Next: GG. "Bĕhēmōth is no doubt an intensive plural form, and means 'a colossal beast. Hence "The Chaldee Paraphrase understands 'leviathan that piercing serpent' to refer to Pharaoh." It may be an example of pluralis excellentiae, a Hebrew method of expressing greatness by pluralizing a noun; it thus indicates that Behemoth is the largest and most powerful animal. Behold, he drinketh up a river, and hasteth not: he trusteth that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth. - 1 Enoch 60:7-8. 16Lo now, his strength [is] in his loins, and his force [is] in the navel of his belly. However, some have attempted to identify it with real animals. T. K. Cheyne, M.A., D.D., Vol. Notice how pride is connected to behemoth in Job chapter 40. The shady trees cover him with their shadow; the willows of the brook compass him about. When the Solar Force is directed upward it passes through an opening in the top of the head called by the Brahmins the "door of Brahma," and by the first Christians the "door of Jesus," and is visible to the seer as a tongue of brilliant flame. There is no doubt that the time we are living in is filled with false doctrines and people turning away from accepting God’s Word as the sole authority of truth (1 Tim. Scholars maintaining identification with the elephant say that "tail" could describe an elephant's trunk. And you separated one from the other, for the seventh part where the water had been gathered together could not hold them both. . 269:* Solar Force Defined, pages 48, 50 and 42. “In that day…” tells us that there is a time appointed when this creature will face God’s wrath. 3. In Jewish belief, Behemoth is the primal unconquerable monster of the land, as Leviathan is the primal monster of the waters of the sea and Ziz the primordial monster of the sky. Anointed is synonymous with chief (Acts 10:38, Eph. Behemoth and leviathan form in the Gnostic system of the Ophites and others two of the seven circles or stations which the soul has to pass in order to be purged and to attain bliss (Hippolytus, "Adversus Omnes Hæ reses," 5:21 Origen, "Contra Celsum," 6:25). Behemoth was created along with man (40:15a), it is herbivorous (40:15b), it has strong muscles and bones, and it lives in the swamp (40:21). Then Job answered the Lord, and said, 2. Adherents of the sauropod-behemoth viewpoint hold that the further descriptions given in Job (i.e., bone strength equaling bronze and iron; the use of Hebrew plural to describe a singular specimen), along with the attributive "chief of the ways of God," and the description "like a cedar" (z'navo kamo arez) to describe the tail itself point to an animal of immense proportions; hence a sauropod or equivalent. In medieval demonology Behemoth ("several animals") is the nocturnal demon of indulgence and holds the ranks of caretaker of wine cellars, grand cupbearer of the royal household, and right watchman. Hitherto Leviathan or the Initiatory Force has been described figuratively and somewhat ambiguously. Man works out his own salvation through the awakening of these centres. The Hebrew behemoth is sometimes equated with the Persian Hadhayosh, as the Leviathan is with the Kar and the Ziz with the Simurgh. 23Behold, he drinketh up a river, [and] hasteth not: he trusteth that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth. We must follow the rule that the Bible will speak for itself and be grateful that God has given us this opportunity to study His perfect Word (Prov. 12. He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens. 27. Leviathan, and to a lesser degree Behemoth, have both been prominent in some extrabiblical rabbinical writings. Behemoth and Leviathan Controversy will always follow God’s Word until Christ returns and forces an unbelieving world to believe. His bones are pipes of copper; his bones are like tubes of iron. '", Grass here signifies the flesh or carnal nature. Wilt thou fill . 15Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox. 277:* The Serpent is the Solar Force. According to midrash recording traditions, it is impossible for anyone to kill a behemoth except for the person who created it, in this case the God of the Hebrews. The word Leviathan in Hebrew is made up of two roots, Levi and Than. Therefore we hope to give some clue to the identity of Behemoth and Leviathan, what they are, and how they manifest. Behemoth (Hebrew בהמות, behemoth (modern: behemot)) is a mythological beast mentioned in Job 40:15-24. . OLIVE BRAY'S TRANSLATION, PAGES 295, I 21. Critics also argue that the description of the creature possessing a navel (Job 40:16) in the King James Version also contradicts the sauropod hypothesis, because sauropods are oviparous. The word seal is used similarly in the Apocalypse when St. John says of the seven principal ganglia of the sympathetic system, "I saw when the Lamb (the immortal mind) opened one of the seven seals. . Among various Jewish legends, one relates that the righteous will witness a spectacular battle between Behemoth and Leviathan in the messianic era and later MORALS ON THE BOOK OF JOB. The cabin of fishes would seem to, designate the skull containing the brain where the currents of the Solar Force focus for regeneration. In the book of Job, both Behemoth and Leviathan are listed alongside a number of mundane animals, such as goats, eagles, and hawks, leading many Christian scholars to surmise that Behemoth and Leviathan may also be mundane creatures. I, page 519. †. The prophet Isaiah spoke of this leviathan that will be slain by God Himself. . He oversees the feasts of Jinnestan and is responsible for serving the Devil his food and wine. If we believe the Bible to be true and infallible, then we must accept that there are deeper truths found within this precious Book that require diligent study. There are two common beliefs about these creatures. Controversy will always follow God’s Word until Christ returns and forces an unbelieving world to believe. and his force is in the navel of his belly. 20. where all the beasts of the field play. After passing through the centres of the sympathetic nervous system, the positive and negative currents of Solar Force meet in the forehead where, as it were, their balance registers; so that at this degree of evolution the Initiate can sense whether the balance is perfedf, or whether positive or negative current predominates. When man becomes his own saviour this force passes upward to the brain, where its currents unite for the perfecting of the Solar or spiritual body. It is being used here, however, as a single entity. (, The word translated scales has the literal meaning in Hebrew of 'strong pieces of shields,' and is used to designate the ganglia which "are shut up together as with a close seal" prior to Initiation. The word is most likely a plural form of bəhēmāh, referring for Hebrews to a beast of use to humans or a dumb animal. Metaphorically, the name has come to be used for any extremely large or powerful entity. 2 O Lord, I have heard thy report, and was afraid: I considered thy works, and was amazed: thou shalt be known between the two living creatures (Behemoth and Leviathan: see 2 Esdras 6:47-52 and many other verses below), thou shalt be acknowledged when the years draw nigh; thou shalt be manifested when the time is come; when my soul is troubled, thou wilt in wrath remember mercy. In medieval demonology Behemoth ("several animals") is the nocturnal demon of indulgence and holds … PUSEY LIBRARY OF THE FATHERS. Some say he appears as a whale or elephant. The first opinion is that behemoth is a brachiosaurus and that leviathan is a plesiosaurus. Edited by the Rev. He esteemeth iron as straw, and brass as rotten wood. 6. shall they part him among the merchants? ", The bones of Behemoth are the net work of nerves which are the channels of the Solar Force. The Arabic behemoth is known by the name Bahamut. I will not conceal his parts, nor his power, nor his comely proportion. I will speak, that I may be refreshed, but there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding. 276:† TRANSLATION OF ST. GREGORY THE GREAT. . Comte de Gabalis [1913], at Then sank the serpent down in the deep.". This verse states that man may become his own saviour, affording a key to the allegory which follows. BEHEMOTH AND LEVIATHAN. . The spoon or pencil-shaped teeth of sauropods allowed them to pull vegetation into their mouths, which would then be swallowed. As with the previous creature, we must ask ourselves if God would be angry with a dinosaur or other beast. Also, critics cite that the Behemoth is said to eat grass like an ox, meaning it would chew cud; but sauropods lacked molar teeth, and were incapable of chewing. During the present cycle of evolution the strength or power of the Solar Force, "The shining, vital energy which is the manifestation of life . FF In Athanasius' " Life of St. Antony," at the words, "the weapons which are 'in the navel of his belly,'" * reference is made to the parallel passage in Job xl, 16, where the Lord says of Behemoth, "his force is in the navel of his belly," and it is stated that "the descriptions of behemoth and leviathan are allegorically referred to Satan." This power to sense and govern the currents is hère called the double bridle of Leviathan. He also entertains with song and music. p. 268. substantiates this statement. PROPHECY OF WORLD PEACE FROM THE ELDER EDDA, COMMENTARY CONCLUDED. Suggested animals include the water buffalo, rhinoceros and the elephant, but the most common suggestion is the hippopotamus.

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