Leo Rising tends to look athletic and/or muscular. These are cool thoughts – fyi i was being kind of flip with my observations…these are more like clues to help you guess as opposed to well thought out astro analyses…eg IF there is a vague Vampire look or long legs or whatever, then u look to see what else is there. I cannot stand a watch either and have Venus in very close trine with Uranus. How I love your writing (and reading the older blogs!) I do attract vampires there might be something to this. whatever i’m feeling is right there on my face. ” mournful countenance in repose” made me crack up. The forward head, fast talker (in fact, fast walker, talker, doer! My mars is in Aqua. . Myst of course, just KNEW. ... mouth, hair and body (along with whatever is your rising sign). I’m gem rising, and pretty sure he is Pisces. Not loud at all. Just 15 minutes earlier for my birthtime brings my Chiron at the zero Aries point over to the fourth house .. , I just asked a woman for her birth date and info. Saggo rising – spot on, Mystic. – Leo Rising – looks and acts just like a cat, sometimes has flat face & big mane, a la a Lion. my aqua rising mum either. Sexy beasts. The only pisces I’ve got in my chart is a North node ..but this description fits to a tee, though I usually fein interest awhile when I’m bored. His Venus is in Gemini, my rising. My nephew has aqua rising and he’s delightful! it blows my mind. can see through superficiality/are not superficial themselves, and drawn to down to earth friends and partners. If I could be another rising sign, apart from Gemini, that would be it. Go to Appearance » Widgets tab to overwrite this section. – Libra Rising – they look like the elves in The Hobbit, symmetrical features, easily disturbed by discordant or coarse environments. LOVE old stuff, history, puppies/babies, and the like. Why am I like this? I find it hard to pick rising signs though. Only a watch gets past this embargo – maybe that has something to do with Saturn as ancient ruler of Aqua? The libra in me wants to enjoy wearing jewellery, but it just gets in the way or doesn’t go with the outfit or whatever. i also can’t hide my boredom or impatience even the littlest bit; actually, i have NO poker face whatsoever. But in this case, I just asked my friend it she had a copy of her birth certificate,… Read more ». This is quite fun! The guy I’ve been liking is a Capricorn, he’s got the “mournful countenance” down but the smile makes up for it. Possibly with your partner. This is called “Bottom 4”. (Cancer rising, Jupiter in Leo in first house). No calm waters in this life! Some people say their archetypical mate is the opposite sex in Mars/Venus, so guys are looking for a woman with the same placement of Venus, women are looking for someone with the same placement of Mars as in their chart. The dumping came after a story was circulated that the most respected rabbis in the art were incorrect with a prediction that seemed to be assured. Astrology was always big with the ancient Hebrew rabbis. I do like the warmth of leo rising because I have quite a reserved chart, otherwise. Simple. I am about one degree away from progressing into an Aries ascendant, and I just realised yesterday that I couldn’t hide my boredom and need to move the conversation on. Use any widgets that fits you best. keep in mind that depending on the person’s other placements, some of these may not apply, or only slightly. this sometimes means they intimidate.

I’m pale, have dark hair but I don’t sparkle! lol Descriptions are funny though like most, I have to disagree. Love scorp rising. i am a Scorpio rising with north node in the 12th conj Jupiter and Neptune and its easy for me to tell, Scorpio rising people are penetrating by the magnetic pull of the planet and those with Scorpio on the ascendant have the same effect, they are revealing of the self without speaking, no matter what the rest of their planets are. True!! my aqua granny didn’t wear jewellry and all watches ‘leapt’ when she wore them – apparently typical of aquas. My ears always perk up at any mention of camping. One of my serious ex boyfriends was scorp rising, aqua sun. As a libra rising, I can say that’s accurate. passionate, however, they are generally quiet or soft spoken unless talking to an old friend. (I rub my face like one and sit like one too!) so tend more toward a blend of cancer/aquarius rising. Also: hates jewelry, body clutter, small talk, most traditions. All rights reserved. oh mystic, even if you were being flip, i can tell you mine works for me “cap rising – mournful countenance in repose but lights up beautifully, cheekbones, seriously good strategic planner & likes one upmanship.” i’ve got the mournful countenance down, even if i’m just sitting there thinking about lunch, but have also been told my smile lights up the room. I am rarely interested in looking at other peoples’ charts but this Pisces woman and I seem to be either inseparable, or deliberately… Read more ». So sometimes, if you’re going off the way someone presents, you would pick up on their rising, rather than their sun. here are some hints on identifying a scorpio rising!! I am Pisces rising and totally fit the profile, although am beginning to wonder about the Aqua thing…. This was the zodiac sign on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth, but you need an exact time … i guess that could be my one upmanship showing. absolutely no adornments. I have heard leo rising can be very proud of their dogs. I can constantly feel them on my skin.. who wants that! They took on a lot from the Chaldeans around 500BC ? They bolt. at all times. I do HATE small talk though. Most people would describe me as charming, mischievous, fun, and well dressed. private to the point of paranoia and have a need to control their surroundings. He seemed super detached and other worldly but had the deepest thoughts. So maybe physical was all an astrologer had to go by. ), and my not-so-subtle ability to hide my boredom and frustration!! In an innocently stubborn way. I am very easily amused with an obnoxious laugh to go with it. People always describe me when they first meet me as either cool, detached, hard to read, or very innocent…and I am definitely not innocent. claimed the song, CapFire, coz rumoured he wrote in on an Oz tour when Well yeah, thats comes with our heritage. By this guideline, you are the type of woman he’s looking for. Virgo sun/Scorpio rising… I can’t tell you how many times I used to hear this from friends after they got to know me: “when I first met you, I thought you were such a bitch (hated me/ were judging me/ etc. even though i KNEW he was … Agree with Anonymous above about the “subtle pan-like/elfin facial characteristics”, I get called “pixie” a lot and that I have an impish grin . His mars is on my Venus in Aries. She and middle son are both 29 degrees. So neptune conjunct sagittarius rising would be give me Pisces look? I’ve just got out of a relationship with Pieces rising – clearly! I agree! Even 10 minutes back and this woman would be a Taurus Ascendant. Dark humor. I just met a guy 5 days ago also, we are both Toro sun. Just got a new job and am super-quiet, only to open my mouth once in a while for a table-full of odd looks. I’m Scorpio Sun and Virgo Moon, so maybe those signs influence me more. Likes to impart useful info. a noticeable presence–when they walk into a room, you know. Well chart rectification is a big can of worms you’re opening up there. Sag risings to me feel “free” from trappings or others’ opinions and philosophies. that girl who plays bass?). FYI: I am not bashing blondes, I am just not a blonde Barbie type. Always off somewhere adventuring physically or just mentally, back from some hike up a frozen waterfall or off to bellydance class, no actually I’m writing a book of poetry or constructing a memory palace using the Ancient Greek method of loci. we’re always trying to guess our dog’s chart. in my art. I do have a strong Scorponic/Pluto vibe though esp. I totally agree with this. I’m a cap rising. I figure I write a little more since I came on here to look for a pattern and see who wears red a lot. No wonder I have a headache…. But F.Y.I. Relationship was on/off/on/off. I’m from New Orleans and a Scorpio Rising… hope this is a coincidence , This makes me sound like a pisces ..I’m not. It’s true I really do fluctuate between both and I can’t help it. Hubby is Aries rising/ you can always see the horns! On the plus side, they get given responsibility and people assume they’re got authority, even when they haven’t. how to spot a scorpio rising ∵ here are some hints on identifying a scorpio rising!! With an all-access membership. Traditionally, Scorpio is represented by the phoenix which highlights the aspect of death and rebirth, as the phoenix dies only to rise again from the ashes. placements that influence the rising sign’s influence are planets in aspect or conjunction to the ascendant, and the position of the planet that your ascendant sign rules. Venus in Aries and have always wanted to be a red-head, obsessed with eyebrows and large hats, even though I don’t look particularly good in them. Am decorating the gray cubicle with ye olde Victorian art, an antique tea cup for paperclips, and tea and novels tucked in the drawer. But so much nervous energy he can look tormented. Spacey/ zealous by turn.Other son Fidigity Gem. My mom is a Cap Rising, and all her life people have been asking her, “What’s wrong? – Crab Rising – Bony and muscular with bulbous eyes, often remains super quiet and then, when they open their mouth, it’s a quality statement. Interesting! as for the Taurus Rising… “juicy looking, like they make more collagen than normal people, cow-eyes, moves slowly, big-bonded.” – naaaaaaaaaaaaaah but online charts always have me as scorp rising) <
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