Use a grenade to dispatch the guards on the balcony above. A bunch of spiders enter. As mentioned there are many exits from the room. Have all identification and security clearance data prepared for inspection. After you drop the first barrel (successfully or not), a couple guards emerge behind you. Also an imp ambushes you as you leave. Exit and move toward the door into engineering. Snag more items in the corner and find even more across the room in the lit corner. As you move ahead and toward the corner, an imp busts out of the wall. Proceed down to maintenance. As you proceed, an arch vile appears--great time for a soul cube if possible. Reload after battles or whenever there's a safe moment. This chapter provides information on several Doom 3 Easter eggs. Exit and face off against a revenant then imp. Aim true and let ‘er rip. Go left along the catwalk into convergence chamber two. Teleporter distance is limited, serving only to test biological effects of matter transference. The updated title has been "... optimized in 3D, featuring 5.1 surround sound and improved rendering and lighting.". When the imp appears, retreat and shoot the one that materialized behind you. Grab the supplies and use the health station if needed. Go to the right and through the zombie-infested all to locate a console up some steps and to the left. Crush a soldier and demon and reach the door in the back corner. If you want to get more background information, I suggest to read the official Doom Novels. Fire some rockets at his location or even use the BFG 9000 for the first time. It's id Software's personal data assistant. You can go up the ladder and check out the empty balcony. The Saboath is like one-third tank, one-third cyborg, and one-third BFG. The close-range powerhouse. Snag some health on the right (backup files too if you wish). Go to the left of the lift station to find the route. Favorited. A revenant guards the exit so be ready. Enter the bathroom for a good scare but beware of the imp that appears at the entrance. Use it into the next level. Explore the area (some info to download and repair guys to annoy) before moving through the door into marine command. Exit through the unlocked door. Enter the stabilization hub. Maneuver through the misty narrow room and to the intersection. Slaughter them then use the health station on the left and grab armor from the back right corner. Follow it to a ladder and up to the room's balcony overlook. Use the barrels to help. Defeat the imp that leaps at you. A zombie patrols the top floor and another hides in a corner in a right alcove ahead of you. Speak with A. Chang as you move along toward the door marked Monorail Station. Use the console to unlock the storage room. Doom, Doom II and Final Doom were originally released on Playstation One. Another waits for you behind the next door and a third down the next hall. Keep your distance and dodge the projectiles. Move down the opposite hall instead. Gather supplies and climb up the ladder. The second door up the ramp leads to an intersection: go straight to drop onto a backpack, go left to the plasma gun (look out the window from the plasma gun to see some immediate ammo taking you to 80 cells), and go right for the rocket launcher. Main Objective: Gain entrance to the Alpha Labs. Killing everyone on the start when they arent changed, thats smart!! When you spot the walkway above you, raise the lift and leap onto the catwalk. Ride the lift up. After the battle, grab the soul cube. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Use the gas transfer monitor station console and seal the gas leak. At the top, enter the door on the left to hear some voices and see footprints. Keep your distance and hit him with the soul cube. Shoot the scientist then face the door behind you. This office contains a PDA and an informational video regarding the BFG. The room crumbles and an arch vile enters. Activate the service lift to reach the lower levels of the caverns. A code protects entry but you should have read about the code. 84 ratings. Blast him with your remaining chain gun rounds. Circle strafe around the beast and pump him full of lead. I tried to make my playthrough as fast as possible to cut down the time of the videos, so this isn't a locker/PDA run.

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