Other common side effects of the vaccine include soreness and redness at the injection site. While there’s a lot of overlap between them, there are also key…. In: Most vaccines The province has not said when the shots will be available. It is four times stronger than a normal vaccine to give older adults extra protection. The 2020-2021 flu season is not shaping up to be a normal one. This year’s B/Victoria vaccine component was updated from a B/Colorado/06/2017 (B/Victoria lineage)-like virus to a … Pseudonyms will no longer be permitted. Influenza vaccines protect against viruses that cause influenza, often called the flu. Read more: To hear the complete interview with Dr. Iris Gorfinkel, tap the audio link below: To encourage thoughtful and respectful conversations, first and last names will appear with each submission to CBC/Radio-Canada's online communities (except in children and youth-oriented communities). When the immune system isn’t strong, it becomes harder for the body to fight off infections. It’s safe to use ethylmercury in vaccines because it’s processed differently in the body and it’s less likely to build up in the body — and because it’s used in tiny amounts. Persons who report having had reactions to egg involving symptoms other than [hives]… or who required epinephrine or another emergency medical intervention may similarly receive any licensed, recommended influenza vaccine… that is otherwise appropriate for their age and health status. This is why we get our flu shots, people! However, use any of the available influenza vaccines is preferable to remaining unvaccinated or asking people to return for vaccine. On average, it can take up to 2 weeks for your body to produce antibodies to protect against the flu. For the most part, the flu vaccine is safe. © 2020 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc. An employee of SinoVac works in a lab at a factory producing its SARS CoV-2 Vaccine for COVID-19 named CoronaVac in Beijing on Thursday, Sept. 24, 2020. A high-dose vaccine is designed to strengthen the immune system response in older adults, thus lowering the risk of infection. For those who are not eligible for the publicly funded (free) program, small amounts of the vaccine may be available to buy from some pharmacies and travel health clinics. Everyone age 3 years and up should receive 0.5 ml, with the exception of adults aged 65 and up taking Fluzone High-Dose Quadrivalent, which is a new vaccine introduced this year with a dosage of 0.7 ml. Vancouver council commits $30 million to fight homelessness, Richmond pastor and his family share COVID-19 recovery journey. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends getting a flu shot by the end of October. Cold & Flu. Use: Boosts body’s response to the vaccine, The Ingredient: Sugar or gelatin Comments on this story are moderated according to our Submission Guidelines. Why Care.com Is Providing Free Child Care On Election Day, Polls Says American Parents Don't Want to Risk In-Person School. B.C. Influenza (flu) vaccines are available during the influenza season through public health clinics, pharmacies, doctors’ offices, and travel clinics. It’s also an “important year” for people to protect themselves from influenza, as getting vaccinated can help reduce pressure on the healthcare system in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, she said, “This vaccine doesn’t protect you from COVID, but it does make sure that you’re not going to get infected with influenza, and it goes a long way to help that.”. Flubok Recombinant, the one recombinant vaccine that is FDA approved for the 2020-2021 season, is another completely egg-free vaccine for those with egg allergies. Influenza (often called the flu) is an infection of the upper airway caused by an influenza A or B virus. The ingredient, called adjuvant MF59, is a natural compound that can be made from vegetable oils or, more commonly, shark liver oil. Persons who report having had reactions to egg involving symptoms other than [hives]… or who required epinephrine or another emergency medical intervention may similarly receive any licensed, recommended influenza vaccine… that is otherwise appropriate for their age and health status. election 2020 promise tracker: What the major parties are pledging, B.C. The antiviral you probably already know goes by the brand name of Tamiflu, which you can get OTC with relative ease even if you’re not young or elderly. Use websites like Vaccine Finder to find locations near you that offer the flu vaccine, and contact them to compare costs. People over the age of 65 are encouraged to get a high-dose flu vaccine that contains four times the amount of antigen as the standard inoculation. These vaccines have a slightly shorter shelf life than most current flu vaccines, with expiration dates 9 months after the production date, and are only approved for patients 18 years or older. This extra antigen is used to create a stronger immune response in older people to provide better protection against influenza. This antiviral stands out in that it is the only one that gets to the root of replication, messing with the virus’ RNA to stop it from reproducing. And the government may require some people to get flu shots, such as Massachusetts, which is mandating the vaccine for students. First, let’s break down the terminology: “A” refers to the type of influenza that infects birds, humans, pigs, horses, seals and dogs,  H#N# refers to the different proteins found in the outer shell of the virus (hemagglutinin and neuraminidase); “pdm” is short for “pandemic” (remember, these are grown to mimic once-live viruses that did some harm); and “09” is the year of said pandemic (the 2009 virus accounted for some 203,000 deaths with a higher-than-normal population of children dying). Any licensed, recommended influenza vaccine… that is otherwise appropriate for the recipient’s age and health status may be used. But what’s in a flu shot is a little more complicated. It’s really much more boring than that. The recombinant flu vaccine manufacturing process, like cell-based vaccines, is faster to manufacture too. © 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. The CDC reports this year’s H3N2 vaccine component was updated from an A/Kansas/14/2017 (H3N2)-like virus to an A/Hong Kong/2671/2019 (H3N2)-like virus. This one’s for you. And in September, the province announced it had procured two million doses of vaccine. An older version of this drug called Fluad protects against three flu strains, but this new drug vaccinates against four. However, there are two new flu vaccines now available for people with egg allergies.”, Every year, vaccines take virus samples from labs across the world and mix and match them. The program is a convenient way for employees to get vaccinated by offering workplace flu … But September is ideal and you should definitely be up to date by the end of October, though later is better than never. Here are some of the ingredients you will find in the 2020-2021 flu vaccine — and why they’re there. That means a flu strain akin to the one seen in the 2009 pandemic that was created last year in a lab in the Maonan district of Guangdong is replacing the strain created in 2018 in Brisbane. All rights reserved. The flu shot is especially important for older adults because they tend to have weaker immune systems. This drug, along with two others that work in the same manner (brand names Rapivab and Relenza), block an enzyme the virus needs to replicate and shave up to a day off your illness. If you become ill after getting a vaccination, a flu shot may lessen the severity of symptoms of the illness. For more information about influenza, see the. In: Most vaccines When you or your child get vaccinated, you help protect others as well by reducing the spread of the influenza virus. H3N2 was first found in pigs in 2010, then in humans in 2011, and the biggest human outbreak was in 2012 with some 309 reported cases. For those science-is-fucking-awesome types out there, this is indeed fucking awesome. BC Green Party leader Sonia Furstenau promised mental health supports on Monday. The antigen is the part of the vaccine that helps your body build up protection against disease. Am I eligible for a free flu shot? But it will be exceedingly complicated. Canada's National Advisory Committee on Immunization, Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization, HealthLinkBC File: Inactivated Influenza (Flu) Vaccine. Call 8-1-1 toll-free in B.C., or for the deaf and hard of hearing, call 7-1-1 or for Video Relay Service, call 604-215-5101.. You can speak with a health service navigator, who can also connect you with a: Anyone aged five years or older can also be immunized at a pharmacy. Plus, up to 70 percent of seasonal flu-related hospitalizations occur in people ages 65 and older. Evidence-based immunization information and tools for B.C. In a statement, the B.C. It’s also designed specifically for people ages 65 and older. Even so, most vaccines do not have any thimerosal in them.”, “Because influenza and yellow fever vaccines are both made in eggs, egg proteins are present in the final products. Find out which type of flu vaccine is best for you. Province capable of meeting flu shot demand, says B.C.’s top doctor Kirsten Clarke / Richmond News October 9, 2020 09:33 AM Getting a flu shot this fall is more important than ever amid the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a UBC professor and doctor at the BC Childrens' Hospital. Why should older adults get the flu shot? B.C. BC Centre for Disease Control. There are also new and improved flu vaccine options for older adults, who are hit hard by both the flu and COVID-19. You can also research flu clinics at community centers or senior centers. recommends that everyone 6 months of age and older should get a yearly influenza vaccination with rare exception. “The uncertainty and instability around the pandemic is placing increased psychological strain on us all. A person with influenza is at risk of other infections, including viral or bacterial pneumonia, which is an infection of the lungs. It’s more crucial than ever to get your flu shot. “Persons with a history of egg allergy who have experienced only [hives] after exposure to egg should receive influenza vaccine. New for the 2020/21 influenza season: Adults 65 years of age and older, living in long term care and assisted living facilities can receive the Fluzone® High-Dose vaccine for free. Communicable Disease Control Manual August 2020 Chapter 2: Immunization Part 4 - Biological Products 1 2020/21 Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Eligibility . In some cases, you may be able to get the flu shot free of charge or at a low cost. In Ontario, the flu vaccine has been free for two decades. First of all, the, Coming down with a cough and fever could also, . The flu is a contagious respiratory illness that can cause a variety of symptoms. Still, it’s been a slow start to the flu season, with…. This was not always an entirely egg-free vaccine because the four viruses used in it were created originally with the usual egg-injection process. Cell-Based.

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