Maintenance of Vegetation Status and Soil Formation: The annual floods coupled with the annual burning of the grassland are the two most important and major factors, which influence the vegetation of the park. Name the types of nitrogenous bases present in the RNA. Doug Donald has been writing online since 2004, covering business, relationships, health/exercise and food. Various streams and beels of the Kaziranga National Park serve the purpose of breeding grounds and nursery for large fish population. 2. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to share notes in Biology. Percentage increase of these animals taking 1966 as the base year shows a stable growth up to 1984 except elephant and samber. along the course of the river Nile in Egypt). Content Guidelines 2. As flood waters rise they can flow into low-lying properties. People living on or near floodplains may rely upon regular flooding to help support their farming and therefore provide food. Moreover, the stated relation between flood and quantity of biodiversity can be emphasized with the comparison of the percentage increase/decrease in some selected animal population (Figure 1) and flood level taken in different areas of the park in different years (Figure 2). The process is repeated every year in the park, which helps in formation of fresh vegetation. This website includes study notes, research papers, essays, articles and other allied information submitted by visitors like YOU. Once again, the devastating flood of 1998 has disturbed the stable growth of animal population with its direct or other indirect short-term and long-term impacts. Addition of proposed areas to the present park territory will not only provide additional land but also corridors needed for animal movement and migration. This will prevent the habitat loss and siltation during floods to a large extent. Floods can bring water back to dry areas (e.g. Our team of exam survivors will get you started and keep you going. In the year 1998 the flood of river Brahmaputra had inundated more than 95 per cent of the park area causing tremendous devastation by its waves. Considering the retreating level, the park has lost 28.87 sq. What Are the Environmental Problems in Lagos? There is a correlation between the magnitude of flood and the quantity of biodiversity of the area. This is partly because LEDCs have more farms, and farming communities are attracted to fertile flood plains. Share Your PPT File. They could not keep pace with earlier increasing status. However, flooding can also have positive impacts on an area. Share Your PDF File During floods, all the grasslands are submerged under water. TOS4. Some people who live close to river courses find it difficult to get insurance whilst others cannot afford the insurance premiums. They also carry and deposit nutrient-rich sediments that support both plant and animal life in wetlands. Flood has its both short-term as well as long-term negative impact on its biodiversity and both results into severe destruction to the whole ecosystem. Flood causes animal as well as floral morality in the national park. People have come to regard floods as disasters. Moreover, awareness programmes and environmental education should be carried out so that the villagers feel themselves as the proper custodian of the park. What are the general characters of bryophytes? LEDCs often do not have the resources to prevent flooding or deal with the aftermath of flooding. It also corre­lates with the percentage area submerged by flood in different years. This again results in the overall reduction of the area under water bodies. Erosion is primarily attributed to the instability of the river in this region. km of area due to erosion during 1967 to 1998. People’s participation and government initiative are two necessities for fulfilling every step for the well-being of the national park. Floods contribute to the health of ecologically important wetland areas. Positive Impacts of Flood on Biodiversity: This national park developed naturally with its numerous biodiversity. 6. During the flood season, communication between the various camps and with the range headquarters becomes very difficult.

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