opposing American land commander, had 180,000 soldiers under his command. The capture of Berlin by the Red Army of Stalin before the Americans' arrival was a source of Soviet prestige and led to German mistrust of the west. Admiral Chester Nimitz, the US Commander in Chief of the US Pacific fleet, had hints the Japanese were planning an attack in the Pacific. The Germans last effort to win the Battle of the Bulge occurred on January 1st 1945 when they assembled 1000 aircraft for Operation Bodenplatte. However, Soviet resistance began increasing. Eventually the Germans surrendered in May 1945. It marked the first time the British and Americans had worked together on an invasion plan, and the first time that American forces fought alongside their European counterparts. The Army Group center led by Field Marshal Fedor von Bock also aimed for Moscow. The first full year of the war saw Germany invading its European neighbors: Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, and Romania, and the bombing of Britain lasted for months. The United States tried to remain neutral, and the Soviet Union invaded Finland. A German salient in Yelnya south-east of Smolensk, was recaptured by the Soviets at a high cost. Salisbury, Harrison. Hitler had expected the invasion to last about ten weeks. Italy may have been defeated in Greece, but that didn't mean that Germany wouldn't take the country. Since Leningrad was never surrendered, Soviet Authorities awarded its people the Order of Lenin, to pay tribute to their endurance in the harrowing siege. But Bletchley codebreakers and long-range aircraft inflicted a serious toll on the U-boats, pretty much ending the Battle of the Atlantic. The Allied soldiers were massacred by Germans soldiers in American uniform disguise. Germany captured Libya, but the Allies started making gains in Africa, and Soviet counterattacks made progress as well in Stalingrad. Their bombing also destroyed power stations, and the city suffered chronic food shortages. The most costly and far-reaching conflict in history, World War II saw an unprecedented number of engagements as the Axis and Allies sought to achieve victory. Hitler ordered them to unite with General Theodor Busse’s 9th army retreating from Oder River, and counter attack the Red Army. By Christmas the German offensive had advanced 50 miles into Allied territory, and forced 4000 Americans to surrender in a day. American troops played a big role in battles to take back France in 1944, including landings on Normandy beaches that caught the Germans by surprise. For the battle, America had 300 warships plus 1139 other ships. They then seized vital crossroads, bridges, and advanced towards Meuse River. Despite the Red Army having 23,000 tanks, and 5 million troops ready to repel German attacks, they were unprepared. Low temperatures in mid November again slowed the German advance giving time for Soviets to be reinforced by reservists and troops from Siberia, and Eastern borders. An advance by Zukhov’s troops to the bridgeheads, found the Germans in fortified positions on Seelow heights further inland, having learned of a looming Soviet attack, from a captured Russian soldier. January 27: After 900 days, the Siege of Leningrad is finally over. The weather also improved and allied bombing flights resumed. Zukhov and Konev troops aggressively advanced to Berlin both sides eager to take credit for its capture. In October, Kharkov City was captured by Germans. But Von Rundstedt’s troops pushed out beyond the pre-1939 Polish frontier. The German led forces were split into three groups- the Army Group North was to invade the Baltic States of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia and also Leningrad. Germany, Italy, and Japan signed a joint military and economic agreement, and Italy invaded Egypt, which was controlled by the British, Albania, and Greece. Josef Stalin motivated his troops to fight for Stalingrad which was named after him. The US Navy and forces attacks at Midway Atoll intensified in the next two days, which compelled the Japanese to abandon the battle and return to Japan. On 17th September Hitler recognized the futility of the battle and postponed the invasion of Britain. The Siege of Leningrad began on September 8th, 1941 and lasted until January 27th, 1944.

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