“I’ve seen more suicide victims and spoken with more families than I care to remember. Robert became a Rhodes scholar, went to Oxford & is now a lawyer, & I got a medical degree at McGill. By the time of the census of 1841 the Irish were impoverished, landless and leaderless by the eve of the famine. All my indignation I was hiding inside. Much to my shame. I was a problem for them because of my honesty. He could not, when dying, leave his infant children under Catholic guardianship. Periodic famine led to life-threatening starvation, fatal diseases, illegal dispossession of lands through eviction, and forcible banishment to barren and inhospitable regions of the country. I was drinking 24/7 for five and half months. It was never mentioned that perhaps he drank too much, as he was able to provide for his family. However, there are certain inherent cultural factors that increase the propensity towards alcoholism among the Irish. Under armed guard, food convoys continued to export wheat, oats and barley to England while Ireland starved” http://www.history.com/news/when-america-despised-the-irish-the-19th-centurys-refugee-crisis, “Not only did British greed force the Irish to rely solely on potatoes in the first place to meet the demands of absentee landlords, it allowed them to starve just to pad the bottom line” – https://omgfacts.com/the-irish-potato-famine-wasnt-caused-by-a-fungus-3dbf1f589405. The following websites offer useful and reliable information about alcohol abuse and how to seek help: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Council on Seniors Drug & Alcohol Rehab. As I am writing this, there are about 110,000 children in Ireland, aged 14 years or younger, living in families affected by parental alcohol abuse. I put on seventy pounds in a couple of years snd have struggled with that substitute addiction ever since. University enabled me to further drink, and what separates my friends from I is my ability to drink myself blind drunk in to oblivion, yet not pass out. Do you know how to prevent head lice infestations? You get the picture I’m sure. Respondents should stick to the basic rules of debate. But most experts do not attribute the current rise in consumption, and the associated social problems, to traditional alcoholics, or even to casual drinkers. I fear this consequence will ruin my life, but I have no control over it whatsoever. This is the best information ever and I don’t drink alcohol at all My father was a business man, and consequently, due to the fact that he was relatively successful, he drank 6 out of 7 days. It’s taken my whole family. I tried to stop my drinking again, again and again… Again treatments, counsellors, Alcoholics Anonymous… Doctors started to feed me with antidepressants… I spent 14 years trying to stop my drinking. My father Kind Regards Around 1780, evicted tenants began to form secret societies such as Rapparees, Rockites and White Boys, to conduct terrorist activities against landlords and others thought to represent the hated colonial government. *From: MacManus “The story of the Irish Race” 1921. I will be forever grateful to him because after I quit he quit cold turkey – otherwise we couldn’t have continued to be buddies before he died Signed the will on the before Christmas eve as he was dying I have never read a more powerful article in my life! They stay open longer, let them in younger, let in the women, and they serve food now. There’s a pint in just about every hand, others strewn across the polished oak and golden brass bar. Was I born... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpHiFqXCYKc, https://file.scirp.org/pdf/AASoci20120200001_81443251.pdf, http://www.history.com/news/when-america-despised-the-irish-the-19th-centurys-refugee-crisis, https://omgfacts.com/the-irish-potato-famine-wasnt-caused-by-a-fungus-3dbf1f589405, http://digitalcommons.macalester.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1102&context=tapestries, http://ilregno2s.blogspot.com/2011/03/a-celebration-of-genocide.html, https://evolutionistx.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/genetic_map_of_europe.png, https://media.nature.com/original/nature-assets/ejhg/journal/v24/n7/extref/ejhg2015233x5.jpg, https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/five-myths-about-christopher-columbus/2015/10/08/3e80f358-6d23-11e5-b31c-d80d62b53e28_story.html?utm_term=.df078b7b846c, https://www.cairn.info/revue-francaise-d-etudes-americaines-2003-2-page-89.htm. To my undying shame, I turned up late for the births of both of my sons because I was drinking, and I once assaulted my beloved second wife in a drunken rage. In North America, alcoholism and chronic drunkenness took a frightful toll on the Irish immigrants in terms of economic failure, pathological family relationships, intimate and public violence, and crime. I was vomiting and had diarrhea all the time… All I had was drink…drink…drink… Most importantly, formal efforts to address the problem must be led by individuals whose fundamental understanding of alcohol abuse and dependence is based on personal recovery, and a broad knowledge of scientific advances in the field of addiction that now promise an excellent prognosis for recovery if treatment is followed. Jimmy Smallhorne. To get at the truth of the matter requires a realistic and fearless confrontation with the ugly, destructive and dangerous consequences of untreated alcohol abuse and dependence in society, as well as an awareness of the shame-based system of economic, social, psychological, religious, political and cultural denial that has evolved over the centuries to banish the problem from public consciousness. Thanks to being nestled by a group of Irish I could barely understand in tollerant and progressive SF I got sober 20 years ago. While scientists have linked alcoholism to certain genes, the tendency of the Irish to drink excessively is part of the nation’s heritage. They postulated that, for many individuals and families in postcolonial Irish society today, these mechanisms have left a deep psychological legacy of trauma and its consequences of: Dependency; I woke up in hospital but still I didn’t remember anything… My skin was green- yellow, eyes were yellow- brown, lost almost all my hair, I was skinny- 8 stone, and my liver was gone… Doctors didn’t let me leave hospital, and they said that I’ll die because usually people in that condition don’t survive… but I didn’t die… God saved my life. The Irish talk about it the Italians don’t ! I also married & have raised a child. It’s one day at a time for me. I remember that I was constantly on edge, anticipating Vesuvian outbursts of temper that could erupt without warning from any person or any direction at any time. The men have refuted Duggan’s version of events, they have yet to be formally charged, and the investigation is still ongoing. Thanks for informing those who do not know this. Even the Arabs drink like fish, alcohol is smuggled into the country and the women can drink as much if not more than the men. Just my mother’s family (100% Irish ethnicity, but Americans) has so many drunks/alcoholics in it. Addiction always has hope of healing and a cure. Source: Delaney L, Kapteyn A, Smith JP. Apple picking could be a good outing to take this fall, as it lends itself to social distancing. I compare this to my father’s family who are not Irish – and there is no history of alcohol abuse. genetic alcoholism in the Irish and Native American communities than it is in the Jewish community because there is such a wide and pervasive image of the blathering Irishman and stumbling Native American in our cultural core. I too have the “Irish flu” but thankfully have been in recovery for the past 10 years. Sexual exploitation; Thank you Gareth for your service to humanity. People were moving to the West in both Canada & the US at that time, & my father was born in Central Saskatchewan in 1912. we have less rigeur in sexuality as an expression of angst….You do not mention specific family members of fame…I forwarded your article to Josie O Donnell whose meeting with “Father” Pat O’Brien is worthy as a paradigm. There’s nothing fishy about the benefits of omega-3s. All Irish culture, music and education was banned. Future research may seek to understand the development of subjective thresholds for alcohol acceptance and their role in determining drinking behavior, the investigators wrote. “I will say you don’t quite see as many people falling out drunk as you used to. Gareth O’Connor is a man of many talents and admitted faults , compassion should be his middle name .One virtue is his great sense of humour and as said “angels can fly because they take themselves lightly “and he is one hell of an angel. The program also suggests that I make amends to my family members and others for the damage and hurt I caused them through my drinking. 32-36), Christine Kinealy, a Great Hunger scholar, lecturer, and Drew University professor, relates her findings: Almost 4,000 vessels carried food from Ireland to the ports of Bristol, Glasgow, Liverpool and London during 1847, when 400,000 Irish men, women and children died of starvation and related diseases. I also have depression, and my brother too. I have always wondered if the Irish are very much subject to depression, bi-polar etc. Well, I have to leave it there for the meantime, as I need to go out and buy some food to prepare for my.young daughters lunch. Even if genocide was not consciously intended, the forced migration during and after the famine of two million Irish Catholics to North America and elsewhere in the world jeopardized the nation’s future by destabilizing the intellectual, cultural, and political life of the country. Rather, experts such as Dr. Eibhlin Donlon-Farry, a substance abuse and addiction specialist, said it is the “binge drinkers” that are to blame. I have never had any interest in alcohol, but I have seen people consumed by alcohol abuse. At the risk of exposing myself to criticism and contempt, I do so, with permission from members of my immediate family,  in order to break the chains of shame and denial that bind us all to life-long silence about alcohol abuse and dependence outside the protected confines of the confessional and the therapist’s office. He was forbidden to inherit anything from a Protestant. Whether you are in South Africa or on the south side of Chicago, chances are you will have little trouble “having good craic” over a few pints down the local. It’s filled with stereotypes and age old canards targeting the Irish people. By now, many of you reading this may be wondering why I am willing to reveal these family intimacies in a public forum. In closing if you’re reading this, wondering what my point is, well I don’t have one, just my story. Loss of identity; My brother is an alcoholic. Entering and shutting the world out behind you, you realize this is the one refuge where we all have a place for the price of a pint. Was that so fucking hard?I Didnt think so. It is a simpler place where you know where you stand and where everyone is equal until proven otherwise. I left my three sons with their father because I understood that I must do something… I just didn’t know what… I loved my children but I could not stay sober… “Remember, traditionally Ireland was a relatively poor country with a lot of social problems, all of which drive some people to drink.”. “Those who are alcoholics have the perfect cover when they are surrounded by a drinking culture. From Dublin to Donegal, the major Irish cities are awash in contemporary pub culture, similar in many respects to what you probably find in your own local Peggy O’Neils. And, they are drinking younger and younger.”. People judged me. Butter was shipped in firkins, each one holding 9 gallons.

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