i then realized that's all there is to it. The voice soothing, even though tinged with regret, while the fingers caress the guitar strings like a body. a man after nothing but world peace...but clearly this song must be about a schizo, or murder. The first part being about the dirty old man, apparently in England at the time there was an old man who had placed mirrors on his boots to look up the skirts of young girls. The idea of a warm gun (meaning that it was just fired) being the object of happiness was a little shocking to Lennon. “You’ve got to Hide Your Love Away,” also off Help!, was a subliminal note of solidarity to his gay manager, Epstein, who would never think of coming out of the closet. The guitar has been called a phallic symbol, but it’s got nothing on a pistol when it comes to squeezing out testosterone. But Lennon wrote the song to bring out a warm and cozy feeling. Lennon sang about “going down” all the way back to “Please, Please Me,” which he said was about oral sex. She earns her keep by prostitution. And in. Lennon broke the song into three sections, according to an early lyric sheet reprinted in the book, They first broke rank uniformly by coming out against the Vietnam War, and did lob some small jabs at America’s Wild West attitudes towards gunplay. Den of Geek every day it gets easier to say no, but that feeling will still be there in the deepest reaches of your mind forever. Besides the avant garde experimental sound collage “Revolution 9,” the band doesn’t do anything like this except in the Abbey Road medley. Lyrics submitted by I can say what i think the song is about, because as a song writer its easy to create simple lyrics and melody, but you have to stop reading into things so deep, its what you want to interpret it as. The symbolism is in the hypocracy and inaneness of those who "escape" through war and killing. The song itself he said is about 3 different issues, that were separate songs to begin with, but were created into a medley. “There was always that edge in America – we knew they did have guns,” Starr told Rolling Stone. Happiness Is A Warm Gun song meanings Add your thoughts 2 Comments. album, was consciously about self-sufficient women. Lennon name drops Yoko Ono in the demo, his true addiction, the “Mother Superior” who “jumped the gun.” But she wasn’t cooking his works. i always knew it was about heroin because of my frequent involvement with the "drug scene". These are, in no particular order: I like dirty dan's interpretation. We all bring our own baggage to a work, including the artist. It means that one day in convent school, Mother Superior decided to drop in on gym class. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only. Happiness is a Warm gun = The gratification of fulfilling a desire/want/need/craving/addiction, When did everyone start making the Beatles out to be heroin addicts. Lennon had been “getting into harder drugs” during the period, McCartney later said, as compiled in Barry Miles’ book Many Years From Now. He recorded a home demo of the opening with the finger-picking style he learned from Donovan while on the spiritual retreat. The eleven-measure section two opens in 3/4 time. It's always been about Heroin, and it's always been a rather dark song, but The Breeders took it one step further so you can REALLY feel it. Lennon sings the last “gun” in a falsetto that runs out the last two measures. But for the most part they kept their commentary satirical. Along with the “shoot me” taunts spoken over the introduction of Abbey Road‘s “Come Together,” the anti-gun satire teases strings of predictive allusion. Such “vices” may be self-destructive but they grant relief from the pain of a darkened life. Under the ever-vigilant tutelage of manager Brian Epstein, The Beatles were forced to rein in their political and social views while touring and making promotional appearances. His voice is overdubbed by his voice. no matter who you are, or what shit you're in, heroin will put a smile on your face. He is the TV Editor at Entertainment…, It is difficult now to hear The Beatles’ song “Happiness is a Warm Gun” without feeling the subliminal twinge of pain associated with John Lennon’s death. This could mean the line was originally sexual but was put in as a metaphor for a gun later on. Lennon said the title came from the cover of the May 1968 issue of The American Rifleman the band’s long-time producer George Martin showed him. “If everyone who had a gun just shot themselves, there wouldn’t be a problem,” George Harrison once quipped. WRONG. All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. The “like a lizard on a window pane” line conjures Los Angeles living, where the band would often see “tiny little lizards nipping up the window.”, “The man in the crowd with multicolored mirrors on his hobnail boots” is about a Manchester City soccer fan who was arrested for putting mirrors on the toe caps of his shoes to look up girls’ skirts at soccer games. Lennon recalled his reaction to the phrase: "I just thought it was a fantastic, insane thing to say. George Harrison had traveled to San Francisco in '67 to the Haight-Ashbury district to find enlightenment, but found a bunch of drug addicts roaming around instead. The opening chord is an A-minor seventh, which combines major and relative minor in a single chord. sort form. General CommentOk The Beatles are my Favorite band and i have to admit that every song EXCEPT Helter Skelter was done very well in the movie Across the Universe. They chide and encourage, provide counterpoint and anticipate phrasings. James Brown's "Get Up (I Feel Like Being a) Sex Machine" was the first Hot 100 hit with the word "sex" in the title. The magazine belonged to George Martin, the Beatles' producer, who had brought it with him to the recording studio. It appears Lennon found the girl with kaleidoscope eyes he longed for in “Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds.” Yoko is his “Mother Superior,” and she jumped that gun. So someone help me with the song meaning of Happiness is a Warm Gun by the Beatles. The guitarist/songwriter explains how he came up with his signature sound, and deconstructs some classic Fear Factory songs. Fin. The second part jumps to his heroin addiction to cope with the pain inflicted on him by his wife and the rich guy. “Happiness Is A Warm Gun” reportedly is McCartney’s and was Harrison’s favorite song on the record. The English often don't pronounce the "h' at the beginning of a word. It was the one they had the most fun recording. But i do think agree with MobiusDick in that the mpst valid meaning of a song's lyrics is the one that you think of personally. they are great fun and short term effects are slim to none (when properly dosed). But is the lover Yoko or the gun? This was all done in one song and it went through all the different styles of rock ‘n’ roll.” There are no repeated parts. The first three sections establish the relative key of A minor. The Beatles came out on November 25th, 1968. PARTICULAR SUB-THEMES Lennon’s sonic rock and roll history showed how even moldy oldie chord progressions can be worked as prog with words that subverted the social flow. I don't really think this but I have a little theory that I just thought of and I theorize that its about cigarettes. But for the most part they kept their commentary satirical. I believe he conveyed this to the other members, and John saw it as an issue to discuss in his song. The original line "When I hold you in my arms and feel my finger on your trigger..." appears in unreleased, bootlegged versions of "I'm So Tired" as "When I hold you in your arms, when you show me each one of your charms, I wonder should I get up, and go to the funny farm." The full quote "Happiness is a warm gun in your hand" was the working title of the song. The collateral damage of “Happiness Is A Warm Gun” is the impact it had on serious musicians and casual listeners alike. var opts = { Lennon broke the song into three sections, according to an early lyric sheet reprinted in the book Beatles Anthology. I always thought it was about suicide. being a re-make of a former song, this song is not neccesarily meant to convey a certain message. Private Gripweed’s last scene in Richard Lester’s anti-war satire How I Won the War has the wounded soldier, played by Lennon, look defiantly at the camera and admit he knew how he would go out. The climax is the falsetto, and finally the redemption is in the continuing call and answer. You have to be careful with it. It was a gun magazine. And happiness is a warm gun, after finally having a smoke when he's feelin better he knows that he can only be so healthy for a while before he's sick again due to smoking. It's about being horny and sex obviously (and maybe a slight dig at warmongerers) he was a lover not a fighter. Starr’s tambourine work rivals his drum set work on the song “Rain” in helping the increasingly complicated pattern fit the changing time signatures as the song crescendos into the final part. A warm gun means you just shot something." as a result of my experiences, i have dubbed opiates the Drug of Discipline. further reading: The Beatles: Blue Jay Way Is a Hidden Masterpiece. He would later sing on his, Lennon started writing the song while the band was practicing Transcendental Meditation under the giggling tutelage of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in Rishikesh, India. The final doo-wop chorus of this song has the exact same chord progression as ", The phrase "happiness is a warm gun" is a play on a, The Breeders covered this on their 1990 album, This is the song that inspired 2Pac to cast his gun as his girlfriend in "Me and My Girlfriend": "She's the only woman I need! He continued adding to it in various stages, from February to September of 1968. There is always some small talk about whether or not it should have been a single album, cutting out what some critics called filler. Relying on the above, as explained in detail herein, HIAWG is a song intended to evoke and marry, via music, certain universal human emotions to particular aspects of the human condition that are found in all eras/times but which were abnormally prominent amongst many members of the baby-boom generation of the West in the mid-1960’s.

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