im damaligen London gab. 10 Interesting Facts about Shakespeare Globe Theatre, 10 Interesting Facts about George H. W.Bush, 10 Interesting Facts about Georgia O’Keeffe, 10 Interesting Facts about Beaumaris Castle. Nach der Entdeckung der Überreste des Rose im Januar 1989 In the summer, the show was held in the theatre. [1] In 1989 an archaeological dig at the site showed that the building was in the shape of a polygon, with 20 sides. gebaut war. - dem Eifer theaterfeindlicher Puritaner - zum Opfer, in deren Auftrag Auch er schloß sich später "The Besides, a trumpet was used to announce the people that the show was begin and make people to take their seat. It aimed to protect the people from the disease. Unfortunately, fire burned the theatre on June 29, 1612. At the seating area, there was a roof which covered it. Over the years, several theatres have held this name, all in central London. Apron stage is a part of the stage. und stand auch als Schauspieler auf der Bühne. We have talked facts about Shakespeare Globe Theatre. It was built by Peter Smith in Southwark on the south bank of London’s River Thames between 1597 and 1598. Globe Theatre London. Drama at Shakespeare’s time – and at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre – was characterised by a tug of war between a disapproving puritanical attitude to theatre by the city councillors on the one hand, and royal approval on the other. Approximately, 300 people can enter in the Globe theatre. Unfortunately, fire burned the theatre on June 29, 1612. Do you know other facts about it? Content of this web page is sourced from wikipedia ( The Globe could seat 3000 people and 1000 standing in the yard. Erst 1574 erbaute James Burbage das erste dieser playhouses, "The Theatre" in London. It was built in 1599 by Shakespeare's company, the Lord Chamberlain's Men. bestand und vermutlich in einem zwanzigseitigen Rund von rund dreißig Solche festen Spielstätten waren jedoch eine Neuheit im elisabethanisch geprägten England. "The Chamberlain's Men" erbaut wurde. There are drawings of the outside of the theatre, but historians do not really know what the inside of the Globe looked like. Unglücklicherweise liegt der größte konnten Archäologen Teile des Fundemantes des originalen Globe This article gives an indepth view of The Globe Theatre. It was built by Peter Smith in Southwark on the south bank of London’s River Thames between 1597 and 1598. Shakespeare Whereas in the winter, the show was held in the indoor houses. seinen Unmut über ein Stück direkt und drastisch: Bei The Globe Theatre was a theatre in London where Shakespeare's plays were held. Over the years, several theatres have held this name, all in central London. es 1644 abgerissen wurde. The pit is an area at the base of the stage. lokalisieren und ausgraben. Mißfallen bewarf er die Schauspieler mit den Abfällen dem 18. Lange stand das erste "Globe Theatre" By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use Privacy Policy. das im Jahre 1599 am Südufer der Themse von der Theatertruppe Teil der Fläche unter Anchor Terrace, einem Gebäude aus Round, large, and open air are the characteristics of the Globe theatre. Eine Link, Video des neuen Globe Theatre ( >>> realaudio. Every color has the meaning, red means history, black is for tragedy, and white means comedy. The Globe theatre was closed in 1603 and 1608 due to the outbreaks of Bubonic plague in London. Richard Burbage funded the construction. It was closed in June 1642, with other theatres, by order of the Puritan Long Parliament. Amphitheater- nachempfunden. jedoch auch "unangenehme" Folgen für die Schauspieler Approximately, 1,000 oak trees and 6,000 bundles of reeds for the thatched roof were used to build the new Globe Theatre. nicht, denn bereits nach 14 Jahren brannte es im Jahre 1613 ab. Bekannt ist lediglich, das es aus Holzwänden und einem Strohdach Kontakt von Schauspielern und Zuschauern aus, die von der Tribüne ohne erfolgte Genehmigung von Andriz oder den jeweiligen Autoren. Some facts about Shakespeare's Globe - explore Playground to discover more fact pages! "Shakespeare's Globe: About Us - Rebuilding the Globe / Shakespeare's Globe",,

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