The country has four main geographic regions: Ecuador's capital is Quito, which is in the province of Pichincha in the Sierra region. . Following the battle, Ecuador joined Simón Bolívar's Republic of Gran Colombia, also including modern-day Colombia, Venezuela and Panama. We love the strong, diagonal lines and the powerful font which says I am from Ecuador and proud of it. Corps Volunteer, Peace Pérez also set a world best in the 2003 World Championships of 1:17:21 for the 20-km (12 mi) distance. The top of Mount Chimborazo (6,268 m, or 20,560 ft, above sea level), Ecuador's tallest mountain, is the most distant point from the center of the Earth on the Earth's surface because of the ellipsoid shape of the planet.[1]. Recruiter. In the province of Chimborazo stands the amazing Chimborazo Volcano. Rivers may slow and widen as they cross the hoyas yet become rapid again as they flow from the heights of the Andes to the lower elevations of the other regions. This defeat led to the signing of the Treaty of Guayaquil dated September 22, 1829, whereby Peru and its Congress recognized Gran Colombian rights over Tumbes, Jaen, and Maynas. It has around 1640 kinds of birds. [citation needed]. [130] There are also public hospitals specialized to treat chronic diseases, target a particular group of the population, or provide better treatment in some medical specialties. There are 686 malaria cases per 100,000 people. When the Incas arrived, they found that these confederations were so developed that it took the Incas two generations of rulers—Topa Inca Yupanqui and Huayna Capac—to absorb them into the Inca Empire. That military junta was led by Admiral Alfredo Poveda, who was declared chairman of the Supreme Council. He took office on August 10, as the first constitutionally elected president after nearly a decade of civilian and military dictatorships. The major areas of scientific research in Ecuador have been in the medical fields, tropical and infectious diseases treatments, agricultural engineering, pharmaceutical research, and bioengineering. All of these rivers flow into the Amazon River. Find out more about every aspect necessary to make your adventure in Ecuador a pleasant one. In the first half of 2012, twenty private TV or radio stations were closed down. Since African slavery was not the workforce of the Spanish colonies in the Andes Mountains, given the subjugation of the Amerindian people through proselytization and encomiendas, the minority population of African descent is mostly found in the coastal northern province of Esmeraldas. According to their own estimates, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints accounts for about 1.4% of the population, or 211,165 members at the end of 2012. According to the Ecuadorian musicologist Segundo Luis Moreno, Sanjuanito was danced by Amerindian people during San Juan Bautista's birthday. Ecuador currently ranks 20, in most efficient health care countries, compared to 111 back in the year 2000. Peru had an army of 11,681 troops who faced a poorly supplied and inadequately armed Ecuadorian force of 2,300, of which only 1,300 were deployed in the southern provinces. [132] Ecuadorians have a life expectancy of 77.1 years. [25], After nearly 300 years of Spanish rule, Quito was still a small city numbering 10,000 inhabitants. In the south, Ecuador had de jure claims to a small piece of land beside the Pacific Ocean known as Tumbes which lay between the Zarumilla and Tumbes rivers. Even though Ecuador's white population during its colonial era were mainly descendants from Spain, today Ecuador's white population is a result of a mixture of European immigrants, predominantly from Spain with people from Italy, Germany, France, and Switzerland who have settled in the early 20th century. Let yourself be amazed by its culture expressed majestically in its churches, buildings and heritage cities, For example, in Quito, discover the Best Preserve Historic Center in South America. Ecuadorian institutions compute extensive information using supercomputers such as Quinde I, the most powerful of that country performing 232 TeraFLOPS. [135] 23% of children under five are chronically malnourished. Despite the early repression and discrimination of the native people by the Spanish, Collahuazo learned to read and write in Castilian, but his work was written in Quechua. The salvaged fragment is a Spanish translation from Quechua of the "Elegy to the Dead of Atahualpa",[118] a poem written by Collahuazo, which describes the sadness and impotence of the Inca people of having lost their king Atahualpa. In Ecuador, there are seven regions, or zones, each shaped by the following provinces: Quito and Guayaquil are Metropolitan Districts. ⇩ Download PNG. However, according to Nature, the multidisciplinary scientific journal the top 10 institutions that carry the most outstanding scientific contributions are: Yachay Tech University (Yachay Tech), Escuela Politécnica Nacional (EPN), and Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ).[146]. But, after a mock trial, the Spaniards executed Atahualpa by strangulation. Peru claimed that Ecuador's military presence in Peruvian-claimed territory was an invasion; Ecuador, for its part, claimed that Peru had recently invaded Ecuador around the Zarumilla River and that Peru since Ecuador's independence from Spain has systematically occupied Tumbez, Jaen, and most of the disputed territories in the Amazonian Basin between the Putomayo and Marañon Rivers. [54], The Air Academy "Cosme Rennella (c. 1920), also located in Salinas, graduates the air force officers.[55]. Ecuador has won several awards in the tourism industry. [106][citation needed] Today the Jewish Community of Ecuador (Comunidad Judía del Ecuador) has its seat in Quito and has approximately 200 members. In 2008, the government introduced universal and compulsory social security coverage. Most Ecuadorians speak Spanish as their first language, with its ubiquity permeating and dominating most of the country, though there are many who speak an Amerindian language, such as Kichwa (also spelled Quechua), which is one of the Quechuan languages and is spoken by approximately 2.5 million people in Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru.

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