The National Socialist Party of New Zealand, sometimes called the New Zealand Nazi Party, was a far-right political party in New Zealand. Métin described what he saw as socialism without doctrines. So what does political success look like, if parliament isn’t the goal? The Socialist Action League's newspaper was Socialist Action (1969–1998), which reached a peak of 8,400 copies during the 1978 general election. Branches in Wellington and Auckland and a monthly publication. The 1910 constitution of the Federation of Labour was headed ‘World’s Wealth for World’s Workers’; it proclaimed ‘an injury to one an injury to all’ and aimed ‘for the complete abolition of the present wage system, and the substitution of the common ownership of the means of production’.3. The Spinoff is a New Zealand online magazine covering politics, pop culture and social issues. From 1969 the party was led by Colin King-Ansell. Commercial re-use may be allowed on request. From 1969 the party was led by Colin King-Ansell. The Marxist Voice of Labour and Youth. HART, the PYM, and Resistance bookshops were joined by other groups including the Auckland University Society for the Active Prevention of Cruelty to Politically Apathetic Humans (AUSAPOCHPAH), the Auckland-based Friends of Brutus, the New Left Club at Massey University, the Victoria University Socialist Club, the Anarchist Congress in Wellington, the Radical Student's Alliance at the University of Canterbury, the Christchurch-based Anarchist Commune, the University of Otago's Progressive Left Club, and the Dunedin Anarchist Army. The SPNZ’s anti-war statement immediately attracted the attention of the Labour government’s security service. Movement website The CPNZ's official mouthpiece was the People's Voice. Later, however, there were increasing calls for an independent workers' party, particularly as the Liberals began to lose their reformist drive. But the government’s reforms just address symptoms, says OA, and while the government remains “shackled by the capitalist economic system,” it will never actually solve those problems. Indeed, in 1943, it printed on “begged, borrowed and stolen” paper – which was strictly rationed – an election leaflet. It promulgated the same basic views as Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party in Germany, and had a particular focus on Arabs, Jews and the banking sector. A Companion Party of The World Socialist Movement – Advocating socialism and nothing but since 1904. In opposition to the Red Federation, mainstream trade and labour councils formed a rival Federation of Labour. Surprisingly, however, it was not until 1916 that the various labour politicians, and trade union groups, actually united to form the New Zealand Labour Party. A few former members of the Petone Marxian Club carried on with socialist propaganda, but with the outbreak of hostilities in 1914 they encountered severe restrictions on their activity. The party was considerably more socialist than Labour, but performed poorly. This did not augur well for the Communist Party of New Zealand. A series of reprints of socialist and Marxist classics was published by Charles Fackney as “Common Ownership” publications. There’s also the Spanish Civil War, or the current war in Syria, or Venezuela, or the Occupy movements, or Tibet, or even the moment of most profound ruptures in Communism, the Russian revolution and eventual triumph of Stalin over Trotsky. As elsewhere, the Bolshevik coup d’Etat had a profound effect on radicals in New Zealand. From the time that he landed in New Zealand he was shadowed by the police. The unspoken assumption was that the state represented ‘the people’ and should be used to protect citizens from monopolies and unfair competition. Visit Therefore, New Zealand has many of the characteristics of a socialist country, even while remaining officially free market. New Zealand is a small country, slightly larger geographically than the United Kingdom; but, at the end of the 19th century, when socialist ideas first penetrated the country, the population was still less than two million, of whom most were workers, small-scale farmers and Maori tribespeople. As with their New Left counterparts in Europe and North America, the New Left in New Zealand was largely young, white, male, middle-class, student-dominated, and incorporated a wide range of beliefs including the counter-culture movement, Christian pacifism, anarchism, neo-Leninism, and libertarian forms of Marxism. can log in to The Spinoff. In the mid-19th century the word ‘socialism’ represented an ideal of cooperation and altruism, as distinct from the individualistic values of pure capitalism. questions about Key Red Federation leaders included the Australian–born Hickey and Paddy Webb, and fellow Australian Bob Semple. On December 28, 19l8, a conference of socialists was held at the Trades Hall, Christchurch, at which it was moved: “That a Socialist Party of New Zealand be formed.” An amendment was then put, and carried: “That a Marxian Association be formed.” Having formed the Association, it was agreed that it adopt the Object and Declaration of Principles of the Socialist Party of Great Britain. But in the short term, it’s direct action and protest where there presence will be felt most. Grant Robertson, delivered the budget on 14 May 2020. Socialism New Zealand-style. These included the telephone system and the national radio. She had also been involved with the Mana Movement, which was represented in parliament through Hone Harawira. The lodging house in which the overseas secretary, Peter Furey, was living was next raided by the police, although none of his literature was taken, as it was noted that although it was similar to that owned by the General Secretary, it was less in volume. While it was sympathetic to the Labour Party, the Maoriland Worker was a largely radical socialist publication that was independent of the Labour Party. Savage, although also involved in the earlier Socialist Party, was more moderate than Holland, and Labour gained considerable support. [38] The activist, scholar, and Green Party Member of Parliament Sue Bradford was involved in the Auckland PYM and the Auckland Resistance bookshop. To obtain membership, the following pledge had to be signed: “I hereby undertake to render political support to none other than a Marxian Revolutionist, endorsed by the New Zealand Marxian Association, at all elections of candidates for public office in New Zealand.” In origin they derived from Karl Marx with his idea of a working-class revolution which would lead to socialist ownership of the means of production. We went ahead with a ‘virtual’ Fircroft on the Discord platform. Outdoor speaking stations were acquired; and debates with the Communist Party and other organisations attracted good audiences. What the hell is a Tankie? [4], Ideological socialism, when it arrived, mostly stemmed from Britain or other British colonies. [5], The growth of unionism eventually led to the establishment of a number of socialist-influenced parties. “There are a lot of really important and good and progressive movements that do try and use parliamentary politics, to alleviate the suffering that working class people endure every day. By 1919, the party had eight seats in the New Zealand Parliament. In 1930, they – together with a number of former members of the Petone Marxian Club and the New Zealand Marxian Association – formed the Socialist Party of New Zealand. The party faithfully followed the official position of the Soviet Union, modelling its aims, beliefs, manifesto and organisational structure and processes on those of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). Labour Party politician John A. Lee was harshly critical of the changes, and had eventually left to establish the Democratic Labour Party in 1940. This was one of the forerunners to the New Zealand Marxian Association. According to Boraman, the New Zealand New Left combined both the socialist orientation of the European New Left and the liberal orientation of its American counterpart. Grant Robertson, delivered the budget on 14 May 2020. The SUP supported the CPSU and Soviet Union until the collapse of the USSR in 1991, defending the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, the suppression of the 1982 Solidarity demonstrations in Poland, and the Soviet–Afghan War. A new radical left group has formed with the goal of making socialism a reality in New Zealand. [47][48], The Maoriland Worker later revamped itself as the New Zealand Worker (1924–1935) and as the Labour Party's affiliated newspaper The Standard (1935–1959). Key New Left organisations in New Zealand were the anti-apartheid Halt All Racist Tours (HART), the Progressive Youth Movement (PYM), Socialist Forum, and the Resistance bookshops; which were organised locally. This is sometimes seen as the end of any real claim to full socialism by the Labour Party. The members of the SPNZ were closely watched by the police, all of which created difficulties for propagating socialist ideas. Ron Everson (brother of Rolfe and also an active member of the SPNZ), a member of the strike committee, was elected acting general secretary. It also dealt a crippling blow to the socialist movement in New Zealand, and caused the demise of the NZMA in 1922. A lot of very small parties across the spectrum only stand once or twice before deregistering, the exercise having given them nothing but worn out shoes.

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