It seems as if we are eavesdropping on real people and real situations. Shot in B&W using high contrast 16mm film stock and done in cinéma vérité-style (although it was completely scripted) it depicts the events of one night as a middle-aged couple's marriage falls apart. Its influence can be seen in the work of such diverse filmmakers as Robert Altman and Woody Allen. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google privacy policy and terms of service apply. A West Wing Special to Benefit When We All Vote, This film put Cassavetes on the cinematic map, even though at 90 minutes, it was 4.5 hours short of Cassavetes' intended version, which exists now only in published script form. True to the title there are many closeups of the actors faces. Enjoy! © 2000 - 2017 Three Movie Buffs. It was mostly shot in John Cassavetes' real house where he lived with his wife, actress Gena Rowlands. I don't know, there's just something about the way the film interpreted life, youth, and settling down, just brought out a lot of feelings in me and made me see things in such a close range. Cassavetes didn’t improvise, and Faces was scripted, but many of the film’s scenes still have the feel of conversations happening right in front of you, with all the imperfections and digressions and looseness of the everyday. it’s a concept that has A LOT to do…, Updated: September 18, 2020 Created: January 19, 2013 View More Lists Follow Me, The Criterion Collection is a video distribution…, gabriel guimarães? With Faces he is not telling a story, but creating an environment for which there is room for anything to happen. During the month of October, I will be taking a look back at the films of the godfather of American independent cinema, John Cassavetes. Much of the footage…. Photos © Copyright Continental Distributing (1968). It is quite possibly the first feature film to openly discuss cunnilingus. It'll be rather difficult for me to describe this sort of a cinematic experiment, but all I can ever really say is that it has already confirmed John Cassavetes is truly one of my all-time favourite film directors. Film data from TMDb. The portrayal of alienation and growing old had me thinking about a lot of things, particularly with finding love and succumbing to death. This isn't a happy movie but it is a riveting one. Close to 300 users submitted a list…. juliodogpit 1,001 films 9,784 433 Edit, UPDATE--------------------------------------------------------------------------, Check out also: The 100 Greatest Documentaries, ranked as objectively as possible The 100 Greatest Directors The 100 Greatest…, dialogue driven films characterized by long conversations between two characters sharing a moment together. In the end we all are trapped in the prisons we make for ourselves, no matter how much we try to fight it. 1968 The scene where she dances with Seymour Cassel inspires both pathos and hilarity. He breaks away from everything and just creates whatever he wishes, and the results are always fascinating. i think it's power actually comes from being both of things at once, and lurching from one to the other in a haze of painful emotions and the pursuit of something, anything that might distract from them. Everyone's a crumbling facade and each piece is falling apart at such a rate that it's a wonder they're even still…. The movie is a series of scenes in which the characters sit around, drink copious amounts of alcohol, argue, converse, and dance. That empty film frame ready to be fullfilled by a lot of self-revulsion only presented by the most of tender of eyes. I wonder if the first act would’ve still reminded me of La Dolce Vita had they not mentioned it in the opening scene. © Letterboxd Limited. Faces bears the stamp of its particular era's jazz; it trades in long stretches of chaos, even ugliness, which produce unexpected passages of grace and beauty. Whittle Faces down to its sharpest 40 minutes or so and you'd have...well, you'd have a film with an unwieldy, non-commercial running time. Fizzily filmed through this distorted cinema verite that palpitates with such a coarse virulence that the notion of its characters actually making it through another day is a seriously daunting question. We aren't given any background information on any of the characters, we discover them as the film unfolds. Cassavetes' empathy for his characters within his singular vignettes of their daily lives remains unmatched. © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Faces is probably the one Cassavetes film that I can say emotionally affected me the most? With its poor sound mixing and grainy 16mm black-and-white photography, Faces more or less picked up where "Shadows" left off. There's a lot of great characters and great performances in Cassavetes and then there's Seymour Cassell showing up middle through Faces, maybe not the best but the most Cassavetian of them all. Edit: I see why a 3-hour cut of this film wouldn’t be ideal, but I like the alternative opening quite a bit and think it establishes everything a little better than the final cut, whose opening feels a little too detached from everything else. So we just go on’, the cinematography of this movie is to die for. Sad, slimy, slippery people, talking (singing) past each other. — Who else would I be?”. Cassavetes' first independent film since Shadows - made after the severely compromised, if fascinating, studio movies Too Late Blues and A Child Is Waiting - is Directed by John Cassavetes. Everyone was just really annoying. Faces is a groundbreaking 1960s drama by writer/director John Cassavetes. Explores the ego of the working upper middle class, their social life with a dinamic and intimate camera.The actors did a fine job and were not afraid of the camera closeups in the most vulnerable scenes. It eventually develops into something very different, but there’s a similar unease whenever we focus on John Marley’s character. And I’ll do the same. The film follows their struggles to find love amongst each other. Who was doing it like him? She plays Jeannie Rapp. The maturation of his maverick "home movie" ethos, John Cassavetes's Faces (1968) incisively explores the disintegration of an upper middle-class marriage. bonus points if they're accompanied by…, Essential movies for lonely people out there (like me) if you want to feel something in this big big world.…, Princess Buttercup 125 films 790 5 Edit, 125 Essential Movies, According to Martin Scorsese In 2012, Fast Company published an extensive interview with Scorsese in which he…, Peter Stanley 1,222 films 39,794 1254 Edit, All the films from all the editions, including those subsequently removed, presently totalling 1222. The household, a gilded cage, another place to drown in. Partly improvised, partly scripted, and partly somewhere between the two, Cassavetes' films have frequently been likened to jazz. As Richard takes up with a younger woman, Maria enjoys a night on the town with her friends and meets a younger man. There are really not that many scenes in this thing, especially for its length, but a million different things happened. I don't think I can make this review go for a rather long time without the fear of spoiling the way one is meant to experience Faces, because it doesn't play by…. Beauty inside the pain, presented at it's most unhinged and nonsensical, and yet, never containing a single falsity. anyway this is very good, but it is as grueling and exposed as advertised so mileage may vary. The beauty of Faces lies very much in the distance of the very late 60s middle class malaise action and Cassavetes loving camera, how it moves around those spaces, those actors, how the pre-ordained idea is allowed to give away to full purge into that in the moment existence. Mobile site. Everybody, a black box. She began her career in the silent era and kept acting until 1976. The beauty of Faces lies very much in the distance of the very late 60s middle class malaise action and Cassavetes loving camera, how it moves around those spaces, those actors, how the pre-ordained idea is allowed to give away to full purge into that in the moment existence. My favorite performance, however, belongs to Dorothy Gulliver. At least John Cassavetes, who also wrote the screenplay, describes them as middle-class. Check box if your review contains spoilers. Rowlands was three months pregnant at the time the film was made. [19 Sep 1997, p.36]. I couldn't figure out what everyone was laughing at. Charles Akins Nancy E. Barr Don Siegel, John Cassavetes Maurice McEndree Al Ruban, Maurice McEndree Productions Walter Reade Organization Inc. Faces International Films, 130 mins  

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