Before you can become a good boyfriend, you need to know what you want first. Great hub. 14. Hey Dude! What she will also notice is the fit of the clothes you wear and how the colors aid or detract from your overall look. Also don't be excessively insecure when she’s not with you. If something is bothering her, then be her rock and solve it for her, and if she mentions something is depressing her, sympathize with her and offer her a caring ear and a shoulder to cry on. You don’t want to force someone to like you just because you want them to, right? Do not be overcome by hatred, but overcome hatred with love. Just be consistent, a lot of people in the fitness industry will try to sell you on specialized plans to get instant results, but nothing can make up for consistency. The better you look, the better you'll feel in your own skin, and the more attractive you'll be to your boyfriend. Be generous to people you meet or interact with and help those who are less fortunate than you by offering money, donations, or help. They also count favors, measure affection, and resent people who don’t live up to their expectations. Plan what comes out of your mouth after you’ve had a few at the bar lol. Walk your talk. Love yourself. Being too easy or handing out flattering compliments on demand does not challenge her to be her best. Then after a nice meal, serve her a dessert in the form of an excellent poem you've composed yourself. Liked what you just read? Your partner should be able to trust you with their physical and emotional well-being. Other skills of a well-rounded man, a man she will not be able to find anywhere else, are the abilities to make new cuisines, to fix things, and to deal with difficult situations. If you know your partner better, it will make her feel that you’re very interested in her. Learn to be a man who isn't annoyed easily by people—someone who's very calm in any situation. Thus, start planning and preparing for your wedding and married life. She needs time to herself to do her own things and recharge and so do you. This could also mean that you have non-boyfriend material traits. In that case, the men have no choice but to step up and turn themselves into boyfriend material. [Read: What men think impresses women and what actually does]. :), Heey thanks mannn I took this blog veryy emotionally. Stop blaming; admit your own mistakes. The best point in the argument is to be decisive. A relationship won’t work if it’s based on lies. It’s very hard for a woman to leave somebody who fixes her insecurities and makes her feel good about herself. My last piece of advice is a classic—go on dates. In fact, they're a rare species. Don’t make decisions or actions without your partner’s consent or knowledge. So do your assignment to know her dos and don’ts – follow the first and avoid the latter. Denise Handlon from North Carolina on June 23, 2014: Gee! Do something to achieve her relationship goals. Need I say more? Know her better. what a great list! Love her family and friends. The process is continuous, and there will always be something for you to improve on. To satisfy her in every way possible, you also have to learn her non-romantic passions. Be unpredictable, but in a good way—this creates anticipation, as she keeps wondering what's next. Trust is based on evidence. #15 Be vigilant. Plus it’ll earn you points with her parents and friends. So it's thirty minutes of jogging every day, supplemented with a weightlifting session targeting a certain body part. I'm gonna be a great guy by applying these tips. Here are some tips on how you can be the best boyfriend possible. Don't let your life and your attention only revolve around her. :(, I had a girl that i really like and care about. ALSO READ: 11 Inspiring Ways to be a Better Girlfriend, Love & Relationship Boyfriend Girlfriend Relationship, love tips, relationship tips, the best boyfriend, ways to be a better boyfriend. She might not talk to you for days or even weeks when she’s at war with you. It also shows that you are paying attention, listening, and watching over her. For example, take her out to a quiet, elegant restaurant for dinner. Don't just do these things to impress her: by working on yourself, you're also improving your quality of life as well. From there, things will develop themselves automatically—start a business or venture into a field about which you've been passionate about for a long time. Be a mature and calm person and try to talk it out. Always remember to do sweet things for her—do not only rely on sweet turns of phrase. [Read: Top 9 reasons guys get rejected by the girls they want]. Step two? In these ways, you’ll be the most interesting person around—something important both in your romantic and non-romantic relationships. An additional benefit of lifting heavy weights is that it is good for your testosterone, a very important hormone for a man because it gives strength and assertiveness. You have to continue doing the other things in your life that you are passionate about. 5. Study the male leads in movies and other celebrities in order to learn a fashion that suits you from head to toe. It’s very easy for a women to start having feelings for a man that makes her life easier. Being your true authentic self, with honor and integrity is paramount. Do not cheat. This is catching, he says. Good luck, gentlemen. Knowing her from her social circle is very important, my friend, so get on it immediately! Always display pleasing qualities that your body has to offer. That is the source of the motivation—the realization that by doing something reckless, you will have not only failed yourself but also her. Selfish people are the ones who worry more about how people perceive them, rather than how they should treat those that they care about. Having hobbies you enjoy will allow you to have fun without her—don't let her be the ultimate source of your happiness. Girls love a challenge just as much as men do. You need to set limits, as attention can backfire if you are suffocating her with your clingy or needy attitude. I am sure you will win the best boyfriend competition. Be kind and generous by volunteering to help others. Loving her family and friends means showing respect and kindness rather than rudeness and envy to them. Pray and hope to be the best she has ever got. Well, so long as she’s not a total psycho with huge expectations lol. Be a true gentleman. Who you really are — on the inside — plays a bigger role in your dating life than any of those superficial fixes. There’s no reason to keep on being bad at sex. Like, you could tell them a skin imperfection they have is very cute, or you could tell them that their eyebrows are cute. Secondly, it will make you more interesting. If you want her to feel the same way about you as you feel toward her, then you've got to express your love passionately not only through words but also through actions. Nutrition is another important aspect. Instead of trying to force the issue, be patient and let nature handle the rest. Your insecurities will reflect on the way you handle your side of the relationship, thereby ruining your chances of getting together with the girl you like. It doesn’t need to be the most expensive but one which you have sacrificed the most. That’s what they say about “nice” guys, right? I made a mistake that totally turn her off. I agree that one needs to develop themselves in a multitude if areas, money is an illusion after all, and so is status. Sally Branche from Only In Texas! Lastly, confidence in your body results in great body language. In case you have found out that she clearly made a mistake and ruined your trust, don’t lose hope. Vic likes to talk about true love, meaningful life, quantum physics, spiritual growth, and more. Be fearless. Then find a way to convert those achievements into a profession with a steady income. Stop smoking, heavy drinking, gluttony, indolence, and other habits that will slowly destroy yourself. Do whatever it takes to stand out against the inexperience and uneducated men who have not read this article, and make yourself an addiction your girl can't crack. They will be the ones to convince her that whatever you did wasn't intentional and that you still love her. This is where love comes in. Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. Dress to impress and you’ll go a long, long way in helping yourself at the very first stage of getting her to notice you. Don’t cheat. And the tips are really superb, for any boy, to become a best boyfriend. Whatever you plan doesn't have to be grand and expensive if you're not rich, but it has to be memorable and special. But no matter how she’ll treat you, do not do something bad to her. Are you ready to be in a relationship? Do you miss her? Duh. Be a real man. Guys, you should try complimenting your ladies on some things that they’re insecure about.

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