I briefly returned to the U.K. in order to get my bachelor’s degree – but now I’m back! I think house prises and rental prices, in Oslo at least, will always appear on the extreme side. Everyone forms their opinion based on own experiences. Norway is a beautiful place, I love Tromsø, I have family and friends there. Living conditions are said to be an issue for the impoverished. Hi Judith. Unmarried couples can live together in a formalised relationship and have many of the same rights as couples who are formally married. So with any luck I’ll be making the move in the New Year. XD. Oslo and some Norwegian cities also offer a tram system, with frequent services that connect large parts of the city. This means high wages and a clean and well-kept country. When you know which town or municipality you will be living in, you should contact the local school authorities/nursery office. No buses and huge queues for taxis. It has been very hot for days on end. Noway? Funny enough because the USA is such a big place we have places with more extreme temperatures than some of the places mentioned. However in terms of caring and compasion they rate extremely low. And you say Norway is LGQTB friendly ,but you forgot to say how closed and cold people the Norwegians are,even they can’t say hi to their neighbours…I recommend you to read the social guide book to Norway,and you will understand more of noway. The beauty of Allemannsrett is that this ‘law’ means that you can pitch your tent or hike anywhere in Norway. I’d like to escape to Norway and be a good little expat. Thanks Matthew. Living conditions in Norway. Find out by choosing the right subject below. I would be very happy if you can contact me by email :p There’s so much I love about Norway, I’ve been learning Norwegian and teaching my child since I thought that was a requirement. Some newspapers have a housing supplement one day a week, and also place ads for accommodation on the Internet. Child benefit is paid to everyone with children under 18. The higher salaries do not compensated for the higher costs and as one of your readers said the 1000’s of people in marriages of convince because they simply can not manage on there own. If they need to go on leave early due to particularly onerous work, they are entitled to a pregnancy subsidy without this affecting their regular maternity leave or the one-off payment. Like for an example are the freedom and safety( security), its a high standard of living, and must live with the high standard of thinking too.Norwegian they might be more reserved, but there is no problem with them its only their culture, Most Norwegian are good people, you just need to get to understand the culture better and you will be just fine! The Norwegian Partnership Act permits two individuals of the same sex to register their partnership. The Monolith is difficult to wrap my head around personally….but is it something most people hold in high-regard there or not?

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