That’s not the only interesting race on Tuesday night. Her district is literally coated in human feces and drugs. His once-large victory margins have shrunk down to just 4 points in 2018, even against an underfunded competitor. She’s embattled herself and has a terrible approval rating. © 2020 Wayne Dupree – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. In four of the five states voting today, ballots must be received by close of polls, regardless of when they’re postmarked. Both contests on Tuesday are expected to have lower turnout than their earlier counterparts, and it will be a test to see what lessons election administrators have learned. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. In total, five states — Connecticut, Minnesota, Vermont, Wisconsin and Georgia — will hold nominating contests on Tuesday. Omar has invested some $400,000 on digital ads but Melton-Meaux has $1.5 million in outside help. Ilhan Omar’s failing primary campaign is in even bigger trouble than we thought. Peterson voted against bringing articles of impeachment against Trump. This seat is one of 30 Democratic-held districts that Trump won in 2018, but Kind will be hard to dislodge. Phil Scott, who is among the handful of popular Republican governors in solidly Democratic states. Another big issue for Omar are the Floyd riots that burned down her district – businesses are leaving Minneapolis, and the local officials are defunding the police. GOP congressional candidate Michelle Fischbach is running for the Minnesota seat held by Democratic Rep. Collin Peterson. Greene, a QAnon conspiracy theorist and businesswoman, finished 19 points ahead of a crowded June primary field for the safe red seat vacated by retiring Rep. Tom Graves (R-Ga.). Rashida Tlaib did, too. They have reason for optimism: Fischbach has outraised Peterson for three consecutive quarters. "Sending our condolences to the president!" Another runoff in a neighboring Georgia district, held by GOP Rep. Doug Collins, has seen a surfeit of outside spending. A late recruit, Kistner has proved a formidable fundraiser — and Republicans think this race could come online. Tuesday’s primaries will cement November matchups for a few House races on the outer edges of the map. It’s also filled with anti-Semites and terrorist sympathizers (indeed, her district American. Public polling for November matchups have been scarce, but Scott is very popular in the state. In Wisconsin, ballots postmarked by the date of the April election were counted, as back-and-forth legal wrangling in the early weeks of the pandemic resulted in a complicated patchwork of rules. Thank you for contributing to a respectful and useful online dialogue. The two . If so, I am not sure how she even makes an argument for herself. Progressive groups, who spent big to help Tlaib in her primary last week, have not done much to back up Omar. House Republicans have a high-stakes primary runoff of their own in northwest Georgia, where they are on the verge of adding perhaps their most controversial member yet.

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