This money is 'cuz hate my … Continue reading →, Tiger Beat on the Potomac breathlessly tells us: SCOOP: JAIME HARRISON raised another $1 million-plus Thursday — his second consecutive day raising north of a million dollars after a Quinnipiac poll had the Democratic challenger tied with Sen. LINDSEY GRAHAM … Continue reading →, Senatorette Lindsey Graham’s reelection is becoming increasingly competitive: The Cook Political Report on Monday moved its forecast of South Carolina’s Senate race, which features Lindsey Graham (R) seeking re-election, from “likely Republican” to “lean Republican.” The state of play: The … Continue reading →, If you need a reminder, amply be-chinned Mitch McConnell was not involved in any of the negotiations for a relief bill, and Republican Senators have been saying for weeks that probably 20 or so of their ranks would not vote … Continue reading →, Guys, Senatorette Lady-G is in trouble! Someone please remind us: What was the point of a GOP majority again? Morning Consult Poll: Lindsey Graham Leads Jaime Harrison By Six. The Coming Joe Biden Landslide … Is The ‘Blue Wave’ Legit? Submit your own letter to the editor (or guest column) via-email HERE. Box 443Portland, ME 04112-0443USA, Common Dreams is a small nonprofit with a big mission. “I’ll tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,” Biden said – one of many race-related gaffes committed over the course of the campaign by the 77-year-old career politician. Curiously, Graham received some air cover on this questionable remark from reporter Joe Bustos of The (Columbia, S.C.) State newspaper. Related Topics: Donald Trump Featured Jaime Harrison Lady G Lindsey Graham Sean Harding. Isn’t this the guy Democrats once referred to as former president Barack Obama’s “best GOP ally?”. During this morning's questioning of Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R–S.C.) Banner: Lindsey Graham for U.S. Senate. ", "In the midst of a pandemic that is devastating the constituents and communities we serve, and an election where millions of Americans have already cast their vote for the next president of the United States," Wilkins said, "the U.S. Senate is rushing the confirmation of a nominee who jeopardizes our healthcare, reproductive access, and racial justice gains.". The consequence of this rushed process is that we have given inadequate scrutiny to this nominee. You may like. The Internet's Band of Incorrigible Spitballers® Since 2006, Association of State Democratic Chair Contact List, How to Contact Your Representative/Committees, Searchable Database Of Trump’s Speaches, Tweets, Statements. Common DreamsP.O. Senator Lady G Had A Bad Day On Petunia & Pals. What Does Putin Have On Senatorette Graham? Because of people like you, another world is possible. ", "On behalf of the millions of Americans we represent," reads the letter, "we, the undersigned state and local officials, ask you to refuse to consider a nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court before Inauguration Day 2021. "We have never done this before as a committee.". asked Barrett whether there was a constitutional right to polygamy. Democratic Poll: Joe Cunningham Leads Nancy Mace By Thirteen Points In South Carolina Lowcountry, Richland One Chairman’s Ethics Violation Cost Taxpayers $14,000. As we all know, … Continue reading →, Regular readers and good Scissorheads know that MPS doesn’t give two merdes about horse-race journalism. “You’re not aware of any effort to go back to the good old days of segregation by a legislative body, is that correct?” Graham asked Barrett. "This should sound the alarm for anyone in our country who cares about protecting voting rights for all Americans. She has been rushed in a way that is historically unprecedented." CLICK HERE. —Sen. Coathanger’s Confirmation Hearing Starts Today! Every day of the week, we publish the most important breaking news & views for the progressive community. constitutionality of Social Security and Medicare, 'One of the Most Brazen Acts of Voter Suppression in Modern Times' as US Supreme Court Blocks Absentee Ballot Extension in Wisconsin, Dying to Vote in Wisconsin (And a Warning for November), 'A Day That Will Live in Infamy': This Is What It Looked Like When Wisconsin Forced In-Person Voting During a Pandemic, Only Oversight of Oversight Will Keep Profiteers From Siphoning Stimulus Money Into Their Own Wallets, (Click to see more comments or to join the conversation), Up in Arms Over Failed Barrett Hearings, Watchdog Calls for Feinstein's Removal as Ranking Member on Senate Judiciary, Resurgence of Child Labor Amid Global Pandemic Offered as Proof That 'Capitalism Is Monstrous', 'Craven Ratings Stunt:' NBC Rebuked for Booking Trump Town Hall Opposite Biden's on Rival ABC, Critics Call Upcoming Pentagon Visit by Indonesian Defense Minister—Accused of Horrific Atrocities—a 'Human Rights Catastrophe', Greta Thunberg Rebukes Amy Coney Barrett Over Her Anti-Science 'Views on Climate Change', As McConnell Vows No Vote on Major Covid Skinny Relief Bill, GOP Seen as Strategizing for Austerity Under Biden, As Trump and GOP Refuse Aid Package, Studies Show 8 Million Forced Into Poverty Since McConnell Let Relief Expire, California Republicans Double Down on Defying Order to Cease and Desist Deployment of Bogus Ballot Boxes, Progressives Warn Against Accepting—Let Alone Applauding—Twitter Ban of "Garbage" NY Post Story. Also worth noting? For example, during a candidate forum last week Graham announced that young blacks in the Palmetto State were free to “go anywhere” so long as they were “conservative not liberal.”. My motion to adjourn—and finish the hearing first—was denied. "But Senator Graham just further proved the illegitimacy of this sham process by again breaking the rules to ram through a justice to rip away healthcare from millions in the middle of a pandemic.". Please help keep Common Dreams alive by making a contribution. Shortly after the motion was approved thanks to full support from the Republican caucus, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) announced plans to bring Barrett's nomination to the floor the very next day—just over a week before the November election. To inspire.To ignite change for the common good. Republicans aren’t alone when it comes to making race-related gaffes during the current election cycle. There are many battles to be won, but we will battle them together—all of us. How a Future Biden White House Can End the War in Yemen, 5 Foreign Policy Issues to Look Out For in Tonight’s Town Halls, Journalists Must Demystify The Green New Deal, Race, Class, and Covid-19 in the United States. Every donation—large or small—helps us bring you the news that matters. Follow MPS and receive notifications of new posts by email. Feel free to republish and share widely. That Graham is just speaking without thinking …. Tim Scott, R-S.C., Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Ben Sasse, R-Neb., said that the bill could provide a “strong incentive for employees to be laid off instead of going … Continue reading → Posted in Pandemics, Senatorette Miss Lindsey Graham | 10 Comments. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Wednesday made a reference to “the good old days of segregation.” Graham opened the third day of Amy Comey Barrett’s confirmation hearing by defending the Supreme Court nominee’s refusal to answer questions., — Vanita Gupta (@vanitaguptaCR) October 15, 2020. Common Dreams brings you the news that matters. The 65-year-old native of Central, S.C. has a litany of shortcomings in our view, but we do not believe racism is one of them. miss lindsey: kleptomaniac The Fall of Lindsey Graham . Got a technical question or a glitch to report? Rex has since left the Democratic party, too – co-founding the Alliance Party of South Carolina in 2014. But on Thursday morning, with Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) the only Democrat in attendance, Graham moved forward with a motion setting Barrett's Judiciary Committee vote for 1:00 pm ET on October 22. "I believe that this rush sham process is a disservice to our committee. No Democrat has won a U.S. Senate race in South Carolina this millennium. There are many battles to be won, but we will battle them together—all of us. To be clear: We do not think Graham is racist (although his erstwhile political advisor was a well-known neo-Confederate). Republican Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Lindsey Graham on Thursday brazenly flouted the rules of his own panel by scheduling a vote on Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett for next week without the required number of Democratic members present, a move Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer condemned as further evidence of "the illegitimacy of this sham process.". Instead, we rely on readers like you, to provide the "people power" that fuels our work. Help me. "Senator Graham just further proved the illegitimacy of this sham process by again breaking the rules to ram through a justice to rip away healthcare from millions in the middle of a pandemic. Got something you’d like to say in response to one of our stories? Our Mission:To inform. "She has been rushed in a way that is historically unprecedented. In fact, no Democrat has won a statewide election in South Carolina since 2006 – when Jim Rex defeated Karen Floyd in the race for state superintendent of education. Posted on February … Richard Blumenthal. We believe him to be the consummate political chameleon, and we find it laughable that so-called “conservatives” are rallying to his banner simply because they fear the possibility of a Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate. Up Next. Don't Miss. Common Dreams is not your normal news site. You helped me last … Continue reading →, Every single hour in South Carolina, Lindsey Graham is being violently out-fundraised. Bears repeating: @LindseyGrahamSC BROKE COMMITTEE RULES this morning when quorum wasn’t present (only one Democrat there, not the required two), but still moved forward on Barrett’s nomination. It doesn't work that way. “ Huh. Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), who entered the hearing room as the vote on Graham's motion was taking place, put forth his own motion to indefinitely suspend Barrett's nomination after CNN uncovered seven additional talks the judge failed to disclose in her Senate questionnaire, including one to an anti-abortion group. But we can't do it alone. I don’t care who is in the lead comin’ round the money bend, but I couldn’t help but smile at the news: Jaime Harrison smashes … Continue reading →, Shorter Lady G: “Usually my gentlemen callers leave a generous tip on the dresser.” Longer: “I’m getting overwhelmed,” Graham told conservative talk-show host Sean Hannity Thursday night.

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