r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. ", "The more time you spend with a person, the more you take on their values and standards. Online. Because all I know are lies and secrets. Becoming a better man is a pretty good goal to have. I am not the man I claim to be, for myself or for my wife and child. serious replies only. I’d say you are making a great start just asking the question. Even something small like “man I would love a really cool lamp in here” can turn into a project to build the lamp yourself, teaching you skills and ending up with a finished product you can be proud of (even if it’s not perfect). Now, I'm not saying you should want to be rich or anything like that, but you should be aware of the negative attitudes about money that you still carry with you. ", "As a human being with a sound mind, your potential is truly unlimited. If you see others posting comments that violate this tag, please report them to the mods! Just a few ideas. Below I highlight 25 subreddits that I think can help you become a better man. Members. never settle for good enough " seriously. share. Just wondering what the 'negatives' could be and people's experiences. 20.3k. ― Ralph Waldo Emerson For example, growing up, I was taught things like: Money isn't everything (which it isn't but bare with me), Most people with a lot of money don't have time to enjoy it, People with a lot of money don't have any real friends. Sincerely, A random horny dude. Simply put, if you’re not failing, you’re not growing. Learn emotional intelligence and leadership skills and aim high. For the most thing, we all can agree that having more income would certainly cause much more good than harm, so financial freedom is something a lot of us strive for. While they are important, they do not out shine being self sufficient. If you’re looking for a legitimate way to improve your long term health with no effort - I’ll let you know that it doesn't exist.". And tell her you will tell her everything. When a man comes to terms with the person that he is AND learns to love that person, he becomes unstoppable....", "There is an unfathomable amount of books - find some that are going to help you grow. Set standards for yourself and stand up for them. Learn about opinions that are different than yours, especially about people that have less privilege and advocate for them. All top-level replies need to be from someone who is in the group the question was asked to. In fact, I didn't like wealthy people because I thought they were greedy and superficial. Let me preface this that I am not of toxic masculinity or anything of the sort. Iron Fist. Full Article: 10 Ways to Instantly Become a Better Man. Keep listening to those around you and valuing their thoughts and ideas. “Make the most of yourself....for that is all there is of you.” I love the idea of men who are strong yet delicate, jack of many trades, intelligent yet humble, have good social skills and can treat girls/boys right, and make mistakes and learn from them! I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Meditate, get a few hobbies and keep an open mind. Hmmm, respect others even when you disagree. Do I technically accomplish #3 if I fail at #1? Money means absolutely nothing until people decide to give it value, so there's no reason to have ill will towards money. So with that being said, I think it's very important that we identify any negative attitudes we have about money - because deep down, most of us DO want more income. Boom! Forgive. 8 comments. Because all I know are lies and secrets, Live by this motto. " I've just done my first year of working, Saved up some cash and I'm going into postgraduate education now. I don't have a lot of skills under my belt (anything practical at least) and I suffer from a lot of issues, like depression and procrastination. Money was tight during my undergraduate so I was eager to save this last year! They are just the way they are or it could be a misunderstanding. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Progression is key, so if you have decided to leave the bad behind, this is the place for you. Full Article: 10 Ways to Instantly Become a Better Man, Note: The article is part of a two part series, so the link only contains 1-5, and the link for 6-10 is at the end of the article. As far as personal advice, do what is right for others not what is best for you. Result? any replies that are jokes, puns, off-topic, or are otherwise non-contributory will be removed. The world needs more curious, kind hearted people as leaders and advocates. How to be a better man? Moderators. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Heck, it's the tagline and founding principle of this very website! Even in this age of technology, the most effective way to connect with people is still knowing how to talk and communicate with them directly....", "....The problem is never that we don’t have enough time – we all have the same amount of time. u/RedPilkington. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Also, ethics really helped me really come into my own early on. Yeah, it's more like "Over a very long time, through a process we aren't going to mention here at all.". I was 30, had been out of school for 6 years, and feeling like I finally knew who I was as a person. I recommend reading Kant, its a pretty great guide to being a good person. What's the difference between acting like a better man and being a better man? you would think that this would work for women too. How do you change 20 years of unhealthy habits? Remember everyone is equal. A year ago, I decided to seriously try again. A force for self-improvement, goodness, and togetherness that helps humanity eliminate evil. ", "....there are no shortcuts to your long term health. What I can do to start becoming that man, slowly, today? Thank you . 2. I am not the man I claim to be, for myself or for my wife and child. A shitty person would not even care. Press J to jump to the feed. Press J to jump to the feed. Patience, always remember most times, people arnt out to make you mad. Own up to your mistakes, don't repeat your mistakes and always keep learning and working-out. Dont rely on motivation to get this done either, rely on discipline. But I have found that a lot of us were taught some pretty detrimental things about having excess money growing up - specifically in working to middle class homes. First off, on the surface, most people appreciate money, or they at least don't have any blatant feelings against money. The most charming thing to women believe it or not isn’t looks or even personality. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. How do you change 20 years of unhealthy habits? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I am 18 years old, and in my senior year of high school. artofmanliness.com has some awesome articles on all sorts of stuff. Plenty of things are much more important than money, but the fact of the matter is there is nothing wrong with having money.

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