encourages his teammates to think outside of the box and to be more creative with solutions. understands how to manage personalities similar to his, but has not worked very hard managing other types of personalities on his team. has a difficult situation with the team he manages, yet he has turned them around in excellent fashion. Performance appraisal is a time-consuming and scrupulous process, which requires a thorough and detailed employee assessment.   was a great individual performer but so far has not proven she is a good manager. Evaluation forms can be great sources of feedback as well as effective marketing tools. For the most part, has been good with his schedule. demonstrates a desire to avoid working with others. Open on an upbeat note. He is very good at dealing with irate customers in a calm and rational manner. is far too focused on finding new ways to accomplish things rather than cooperate with others in a process which is already well tested and defined. is a creative guy but he has a tendency to act before thinking. ’s average time per call is too high and needs to be reduced this year. is one of our most proficient customer service trainers and demonstrates this when she’s working in customer care. Sets personal goals, and makes sure he meets them. is the consummate team player. Look through your notes and supplement them with your employees’ job descriptions, last year’s appraisal, the objectives that you established with your employees, each employee’s file, and your employees’ self-evaluations and 360-degree feedback forms (if you use them). These cookies do not store any personal information. schedules his time off well in advance. He seems to always be in “survival mode” without focusing on the goals necessary to move his team forward. He needs to learn how to handle customers in a more efficient manner. Indulges in effective communication with colleagues, seniors, supervisors, clients, and media. Lets personal prejudices interfere with the functioning of the team and the work environment. is one of the most technical employees we have. gets upset when co-workers do not help him, yet he does not offer assistance to others. Indulges in unethical and unscrupulous behavior within the work premises. These tips will help you to manage your employees more effectively and ensure that they meet future performance goals. understands how to listen to customers and extract those details which make a big difference when dealing with our clients. Even if we are behind on production, does not show a willingness to help her employees out. seems unwilling to consider new or intriguing ideas, even when the team runs out of your run-of-the-mill ideas. has consistently high marks on his customer satisfaction surveys. She frequently has a smile on her face and you can tell she enjoys her job. gives of himself to make sure the job is well done. must improve her foreign language skills to stay competitive in this industry. works well with members of his own team, yet he has an “us” against “them” mentality when it comes to others within the company. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. follows the phone scripting in a rigid and inflexible way. Always tries to improve in his or her arena of work. As you appraise an employee’s performance, you can pack a powerful punch if you use certain key words. Avoids necessary and constructive confrontation at all times. Here are some sample employee evaluation comments that you can refer to while conducting the next appraisal review…   should learn the technical concepts required for his position. Is not viewed as a source of inspiration or enthusiasm by his peers or subordinates. Here are the most effective words you can use in a variety of job performance appraisal categories: Quality and quantity of work: accuracy, thoroughness, productivity, and goal attainment, Communication and interpersonal skills: teamwork, cooperation, listening, persuasion, and empathy, Planning, administration, and organization: goal setting, prioritizing, and profit orientation, Leadership: accessibility, responsiveness, decisiveness, collaboration, and delegating, Job knowledge and expertise: knowledge base, training, mentoring, modeling, and researching, Attitude: dedication, loyalty, reliability, flexibility, initiative, energy, and volunteering, Ethics: diversity, sustainability, honesty, integrity, fairness, and professionalism, Creative thinking: innovation, receptiveness, problem solving, and originality, Self-development and growth: learning, education, advancement, skill building, and career planning. takes on new tasks with ease, but when it comes time to communicate with other team members and train them on these tasks, John does not perform very well. demonstrates the secret to success is not who works the longest, but who works the smartest. Her attitude is one which should be emulated. holds too many meetings; fewer would be more effective. is an asset because he can effectively work with other teams and departments.   has a tendency to play favorites and not treat all employees fairly. When the pressure is on and there is a choice to blink or not, too frequently blinks. Generates and fulfills goals to improve profits, productivity, and performance targets. is very competent communicator. Once promoted to supervisor, she has taken a hands off approach to the detriment of her team. A consolidated list of positive & negative employee performance review phrases that could be handy during your company performance review process. has shown a tendency to be a matter-of-fact manager, but in his position, thinking in a more resourceful manner would do him well. faithfully commits to get the job done and consistently performs at or above expectations. Discuss the overall ratings with your employees and provide specific information regarding the criteria that you used to determine them. This provides a bad impression for his coworkers and employees. These performance appraisal phrases will help supervisors to  create their performance appraisal, by providing suggestions of phrases and wording to be used on appraisal forms. Uses libelous, derogative language to humiliate co-workers. I hope you found the review phrases materials useful for managing with your job tasks efficiently. Workplace performance appraisals and reviews can often be challenging for managers and supervisors. Objectives Management, Continuous 360° Feedback, Performance … His staff is frequently among the top performers in the company for on-time arrivals. His communication skills have improved tremendously this year. refuses to share crucial information with co-workers for fear he will be marginalized. When we think of “steadfast,” comes to mind. has a very strong personality and this has caused a rift on our team. These performance appraisal phrases will help supervisors to create their performance appraisal, by providing suggestions of phrases and wording to be used on appraisal … starts meetings and ends them on time. We have had no issues with ’s schedule – he has good attendance and does not deviate from the standard attendance policy. Behaves in an overtly friendly manner with everybody even at the risk of crossing personal boundaries of other people. is very professional with him employees and manages them well. coordinates individual workers together to meet deadlines and work effectively as a team. Excels in detecting glitches, flaws, or imperfections at the earliest possible chance. does not communicate effectively and clearly. gives off an impression of superiority to those around him. Rarely takes initiative without being coerced. Ideas are original, inventive, and dynamic. can find a point of connection with just about anyone. If a manager or a person on a senior level has a good stock of precise, clear, and constructive performance appraisal phrases, it not only aids the identification of strengths and weaknesses of people who work in the organization but also helps to ascertain and give every employee what he/she truly deserves. We are fortunate to have Greg on our team. is willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done – even perform tasks or jobs that are not her own. The more familiar you are with your employees and their performance, the more accurate and acceptable your feedback will be. has proved to be an ineffective communicator. Mull over, mug up words, spend the entire night thinking, and reach office the next day dreading a performance appraisal you have to conduct. does not research solutions deeply enough and often just compiles ideas found on Web sites. Whenever runs into an obstacle, he has a tendency to stop and ask for help. Keeps from appreciating or rewarding the achievements of those working under him. constantly searches for new ideas and ways to improve efficiency. takes great pride in his work. skillfully overcomes client objections. ✓ He maintains a positive outlook and this is appreciated when making … is able to handle his clients well and does not have any complaints against him. There should be no ambiguity in that regard. We start off with one of the most basic things to keep in mind while giving a performance appraisal and that is to be objective. seems more intent on accomplishing his tasks rather than assisting others who might need help. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Workplace performance appraisals and reviews can often be challenging for managers and supervisors. should keep his conversations work related. is a very loyal guy, but not a very dependable one. Clarify the overall ratings. is a very good with punctuality, but her staff is not. is one of our hardest workers and demonstrates to us that he cares about his job, his coworkers, and the company. It’s nice to see how isn’t concerned about herself and continually contributes to the success of those around her. There is a place and time for realism, yet consistently strikes a practical, hard-nosed look at things without thinking how she could creatively solve a problem. is in a difficult situation: he inherited a team that frankly was a mess. His natural ability to work with people is a great asset to our team. does not effectively communicate – both written and verbal communication must be improved. is often tardy for work and despite repeated warnings, does not respect the attendance policy. Back-time the process. She needs to better manage the team to company-required schedules.

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