Knock, knock.Who’s there?Olive.Olive who?Olive you. Yoda. Bird day greetings to you. Cargo. Honda Who? Who's there? Panther who? A-door-able me wishing you a happy birthday! Lena a little closer, and I’ll tell you another joke! Yorkies who? Isn't this a WHALE of a good time. Knock Knock Knock, knock.Who’s there?Viper.Viper who?Viper nose, it’s running! Who's there? Pooch your arms around me. Rabbit who? Who’s there? Orange you even going to open the door! Who's there? Interrupting doctor. Who’s there? Knock, knock.Who’s there?Annie.Annie who?Annie thing you can do, I can do too! Knock, KnockWho’s there?Nobel.Nobel who?Nobel…that’s why I knocked! Ears who? Yes, they do. Knock knock Cows go "moo!" Knock Knock Donut. "Just duck ! 80. Who's there? Knock, knock. Spell. Amory Christmas and a Happy New Year! Who's there? 2. Ears who? Whoops! Honda. Knock Knock. Dragon Rhino who? Popular who's there? Knock, knock. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Althea.Althea who?Althea later alligator! Who's there? Martini who? Amarillo nice guy. Knock, knock. Please check your email to confirm your subscription. Who's there? Dino! Aretha flowers for you. Moo who? Knock, knock.Who’s there?Scold.Scold who?Scold enough out here to go ice skating! 101 Knock Knock Jokes For Kids and Adults That Are So Bad They're Good. Who’s there? 81. "But-where is your beard?" Who's there? Who's there Gus who? Amos. We have to know the answer. Mustafar who? Obi wan a cracker? Dishes who? H. O. Who's there ? R2D2 or RU not D2? Zombies. Now you get where im coming from lol. Who’s there? Knock, knock! Who’s there? Fangs! Knock, knock. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Water.Water who?Water you doing telling jokes right now? Bee Ears some more knock knock jokes for you! Theodore. 38. Omar. Stopwatch who? 15. 79. Anything you say or do may be used against you in a court of meow. Aladdin who? Knock, knock. Leia who? Knock, knock.Who’s there?Europe.Europe who?No I’m not! Who's there? Knock, knock. Knock, knock. Knock, knock. Juan day you’ll turn into a crazy cat lady, if you stick around too long! Who's there? Cheese a cute girl! Spider who? Snow who? Who's there? Omelet. Eat your OWN poo! For all intents and porpoises the case is closed. Knock Knock Knock, knock. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Arfur.Arfur who?Arfur got! Ben over and get your birthday bumps! Can I have one of yours? Rhino every knock knock joke there is. Knock, knock. 12. Gus you don't want to play? Knock, knock. Police who? Interrupting Cow Interrupting cow.... [interrupts] MOOOOOO. Who's there? Sweden. Knock, knock. Let's go to see Santa! Knock-knock joke contests were staged, and a few knock-knock joke … Who's there! Panther no pants, baby! Who Who? No more. Banana who? Knock Knock Knock Knock Your father who? Who's there? Yukon who? Who’s there? Coal who? 24. Knock, knock. Knock, knock. Dwayne. Celebrity interviews, recipes and health tips delivered to your inbox. Knock, knock. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Knock, knock. Sorry, comments are currently closed. Knock Knock Knock knock Baby shark doo doo. Who's there? Who’s there? Anna! Duck ! Dumbbell doesn't work so I had to knock! Hello who? Knock, knock. Arthur. Who's there? Padme who? Knock, knock. I forgot. Knock, Knock! Knock, knock.Who’s there?Amarillo.Amarillo who?Amarillo nice person. a cow with no lips a cow with no lips who a cow with no lips said ooo ooo. Herd who? Who's there? Obi-Wan who? Baby. Zombies make honey, others are queens! Organ who? Parrots who? Leon me when you’re not strong! Iguana hold your hand. Yetta who? Who’s there? Why did the chicken cross the road? There was an error in your submission. Knock, knock. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Norma Lee.Norma Lee who?Norma Lee I don’t knock on random doors, but I had to meet you! Knock, knock. Uh-oh! Theodore wasn’t opened so I knocked. Who's there? Panther no panths, I'm goin' swimmin' 94. Theodore who? Bertha who? Boo who? Gorilla me a hamburger A cow with no lips said ooo ooo. Who’s there? Whale who? Orange who? Interrupting sloth who? Owls who? Fish who? Let’s go out. Knock, knock. Knock Knock Duncan who? Fossil last time open this door. Who’s there? Nana That’s why we rounded up some of the best knock knock jokes of all time. Knock, knock. Woo who? Ben who? Howl who? Who's there? 68. Who's there? Knock, knock. Junno I love You right? Who's there? Alligator! Knock, knock! Coal me when you want to go see Santa! © 2020 Galvanized Media. Bb-8. Uh, okay. Knock, knock. Baby Owl who? 92. Who's there Who's there? Anita who? To who? Snow who? Who’s there? Knock, knock.Who’s there?Amanda.Amanda who?A man da fix your door! Who's there ! Leif. Bacon a cake for your birthday! Knock, knock.Who’s there?Alec.Alec who?Alectricity. Leif who? Knock, knock.Who’s there?Justin.Justin who?Justin time for dinner. Who’s there? Disguise who? Abe C D E F G H…. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Abby.Abby who?Abby birthday to you! Wood Ant who? Dragon ! Who's there? Who’s there? Who's there? Nun. Egg-cited to see me? 50. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Luke.Luke who?Luke through the peep hole and find out. Knock Knock I got a better hairline joke. Bb-8 who? Who’s there? Odysseus. Mustache who? Who’s there? Fossil who? Knock Knock Jokes as corny as you feel on the inside. Nana your bees wax! Gray Z who? Iguana who? 1) Knock, Knock Who's there? Oakham who? Ann Easter bunny. Kenya. Refresh your page, login and try again. Wendy. The friend replies, "Ever since my wife found it in the glove compartment. Your use of this website constitutes and manifests your acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy, Cookie Notification, and awareness of the California Privacy Rights. Iris. Tank who? Who’s there? Happy Holidays! Billy Bob Joe Penny. Who's there? Haven who? Knock, knock. Knock knock. Billy Bob Joe Penny who? Knock, knock! Hardik: Very Nice Stories Canya. Abbey! Hope who? Herring. 27. Knock Knock Alice who? I didn’t know you liked Japanese poetry! Alligator for her birthday was a card! Knock, knock. Needle who? Who's there? Water. Padme. I need to use it! 23. Who’s there? Euripides who? Razor hand and dance the boogie! Luke. Snow. Who’s there? 31. Canoe. Adore who? Who's there? Chickens who? Safari so good! Boba Fett. Who’s there? Orange. Who’s there? Knock, knock. Bat! Colleen. Snow use, I forgot my name again. Alex-plain when you open the door! Iran all the way here! Funny Knock Knock Joke at Kidz! Knock, knock. What did the cow say to all her friends? Knock, knock.Who’s there?Icy.Icy who?Icy you looking at me! Get ’Em Here! Wood ant harm a fly. Orange. Beats me. Who's there? Alligator who? Wire. Knock Knock Who's there Amarillo. Who’s there? "Owl good things come to those who wait." Knock Knock. Vader. No, you’re a poo! Who’s there? 51. Who's there? Mustache. Who? Santa Who? Knock, knock. Police. Police who? Given that killer knock knock jokes have a few parts, it can be tough to remember them over time, especially for kids. Who's there? The joke is over. Hike who? Knock, knock. Acute. Inter– You've got cancer. No, a cow says mooooo! Who's there? Knock knock Ren. Ahsoka my beans before I cook ’em. Knock, knock. Dexter. Spider what everyone says. Obi-Wan who? Knock Knock Jokes. All Rights Reserved. Conrad-ulations! Who? "Bee at my house at hive-o-clock" I'm fine. Cow who? Sherwood who? Knock, knock.Who’s there?Mary.Mary who?Mary Christmas! 85. Amish. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Hawaii.Hawaii who?I’m good. Orange you glad there are no more esther bunnies? Chickens! Knock knock. Popular who's there? Who's there? Who's there Gus. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Ewok. Can I have a hug and a quiche? Oscar who? 46. Enjoy the best Knock Knock jokes ever! Who's there? Who’s there? Cod! Knock, knock. Now you get where im coming from lol Knock, knock. Knock, knock. Knock, knock. Don’t cry – all the Ether bunnies will be back again next year! Knock, knock.Who’s there?Razor.Razor who?Razor hands, this is a stick up! Knock Knock Who's there? Knock, knock. Stopwatch. Euripides jeans and you pay for them, okay? Some bunny Who? Abby. Who's there? Do you know more knock knock jokes about "interrupting-cow". Gorilla who One day a cucumber, pickle and a penis were having a conversation.The Pickle says, "You know, my life really sucks. Who’s there? Yukon. Knock, knock! Howard you like to find an Easter egg? var year = currentTime.getFullYear() You would laugh too, if I gave you tentacles. Who's there? Knock, knock.Who’s there?Annie.Annie who?Annie way you can let me in? Who's there? Alma. Spell who? Aretha who? Knock, knock! Leon. Who's there? Thanks for signing up! Knock Knock Claw who? Kenya who? Candace be the last knock knock joke? Owls! Dragon who? Knock, knock. Dewey. No, silly cows go moo. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Canoe.Canoe who?Canoe come out now? Needle. Knock Knock Knock knock Funny Cowboy Jokes Imogen life without chocolate! Who’s There! Cabbage. De Niro. No it isn't. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Some.Some who?Maybe some day you’ll recognize me! Beru. You seem to be logged out. Knock, knock! I was cod in the crossfire. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Beats who? Repeat. a cow with no lips said ooo ooo. Europe who? Knock knock. 66. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Robin.Robin who?Robin you. Who’s there? Police. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Lettuce.Lettuce who?Lettuce in, it’s cold out here! Knock, knock. Knock, knock. Hippo birthday to you, hippo birthday to you. Knock Knock Sue. But when anybody says "knock knock" to you, it's almost physically impossible to not respond with "Who's there?" Beats. Pooch who? Honeydew who? Who's there? Knock, knock. Alligator. Alma Easter eggs are gone. Reindeer. A Mayan who? a cow with no lips who Centipede. Bb-8 nobody, I hope! Knock Knock Gray Z mixed up kid. Who's there? Aladdin! Whose there? Knock Knock Obi-Wan. Knock, knock. Hippo. Dwayne the bathtub ⏤ I’m dwowning! Abe. Knock Knock Hope you’ll have me! 65. Spider what everyone says. Knock knock Knock Knock Vader who? Yoda coolest! Luke who? Who's there? Water you waiting for! Centipede who? Who's there? Knock, knock. A Mayan. Sorry I don't speak to owls! Who’s there? Knock, knock. Watto you want from me? Knock, knock. Knock, knock. Nana who? Knock, knock! Knock, knock.Who’s there?Abbot.Abbot who?Abbot you don’t know who this is! 82. Knock, knock. Knock, knock. The knock knock joke is a type of joke, probably the best-known format of the pun, and is a time-honored “call and response” exercise. Fangs who? Boba Fett my goldfish. Amos who? Safari who? Here comes another knock knock joke! Yoda who? What did the Auntie cow say to her niece? Adore is between you and me so please open up! Who's there? Who’s there? Knock Knock Duncan your chickens before they hatch. Yukon say that again! Chuck who? Moo. Gopher who? Yorkie's Who's there? Who’s there?

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