I'd say your summary is good but you missed the part where Northern Ireland is made to consist of only six of the counties of Ulster in order to jerrymander a Protestant and therefore British-sympathetic majority. By granting the title of Wales to the next in line to the throne, it really does reinforce that the Monarchy reigns over "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland." Thanks for wondering. Don't Panic! After 1975 the intensity dropped slightly but the sectarian violence was still as potent as ever and still continues on to this day. ELI5. Hence forth you had 6 incredibly bloody years during the early 70s, when running gun battles between the Army and the IRA were a daily occurance, let alone the massive bombing campaign carried out by the IRA. Ireland itself as pretty much in an on again off again state of revolt the whole time. United Kingdom. Ireland and is the only part of the UK with a land border (wh. So to use American terminology they're states. These groups still fight for Irish independence against the Ulster Volunteer Force, UVF for short, and other unionist paramilitary organizations. The Republic of Ireland was not formed until 1921 when the Home rule bill in Westminster was finally passed and carried out (although it was passed in and around 1914 but because WW1 started, all government affairs were put aside to focus on the war). 26 of these are the republic (southern), which is under the Irish government based in Dublin. Northern Ireland actually voted Remain, and this has prompted some people to suggest that now is the time for Northern Ireland to leave the UK and rejoin Ireland. The difference is that Northern Ireland is a normal part of the UK, at least as normal as part of the UK can be (since there is no formal definition of a constituent country, each one is different). But they're all part of a single nation/political entity. As such it has been traditional to refer to Northern Ireland as "The Province", referring to the province of Ulster, however this is incorrect as Ulster also includes some of the Republic of Ireland.. With devolution and greater home rule, not just for Northern Ireland but for Scotland and Wales, Constituent Country is probably the best term, just not a historically accurate one. Northern Ireland's DUP has cast doubt on whether it will support it, and the Labour Party has the new plans are “even worse” than Theresa May’s. Northern Ireland is one of the four constituent countries of the United Kingdom. How to find us . Press J to jump to the feed. Is it so much to ask for a place to be safe from prejudices, where an Ulstermans culture can remain intact? "What is a country?" The violence lasted for about 30 years, ending with the Good Friday Accords of 1998. If you’ve got something you’d like to share, sign up for the "Speaker" ticket type or email events@farsetlabs.org.uk to discuss it with the subject line “ELI5”. Don't Panic! Both sides equally as bad. I'm having an argument with my AP Spanish teacher and it's getting embarrassing. It's important also to note that even prior to the troubles, there was a lot of bad blood between the Irish and English. (loyalists) fight because they hate the Irish. Centuries of brutalization by the English left the country with deep sectarian rifts (the laws greatly favoured Protestants). The Relgious aspect is part of the Reformation where neither side expected the other to even die properly. Tech & business events. In a historical irony, the British Army where warmly welcomed by the nationalist/republican community as they had effectively stopped a Loyalist pogrom in the eyes of many catholics. The Protestants eventually won, and passed laws to keep Catholics from power, some of which remained in effect as late as 2011. An argument for a united Ireland as a matter of geography is a poor argument. “Explain Like I’m 5” is our collaborative speaker series, where local developers, technologists, entrepreneurs, artists, performers, scientists, and business people take a concept that may be highly specific to their area of expertise or work, and break it down to a lay audience from right across the STEAM spectrum with a minimal expectation of prior knowledge. It isn't all cut and dry. They pay their taxes to the UK government, receive the same social benefits as other parts of the UK, are subject to (mostly) the same laws made by the same parliament, and so on. In 1920 an act was passed that split the country into Northern Ireland, mostly protestant unionists, and the Republic of Ireland, mostly Catholic nationalists. and pretty much all of those cultures have hated each other for a long time. We all hate the English and the English hate us all, it's a an ironically unifying part of the United kingdom. Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? But what about Northern Ireland? Correction: Ulster consists of 9 counties, 6 of which constitute the North while the remaining 3 are in the Republic. Over the centuries millions were killed and England tried their best to essentially erase the Irish people trying to remove their language and letting them starve during events like the Potato Famine. As another American, I think I can give you comparisons to American history that might help you understand the social circumstances better too. The IRA originally fought for nationalist ideals against England's soldiers. Sign up today and never miss out again. - Albert Einstein“Explain Like I’m 5” is our collaborative speaker series, where local developers, technologists, entrepreneurs, artists, performers, scientists, and business people take a concept that may be highly specific to their area of expertise or work, and break it down to a lay audience from right across the STEAM spectrum with a minimal expectation of prior knowledge.The Theme:No themes this time, although if someone wants to suggest something crazy, get in touch!The Audience:The target audience is anyone and everyone who loves learning and expanding their horizons. Press J to jump to the feed. NI is defiantly part of the UK but the UK tends to call it's member "Countries" not "States" similar. In Northern Ireland, Catholics are still shit on. Now riddle me this, Dukswaith, how many protestants were killed or effectively ethnically cleansed during and after the 1916 uprising? Does Jerry Seinfeld have Parkinson's disease? The "Northern Ireland" problem had distorted a lot of words which makes it confusing for people who are not local to fully understand, but I think your definitions paint all beliefs (unionist,loyalist, nationalist, republican) with far too wide a brush and may lead to further confusion, I know this isn't exactly the proper format but if you are a reader check this book out.

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