He won a Golden Globe Award in 1989, an Academy Award in 2004 and an Oscar in 2005. In 2013, Max and Meia decided to create a new organization for reducing existential risk, modeled structurally after FQXi, and got Jaan and Anthony on board. Peter Haas is the COO of XactSense, a UAV manufacturer in Warwick RI working on robotic LIDAR mapping and autonomous navigation. Grzegorz (or Gregory, if you don’t want your tongue to hurt) lives in Warsaw, Poland and works remotely for software company based in Norway. Jessica was a 2016-17 International and Global Affairs Student Fellow at Harvard’s Belfer Center, and has held research positions with Harvard’s Program on Science, Technology & Society, the Institute for the Future, and the Center for Genetics and Society. He is the CEO of Web2Asia, a digital marketing agency and e-commerce technology company he started in 2006. In 2005 he was appointed to the House of Lords, and he has been Master of Trinity College as well as President of many organizations, including the Royal Society, the Royal Astronomical Society and the British Association for the Advancement of Science. She assists with AI policy research and China outreach. How would you do it? He is currently the co-president of Harvard Effective Altruism and plans to research existential risk as a potentially effective philanthropic cause. His many awards include the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society, the Balzan International Prize, the Cosmology Prize of the Peter Gruber Foundation, the Einstein Award of the World Cultural Council and the Crafoord Prize (Royal Swedish Academy). She has published dozens of articles on the implications of emerging technologies in outlets including. A separate concern is that high-quality decision-making systems could inadvertently be programmed with goals that do not fully capture what we want. A: First, even “narrow” AI systems, which approach or surpass human intelligence in a small set of capabilities (such as image or voice recognition) already raise important questions regarding their impact on society. Kevin has a BSE in electrical and computer engineering and computer science from Duke University where he was also first exposed to the Effective Altruism community. She also directs the non-profit Scientists Against Inhumane Weapons. He is a senior editor for Nature EMBO Molecular Systems Biology. He currently works abroad as a freelance translator and assists with FLI outreach efforts in Eastern Europe. Through research and grantmaking, they to learn how to make philanthropy go especially far in terms of improving lives. He assists with AI safety and FLI’s Chinese outreach efforts. From SIRI to self-driving cars, artificial intelligence (AI) is progressing rapidly. Let's make a difference! He initiated the Personal Genome Project in 2005 as well as research into synthetic biology. Throughout her studies, Vera has specialized in a variety of topics, including environment, nuclear security, and AI, and takes pride in providing accurate and idiomatic translations. A: Autonomous weapons are ideal for tasks such as assassinations, destabilizing nations, subduing populations and selectively killing a particular ethnic group. Before that, he studied Philosophy at the University of Cambridge, graduating in 2014. They inform the public about relevant topics by spreading and creating relevant content and research. Aside from AI, climate change and global warming are another interest and she is working on another project investigating why current economic models are incompatible with sustainable development. Some draw a distinction between “Narrow AI” (like solving CAPTCHAs or completing Google searches) and “General AI” that could replicate most or all human capabilities, roughly at or above human level. He also has strong interest in science outreach, and has appeared in numerous science documentaries. Q: What are the potential benefits of AI as it grows increasingly sophisticated? It was founded in 2005 as part of the Faculty of Philosophy and the Oxford Martin School.

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