This paved the way for Jim Crow segregation. Pete Musico, left, is one of the founding members of the Wolverine Watchmen, as is Joseph Morrison, right. Trump uses more religious terms in his set-piece addresses than any other president in the last 100 years. A scholar explains the emergence of conspiracy theories at the time. From setting passwords to cultivating patience, a mindful approach to virtual working, studying and socializing can make life online manageable. Americans aren’t worried about white nationalism in the military – because they don’t know it’s there, Being outdoors doesn’t mean you’re safe from. Millions of college students have been living at home since their campuses closed due to the coronavirus. — SOAS Festival of Ideas: Decolonising Knowledge, Constructive invisibility, dangerous visibility, basically ensured that the Electoral College produces a winner, courses on presidential elections for two decades, Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images, most relevant precedent for that scenario, policy of Black political and economic inclusion in the post-Civil War South, Sign up for The Conversation’s newsletter. That’s why they created the Electoral College, assigning to state legislatures the responsibility for choosing “electors” who then determine the president. Renaming a national holiday to celebrate Native culture is one thing, but many Indigenous peoples are looking for greater recognition of the land grab that deprived them of ancestral homes. Some 44,000 people – about one-hundredth of 1% of the US population -- have given $10,000 or more each to this election. They gave Donald Trump his winning margin in 2016. Be Curious Alex Brandon/Getty Images News via Getty Images. There are 45 million Americans of German ancestry. Directed by Francis Ford Coppola. Ancient microbial life used arsenic to thrive in a world without oxygen. House delegations from each state meet to decide how to cast their single vote. This could have happened in 2000, and it is an imaginable outcome in 2020. Though the House has a Democratic majority, such an outcome would almost certainly benefit Trump. Election 2020 sees record $11 billion in campaign spending, mostly from a handful of, Packing the Court: Amid national crises, Lincoln and his Republicans remade the Supreme Court to fit their agenda, Appealing to evangelicals, Trump uses religious words and references to God at a higher rate than previous presidents, Workers can expect sympathy from Amy Coney Barrett – as long as they don’t bring a class action to defend their rights, Getting kids – and their caregivers – to practice STEM at home, Teachers play a critical role in shaping girls’ future as coders, Evangelical leaders like Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell Sr. have long talked of conspiracies against God’s chosen – those ideas are finding resonance today, Nobel Peace Prize spotlights the links between hunger and conflict, Indigenous Peoples Day comes amid a reckoning over colonialism and calls for return of Native land, Economists are more like storytellers than scientists – don’t let the Nobel for ‘economic sciences’ fool you, What you – and doctors – should watch for if you have, Lessons from embedding with the Michigan militia – 5 questions answered about the group allegedly plotting to kidnap a governor. A new hands-on learning program helps families with young children build their engineering skills. The COVID-19 new normal might be here for quite some time. Amy Coney Barrett has issued mixed rulings when it comes to workers. [Deep knowledge, daily. Hope of a nonpartisan outcome was dashed when the one impartial commissioner resigned and was replaced by a Republican judge. Currently, this arrangement favors the Republicans. How ancient microbes survived in a world without oxygen has been a mystery. Though the Electoral College has changed significantly since the 18th century, it has mostly kept Congress out of presidential selection. If the the 2020 U.S. presidential election is contested, both campaigns are preparing to take the matter to court.But the Founding Fathers meant for Congress to … The neural cruelty of captivity: Keeping large mammals in zoos and aquariums damages their brains, Tips for living online – lessons from six months of the. Masking up is one way to cut down on risk of COVID-19 infection. Shutterstock. Food policy at a time of crisis: what should the future look like? Trump campaigning for votes in Pittsburgh in late September 2020. All rights reserved. — History suggests diseases fade but are almost never truly gone, Dementia deaths rise during the summer of COVID, leading to concern, Epic miscalls and landslides unforeseen: The exceptional catalog of polling failure, Doing this one thing helps community college students transfer to a, 3 ways to get your point across while wearing a mask – tips from an, Plot to kidnap Michigan’s governor grew from the militia movement’s toxic mix of constitutional falsehoods and, Schools often fail to identify gifted and talented students – especially if they are Black, Latino or Native American, Restoring California’s forests to reduce wildfire risks will take time, billions of dollars and a broad commitment, Dominance or democracy? In it, only believers? An incoming student and family members tour the campus at California State University, Fullerton, in August. Leeds, Leeds, Food policy at a time of crisis: what should the future look like? But it’s not the current House that would decide a contested 2020 election. For working to reverse it, the U.N. World Food Program has received the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize. Molina, who died on Oct. 8, 'thought climate change was the biggest problem in the world long before most people did.' Not all students have equal access to gifted and talented services. Generally, the framers sought to avoid congressional involvement in presidential elections. The Christian right began to coalesce around social and cultural changes in the late 1970s. Money can’t buy you love, but it may be able to buy you political influence. Because of a post-Civil War rule allowing Congress – read, Northern Republicans worried about Black voter suppression – to dispute the vote count in Southern states and bypass local courts, Congress established a commission to resolve the disputed 1876 returns. George W. Bush and Al Gore argued for a month over Bush’s slim, 327-vote advantage in Florida’s second machine recount. There are 538 electors, so a minimum majority to win is 270. So the outcome depends on congressional races. Thomas Jefferson was chosen in 1800 and John Quincy Adams in 1824. Daily | The many shapes of recessions and recoveries. The Conversation won the Grand Prix du Festival International du Film, the highest honor at the 1974 Cannes Film Festival. A team of researchers found the southernmost tree and forest on Earth at the extreme tip of South America. A tie in the Electoral College remains a possibility, however remote. America’s top economists like to tell stories. Showdowns. A paranoid, secretive surveillance expert has a crisis of conscience when he suspects that the couple he is spying on will be murdered. This is not the first time the prospect of state legislatures ignoring the popular vote and appointing their own slate of electors has arisen. Authoritarian white masculinity as Trump and Pence’s political debate strategy, Pandemic presents an opportunity for small liberal arts colleges to change. Cardiff, Cardiff [Caerdydd GB-CRD], SOAS Festival of Ideas: Decolonising Knowledge Are educators recognizing and rewarding the right behaviors? The Electoral College must cast its ballots on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December – this year, Dec. 14. If the the 2020 U.S. presidential election is contested, both campaigns are preparing to take the matter to court. 279,700 extra deaths in the US so far in this pandemic year, Until a coronavirus vaccine is ready, pneumonia vaccines may reduce deaths from, How do pandemics end? The 9-member Chase Court in 1867, dominated by Northern Republicans. Weekend | The best bet for American democracy, history shows, is a clear and decisive victory in the Electoral College, as the framers intended. Two strategies stand out. A scholar who spent time in refugee camps argues that Bangladesh's culture as well as a painful history of a war in which 10 million sought refuge played a role in the country's opening up of its borders. Purple microbial mats offer clues to how ancient life functioned. The website 270toWin lists 64 hypothetical scenarios in which both Joe Biden and Donald Trump could get 269 electors. under which this service is provided to you. Barrett has written 15 opinions in cases involving employment law that offer a window into her nuanced approach to disputes between workers and employers. Another way Congress could become involved in the 2020 election is if there are disputes about the vote totals in various states. IMDb Thriller. Reluctantly, they assigned the House of Representatives to step in if that happened – presumably because as the institution closest to the people, it could bestow some democratic legitimacy on a “contingent election.”. Over time, the development of a two-party system with national nominating conventions – which allows parties to broker coalitions and unite behind a single presidential candidate – has basically ensured that the Electoral College produces a winner. Justin Sullivan / POOL / AFP/Getty Images. Villagers collect World Food Programme aid dropped from a plane Feb. 6 in South Sudan. News | Box Office Mojo and IMDb are trademarks or registered trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. More penises are appearing on TV and in film – but why are nearly all of them prosthetic? Colgate University is a small liberal arts college in upstate New York. The 2000 election offers the only modern precedent for contested vote returns. A worker inspects vials of a SARS CoV-2 vaccine for COVID-19 produced by SinoVac at its factory in Beijing on Sept. 24, 2020. Yes, more and more young adults are living with their parents – but is that necessarily bad? President Trump’s messages discounting mask-wearing have worried public health professionals. A ‘V’ recovery is seen as the best way to bounce back from a recession. Wind limits where trees grow on Isla Hornos and those wind patterns are shifting. But the framers could foresee circumstances – namely, a fragmented race between little-known politicians – where no presidential candidate would secure an Electoral College majority. The commission voted along party lines to give all 20 disputed electors to Hayes.

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