Now that every player knows which team they are on, the leader will now announce for everyone to close their eyes (including themselves). If the majority rejects the team then the leader token is passed to the next player clockwise. Play as a secret agent attempting to thwart subversive elements working against the government, or play as the resistance attempting to liberate themselves from their tyrannical leaders. The spies know who the other spies are, but Resistance members do not. He then must form a new team for the same mission. Each mission has a leader. The mission cards will indicate whether or not the mission succeeds or fails. It creates this weird situation where odd damage gets 1 damage removed because of rounding down when halving due to resistances. After the leader has assigned the appropriate number of tokens for the mission, all players, whether they are on the mission or not, vote on whether or not to proceed with the mission. After the spies have seen each other then the leader announces for the spies to close their eyes again and then announces for everyone to open their eyes once a moment was given for the spies to close their eyes again. It usually only takes one spy on the mission team to sabotage a mission, but sometimes the fourth mission requires two. Rules of The Resistance. Shuffle the identity card so that there is one card per player and the number of spy cards in the mix is equal to how many the board indicates. Once all the gun tokens have been given out in accordance with the mission requirements then all the players vote on the team as to whether they approve or reject it. Approximately one third of the players are randomly chosen as spies; the rest are members of the Resistance. The object of the game is to be the first team to get three points. Suggested age: Teen+. Additionally, you move up the vote track by one. Game Pieces. Number of players: 5-10. Also, if the player is on the blue resistance team they must turn in a success card facedown. You are allowed to say anything, to any one, at any time -- as long as it is said publicly. As with the normal game, each mission can only be attempted once. As an Amazon Associate i earn from qualifying purchases. If there are 1 or more fail votes, then the mission fails (exception: 4th mission of 7 or more players require an additional fail vote for the mission to fail), otherwise the mission is successful. The unused mission cards should also be shuffled before the votes are revealed. The players vote on the mission and the team. Each round you have to complete missions. Learn more about how we use cookies in our cookie policy. The leader proposes a mission team of a certain size, which the group approves by public vote. The game requires between five and ten players. The number inside the mission circle indicates how many players need to make up the team for that mission. 5 players in order from 1st mission to 5th mission = 2, 3, 2, 3, 3 team tokens, 6 players 1st mission to 5th = 2, 3, 4, 3, 4 team tokens, 7 players 1st mission to 5th = 2, 3, 3, 4, 4 team tokens, 8 players 1st mission to 5th = 3, 4, 4, 5, 5 team tokens, 9 players 1st mission to 5th = 3, 4, 4, 5, 5 team tokens, 10 players 1st mission to 5th = 3, 4, 4, 5, 5 team tokens. The cards that were not turned in remained facedown and get shuffled into the rest of the mission cards after a mission move the round marker over one and the leader selects another team. Place the round and vote trackers on the board. The game consists of up to five missions. The Resistance is one of the best games to play in a group. Each player selects a vote token to indicate whether or not they like the team for the mission. However sometimes you don’t have your deck with you but might have access to a deck of regular cards and the game is possible with a regular deck of cards. Links to products on Amazon are affiliate. Once a player selects their response, they return it, face down, to the leader who then shuffles the responses so that it cannot be determined who gave which answer. King Of Tokyo Rules: How Do You Play King Of Tokyo. Approximately one third of the players are randomly chosen as spies; the rest are members of the Resistance. Number of tokens to be assigned per mission is determined by the number of players and the mission that you are on. Once a mission team is chosen, it votes by secret ballot whether the mission succeeds or fails. Take note, sometimes a mission will require two fails instead of one. Once all the team members have turned in their mission cards two separate players must shuffle them. 6 players = 4R 2S, 7 players = 4R, 3S, 8 players =5R 3S, 9 players = 6R 3S, 10 players = 6R, 4S. Deal one identity card to each player. Game type: Social, Deduction, Deception, Misdirection . And finally, the last, but most important rule of all: Additionally, there are two rule variants: The game requires between five and ten players. Each player receives a set (two) of vote tokens. If three missions succeed, the Resistance wins. Game type: Social, Deduction, Deception, Misdirection. The 5th mission may only be selected after 2 other missions have been completed. Resistance members will always vote for success, but spies have the option of voting for success or failure. If the team is rejected then the round ends without starting the mission, and the leader passes to the left and the team building phase is repeated. Once the votes are revealed, if the majority has approved, then the round continues to the mission phase. The mission leader gives each team member he wants to send on the mission one gun token. Fell free to share this post and leave a comment. During the game, players are encouraged to talk and discuss however they’d like to help them figure out who’s who and who should go on missions. If this happens 5 times in a row without the mission proceeding then the resistance loses the game. Once in the mission phase, the leader will assign a set of mission cards to each of the players on the mission. The round is over and leader passes to the left. There are two teams the blue resistance, and the red spies. Then the leader reveals the cards. If the majority approves the team then each member of the team is given two mission cards one success and one fail. If all the mission cards are a success then you put a resistance token there instead of giving the resistance one point. There are two teams the blue resistance, and the red spies. Setup. Rules. Overview. The game requires between five and ten players. Now, everyone can open their eyes and the game begins. This is done so that spies know who the other spies are, but the resistance team should not know who the spies are or who the other resistance players are. Capcom's Resident Evil Resistance is a 1 vs. 4 asymmetric online survival horror experience set in the world of Resident Evil, and part of the Resident Evil 3 package.

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