In Germany, there are 4 major mobile carriers Telekom, Vodafone, o2 and Eplus, while the latter ones will soon merge into one company. Not all German banks require a German permanent address in order to accept you as a client. So probably if you like to have 4 seasons and you don’t mind some years of missing summers and harsh winters then Germany will be the right place for you. But also if you left your party days behind you Berlin offers a lot of options to enjoy your time with kids and family. To help you out we put together an overview of the best German internet providers. Moving to Germany – The Complete Guide – Insider tip: 1&1 Internet offers some of the best deals for internet in Germany. Visa regulations are, compared to other countries, quite relaxed. But if you plan to move to Germany for good you need a proper resident visa. Keep on reading if you plan on moving to Hamburg. Moving to Germany is a treat for people such as yourself, who are used to paying American prices. How to Get Flight Itinerary and Hotel Booking for Visa Application. You can check out this information on the website of the universities, which... ein, eine, einen, and einem in the German Language, all are more or less equivalent to the English indefinite article a/an. Depending on many factors like whether you are a student or you are working in Germany, or if you prefer online banking to normal banks, there are many different choices. Some Popular Berlin Museums that will Blow your Mind, Working in Germany: New Rules for Non-EU Nationals, Mobile Phone Service Providers in Germany, Asian Markets/ Grocery Stores in Berlin, Germany, QIOZ – An online digital platform to learn french, germany, spanish, and english, Amazon Prime Membership Offers for Students and for Regular Customers, Planning for Germany? As an EU citizen, you will not have any problems to move to Germany. People from all over the world are finding that there are benefits to Germany that few countries have. Finding the best German bank account is a difficult task, that is why we put together a detailed overview of the best German bank accounts available. But this was only a very basic overview over the best German mobile carriers so if you still need to find the right one for you we have put together more detailed information of the best German mobile contracts. So whenever the sun is out Berliner’s pilgrimage to a free spot in the park to catch some sun. Moving to Germany – The Complete Guide – Insider tip: What most people, unfortunately, don’t know is that you can already sign up with a German bank from abroad. All non-EU citizens and citizen that are not from the countries mentioned before need a valid visa before entering Germany. You can still use your German licence in the UK for short visits or exchange it for a UK licence without taking a test if you return to live in the UK. ). And if you like to stay flexible you can choose an option for a monthly plan which does not lock you in like other electricity providers do. There are always some open airs, day-long raves, etc. For all students in Germany... Hi Friends!, this blog post is useful for those who were looking to find some information like to study in Germany, to... Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new virus. Now is probably the best time to move to Germany. And let me tell you Berlin is, in fact, the coolest place to live in Germany. In order to feel like a proper German, you need to know what people are talking about. Most likely foreign companies send their employees to Berlin, Munich or Hamburg as most foreign companies have offices in these cities. Hamburg also offers a lot of good job opportunities, especially in media and logistics. This may be very handy as you have nothing to do, but it also means that you probably pay more than you should. Probably one of the most important things to take care of after your visa and registration is opening a German bank account. The economy is still one of the best in Europe, people are friendly, cities are usually clean and safe and Germany is a very friendly country. But non-EU citizens need to be aware that they only can stay 90 days in Germany on a tourist visa. Berlin is the greenest capital I know. In general, Telekom is the priciest option but has by far the best quality of the connection. Make sure to check if some of their offers suit your needs. Open a German Bank Account We also provide some German Language Tips and some blogs about life in Germany. Hamburg may be best described as a mixture of Berlin and Munich. And best of all Hamburg naturally due to its big harbour offers some of the best seafood in Germany. Germany has increasingly become a more attractive moving place. Do I need a Visa for short stays in Germany? Especially the areas around Prenzlauer Berg are very kid-friendly and you will see young families everywhere. This sounds like a no-brainer, but many people moving to Germany don’t follow this advice. The first thing you will need to do is organize your visa. This includes citizens from the US, Australia, Canada or New Zealand, just to name a few. Well for a lot of reasons, let me try to name a few. The root of... Find out if you can apply for German Citizenship or Permanent Residence, and what benefits they offer. Also depending on where in Germany you live you need to register straight after moving here or you have up to 2 weeks for that. in Berlin) and let them know your new address. Now with the most important tasks out of the way it is time to give you an overview of the best cities to live in Germany provided that you can choose your favourite German city. Some of them come with a free VISA card others only include an EC-card, which sometimes comes in handy. So Hamburg is like a compromise between Berlin and Munich. Moving to Germany – The Complete Guide – Insider tip: Right now E WIE EINFACH is our favourite choice of a German electricity provider. Munich, because Hamburg is very expensive, posh and clean and Berlin, because it still has St. Pauli or Schanzenviertel, which are as laid back as Friedrichshain or Kreuzberg in Berlin. Obviously, before you move to Germany you need to know if you need a visa. One thing you need to know about German internet providers is that they might need 3-6 weeks before they can provide you with your internet connection. But this is not the only thing you have to consider. So if you are planning to party a lot after moving to Germany Berlin is your place to be. Clean, organized and safe. What many people forget to do is to register with the authorities as soon as possible. Munich is nice, Munich is pretty and Munich even has the Oktoberfest. A few things you need to find out for yourself is if you want to sign up for 24 months (which will be cheaper but not flexible in case you move away again) or if you prefer contracts that can be cancelled by the end of each month. The benefits of moving to Germany do not stop there. Just have a look on Google maps and you will see the unbelievable amounts and size of parks within the city centre, like Tiergarten, Tempelhof or Volkspark Friedrichshain. Also sometimes it is cheaper to only get the contract and buy the hardware on eBay or Amazon while some German internet providers offer discounted hardware if you sign up for 24 months. While Berlin is as flat as a pancake Munich offers world-class skiing options right at the doorstep. This is why we put together (The Complete Guide) the most important things you need to know when moving to Germany. Why? As you may have noticed there is a lot of hype about Berlin nowadays. On top of their excellent online member area + toll-free customer service telephone number, they also have some of the best prices available. What you need to do is take care of all administration tasks right away so that you can enjoy all the advantages of living in Germany from the start. Top reasons why Berlin is the best city for Expats! Again there are millions of choices, whether you want a 24 months contract, a prepaid card, you need extra mobile data or your focus is the good connection even in rural areas. But Munich has two things that Berlin does not have. In Berlin, Germany, there are a lot of Grocery Stores and you can find most things in Germany but you can’t find... You have entered an incorrect email address! Eplus and o2 are very good if you live in the city and you want to find the cheapest deals on all net flats including mobile internet. Moving to Germany – The Complete Guide – Insider tip: 1&1 does not only offer great deals on the internet but they also have some good offers on mobile contracts. For many visitors, it is even possible to come to Germany first and then apply for a visa. Whether you're looking for immigration requirements, must-watch German movies, or public holiday dates, you'll find them here. This brings me to the next point Berlin is all about having a good time and not so much about working 24/7 like in other parts of Germany. This is an awful long time so if possible you should already take care of choosing a German internet provider before moving to Germany, provided that you already have found a place to stay already. For everyone else you just need to escape in winter for 2 weeks to a nice sunny destination for holiday and then come back and enjoy living in Germany again. The most common type of visa is the working visa, which requires proof of employment, your ID, and a payment of 60 EUR (67 USD). Especially for EU citizens, it has never been easier to move to Germany than it is now. Berlin offer the service that you can register with their address if you are not living in your own place yet) go to the local Bürgeramt or Rathaus and register yourself. You’re in the right place to prepare yourself for your German future, so you can seize life by the lederhosen when you do arrive in Deutschland . Munich is saved, Munich is clean but Munich also can be (for exactly the same reasons) boring and very snobbish. Either way, the most important thing is to make sure your internet contract includes WLAN, as some internet service providers still charge extra for that. One tip, and believe me I know what I am talking about here, don’t put off the registration with the authorities in Germany, this could get you into some big troubles even years later. Winters might get rough especially in the East, where the climate is influenced by the cold winds coming from Russia. On top of their excellent online member area + toll-free customer service telephone number, they also have some of the best prices available. Driving licences are issued at local authority level in Germany. So if you plan on working a lot and focusing on your career after moving to Germany Munich is your obvious choice. Once you move into a new flat you will automatically be signed up with the local electricity company (called Grundversorger). And even though more than 1.3 million people live in Munich it still feels like a small town, which is nice sometimes. The cost of living in large German cities is relatively low compared to other Western European countries. Continue reading if you are planning on moving to Munich for some great insider tips. So pack your belongings and move to Germany now, you will not regret it. Depending on which city you have moved to you need to find the Einwohnermeldeamt (e.g. This blog post is all about Some cheap and expensive things in Germany. So what are you waiting for? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sometimes it comes in handy if you sign up for both with the same provider. in Bavaria) or the Bürgeramt (e.g. In the South, you will find Spätzle, which are similar to pasta but way better or in the North, you will get a lot of fresh seafood. Usually, most of the German internet service providers offer you internet and a land-line at the same time.

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