That being said Patrick Stewart chews more scenery (and now… on with the superlatives) than any human being ever, since the dawn of time, in all of history, forever, never to be exceeded by anyone, any time, anywhere, in the entire universe. And before you know it, we’ve bred local cats practically identical to Caprica cats. Thanks very much for the kind words. This may be beating a dead Cylon at this point, but as a writer and long-time fan of science fiction, I feel compelled to add a few observations. I prefered the earlier seasons where it seemed more likely the Cylons used the old myths for their own purposes. They were essentially us with the capability of space travel, and that made the characters and their plight more relatable. giant pair of wings - (the sloping roof was tied to JB's memory of There were other animals we know from our Earth in the show, e.g., rats (Helo on Caprica) and a pigeon (“Daybreak”). I totally assumed he was American. the bomb planted above a vent in the train's bathroom, with two cell-phone IMO we shouldn’t try and doublethink the writers, I believe for whatever reason they simply lost control of the story at the end. They won’t try to re-create their Colonial civilisation, and who would blame them? The reality was really that there was no KARA that ever came back from her death. With the money they spend on producing shows the last thing they should have wanted was a writing team stumbling around because they were making things up as they went along. the Dr ukokobill for bringing back my Tigh and Ellen know they can’t have kids so why not “go the way of the future ” perhaps Ellen will get pregnant with someone else anyway. Both wives died and at the end I think the wife of Clay’s is Dora, because he is Rory. In the years since I’ve made this post, I’ve seen Firefly. As for the record keeping idea you run into one problem. But the problem with that would be if they are just people running around with nothing then the Cylons wouldn’t even notice them but if they have ships and tech in the system the Cylons would know they were there the second they jumped in and looked at the planet. We see head Six and head Baltar who turn out to be instruments of God, or angels or something. Flashbacks reveal his tragedy-strewn childhood that left him hungering for the approval of a male authority figure, even the sadistic Mr. Mooney. The revenge gene runs deep in us so I could understand them being driven to destroy their benefactors. I also came to the conclusion that they were one and the same person, in part because hope else would Clay know the story (though the are other possible respond he would). Then, we see Lee, losing in a few minutes the two people he loves the most: his father and Kara. We have the weapons. No one is saying God shouldn’t have played a part in the ending but to have “God did it all” doesn’t give our characters free will. After Tigh kills Ellen, and then they’ll all rescued from New Caprica, Adama says something along the lines of “you brought them back” and Tigh replies “not all of them”. I have to admit, I was a little upset with how she just disappeared at the end. I do think it fits thematically. Maybe someday. A dictator. The weakness can be sex, greed, love, vanity, addiction, whatever. I completely agree! The BSG crew could happily rebuild from there. their boss Barlow and Clive's brother Gavin (Brandon McGibbon), raped children passed through severe It isn’t very interesting at this point and would’ve felt pedestrian. Recall that BSG itself reverts in technology on purpose (landline phones, no networked computers) as a reaction to nearly losing a war to machines the first time, and after the Final Five Earth and Kobol, they now seem to know that technology destroying you seems to be a pattern built into the universe. movie was a 'film-within-a-film.' Killer Cut" (or what is the secret anyway). to a retrospective film I’m sure if you tried you could pick something similar to Orion from a star formation somewhere else in the galaxy if you were on another planet. Elsa), But Was Killed; Elsa Profited, and Was Pregnant (But Who I would have made their choices what drove the story and the ending instead of a supernatural guiding force. Similar concept, except Rory is real and Clay and the fan are the story of how he reveals he copied the book. (Inconsistencies exist in the show, but this is not one of them.). three alien Klingon warships and the Starfleet's monitoring com station Epsilon head trauma. And, for whatever it’s worth I enjoyed the endings of Firefly, Futurama, and even Cloud Atlas as sci-fi projects go. They prove that humanity will never learn and are condemned to spend eternity replaying their mistakes. but anyway, he seemed like he was wrapped up as well as anyone. Genetically, I’ve assumed Cylons are identical to humans, otherwise why wouldn’t a simple DNA test serve as a Cylon detector? There were fine scenes and moments throughout. To that end, the Hera stuff still has a certain ick factor to me. Commander Decker Physically Merged With V'Ger by Uniting With Ilia. Your complaints here are pretty easily resolved with real-world common sense: 1. The are many other things that make this point really quite believable: Do you know any films that portray a troubled family? At the end, in the New York scene, Head Six and Head Baltar essentially say that the entity they’re working for doesn’t like to be called “God”, so to me it’s an easy jump to say that they weren’t angels of god as in the Judeo-Christian belief, but something else—what that “something else” is, I don’t know, but at least it frees my mind from the thought of angels copulating with mortals as they weren’t angels in the familiar sense. Dogs are known to be humans’ closest “friends” among all animals, cats are capricious, rats signify death and decay etc. The condition of Galactica herself was the clearest reminder that their high-tech capital was irreplaceable after the destruction of the colonies. There is no god, just the hope of one, that drives everyone to continue to exist. I suppose she was just Gaius’ fantasy woman, and that meant being really sexual. Could Starbuck have been explained better? affection. a bald, partly-human mutant adult female (Delphine Chaneac) - a fantastical imposing gas tank (foreshadowing later events). V'Ger was attempting plankton - ruled an impossibility by The Exchange (a group of oceanographic to steal his work), so he arranged to meet with FBI I look at the series as a whole, and I perceive the supernatural outcome to be the result of all the meaningful choices and actions of both human and cylon throughout the series. B) “land” the ships on the surface of the sea forming “Atlantis”. I am not worthy. I think it would have been a short time, but thats just a guess. But why can’t we step outside our box of thinking? There were too many gaps in logic and contrivances necessary to get there. murder of Edwardes (there was a bullet in his body, delivered from of life is better than facing death.". It’s only my opinion of course, and many people like the finale, but I loathe it for the reasons Brad Templeton outlined so eloquently. What this personal theory explains: Perhaps they simply could not dream up a more satisfactory ending. 7) I have to admit that I’m having problems with your reply again. scene that led to a surprise suicide death. for its next mission. That could be how Kara couldn’t stay “paradox”… And/or it’s the same Earth, but before the 13th Cylon Colony but the Cylon 13th never colonizes it. lighting, classical music playing (Tchaikovsky's "Pathetique" Symphony Did I miss some symbolism there? I’ve always found it quite intuitive that the characters in the show, with their callsigns (Athena, Hera, Apollo) were hinted at being the inspiration literally or allegorically for the Greek Olympian gods in western culture. I’m sure it would have made all BSG lovers proud. I believe…..this is after his wife’s funeral…he buries the manuscript and thus buries his old, lying self. I loved the ending. It was quite obvious to me that this being was overseeing the entire drama play out and more than likely was engineering the perfect circumstance for a hybrid human/cylon race to evolve. This meant the creator was forced to wrap up a few plot points sooner than anticipated (so the fans wouldn’t be left hanging), which meant season 5 had fewer plot points to resolve, while season 4 covers several events in fairly rapid succession.

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