Wow, this is a big one. the USA loses like 30-40k people a year to guns. The pros in our case much further outweigh the cons. When you straighten it, the sea looks like it’s drooping down and it’s just weird. Weather and Climate. Not only are wages low, hours are also very long because of the traditional siesta in the middle of the day. Another downer to the beaches is the NOISE and just the overall ‘crowdedness’ in the summer months. By far the most annoying aspect of living in Spain is the bureaucracy. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. I have to say, it took me a while to think of downsides. We, Spaniards, are indeed a very proud people because we had centuries of glorious culture and civilization that has made great contributions to this day. Maybe you’re that ‘juernes’ friend that they like to meet up with because they can practice their English with you- OK, so that maybe a little mean, but I have heard of expats being ‘used’ for their English. Did you know it’s hardly impossible to get a job in Spain if you don’t have an English certificate that shows you are able to speak and understand some English? On the plus side of living in Spain’s capital city is the standard and availability of quality educational and medical facilities. She has to enjoy this summer so she can study hard in September. For what one person needs for a simple documentation, somebody else will need something else. You might want to know exactly what you’re signing up for and hear about the disadvantages there are to not only daily life but also long term. You meet up with your Spanish friends for a drink, but let’s say you need to call on them to help you with a move, or attend your PhD graduation ceremony, they may not show up. Learn how your comment data is processed. Why Arta Is The Ultimate Getaway For Relaxation and Travel. THe driving in the USA is never ending, and if you want to live somewhere where it’s better, it costs 500k minimum in any popular West coast city, far more in California. The world is becoming uninhabitable. Many jobs in Spain will not come with an official contract and therefore you will not be entitled to free medical care. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. This might be because you intend to open a bar together, or because it takes a while to build a friendship group. Hypothetically speaking they might want to work in tourism, or in education or they might have so many languages that it’d actually advantageous, let’s see! It wasn’t easy, and when I asked Alex he could only come up with one. Lack of diversity? It´s even contradictory, as it says we are friendly as an advantage at the same time that you say that we are racist, there´s a lack of mental stimulation and your relationships would be affected by living in Spain?? I just want to add something; I have lived in Ireland and I am now living in the Netherlands. The Spanish used to have an empire. What is it Like for a Young Family Moving to Spain? depending on your visa you may have to pay some for it, but if you are a resident and you go for the public healthcare system, which is really good and efficient compared to most of the countries I have been to, you won’t normally have to pay for it. Suzanne! Cost of Living . When you constantly hear Spanish at your language school, and then have to hear and speak it at home, your language skills will improve rapidly. So, Spain has a moderate and mild temperature. I can say that I have had similar problems and that sometimes you may feel alone, but you can not judge a country based on that. A host family will probably be an older couple, rather than a family with young or teenage children. The Spanish take pride in their system as one of the best, but I think the pandemic just shredded this stereotype into tiny pieces. Would I feel safer if I had a local family to ask for advice during my stay? Understand your retirement income and pension options and get a better deal retired abroad. This will put you in a vulnerable condition as a worker and you have to pay high expenses for private health care. I’ve been here over a decade, so I was nodding when reading the different points in the article. I am really surprised after reading this article… I am Spanish and I do agree with many points, but I completely disagree with other points. I think the pandemic is just going to kill Spain’s economy, the straw that broke the camel’s back. You are saying we are protectionist towards our jobs when you voted for Brexit? Spain? It is useful for foreign students to understand that all Spanish host families take in students to earn an income. Homesickness Advantages of studying in Spain f.i. Boredom has definitely not been a problem, but that’s because Barcelona is a lot bigger than Benidorm. Other people’s rules Each host family has their own household rules and you may not like some of them. Many people arrive in Spain and take months to snap themselves out of holiday mode. Aflați mai multe despre modul în care folosim informațiile dvs. Unfortunately it is the harsh reality that working in Spain and surviving financially is extremely difficult because good paying jobs are very rare especially to people who only speak English! Their opportunities later in life will be far less because it would be natural for Spanish nationals to be given jobs in preference to them. The purpose of this article is to give some advantages to living and doing work in Spain, not only advantages but disadvantages as well. The truth is that I always thought that traveling and living abroad opens people’s minds, but there may be some exceptions. © 2010-2020 Expat RA. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. I would say no in large, but I have a few horror stories from people of colour who do live here and I really suggest you take a look at SOS racismo’s page if you insist that racism doesn’t exist here. Yes you enjoyed swimming in the sea and lounging by the pool, but living in Spain and having to go to work each day and make a living is completely different to being on holiday! On the negative side of the affordability question is real estate – Madrid currently has the highest property prices in Spain, and despite the local property market seeing something of a decline in its recent fortunes, property is still massively expensive to buy or rent. But, on the other hand, I find our outlay much less. There’s an iceland here so we can get all the home comforts haha! This website uses cookies to improve your experience. For example, you’ll need to eat the food that is being served each day and abide by house-, laundry, sleep and bathing time rules. By the way, I am going back to live in Spain for good in 6 months and I can not wait. But, we find it much harder to nip away for a weekend or go on holiday because there just aren’t the flights to different places or airport access like we had in the U.K. We had 4 major airports within reach and it was amazing to just click lowest flight to anywhere and see where we could go. And in the host family itself, you will of course be the “foreign visitor”. This puts workers in extremely vulnerable positions as they have to pay premium private healthcare. We, Spaniards, don’t care at all if people such as you want to destroy your homelands, but it’s not your business at all to tell us how we run our society, not least when our culture has been centuries older than yours, and certainly NOT when you live on our soil. The only thing we do find expensive is WiFi and TV. Many people looking for jobs in Spain underestimate the effects of boredom. Spain has some of the worst conditions for freelancers in all of the OECD countries. The only thing we do … From freshly baked bread t… Here are some of them: Unemployment is high. Sure, you might have been on holiday for long periods of time and sure you might love being out here, but do you know exactly what you’re getting in to? But I too asked myself the same thing when I lived abroad. THe choice if you want cheaper property, in the 200k range, is to live 2-3 hours outside of a city in nutcaseville, with driving all the time, guns, polite people at least, sometimes pretty scenery. Yes that was the case in years gone by, but with the introduction of the Euro the cost of living in Spain has increased dramatically. They could say ‘do you think my child is a charity case? This means that the family home may have more of a “student bed-and-breakfast” feel to it, rather than a cosy family atmosphere. Here is our guide to host family accommodation in Spain. Wages and salaries in Spain can be lower than they are in other countries such as United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and the USA. A big Disadvantage of working in Spain is that you miss your friends and family back home. I do find the medication is better than at home though! I remember my last visit to Spain meeting a couple great people who were very open, though I was a young, somewhat vibrant guy. The education system and many parents (I didn’t say ALL), encourage their kids to take endless exams till they are 25 or 30 so they can get that coveted job as a ‘funcionario’ or take useless Masters so they can work in a large company for a crappy salary. I’ve definitely found that to be a headache living in Barcelona, especially when I first moved here. Of course, a translator is definitely recommended (or even required in some places!). :How many Brits could write as well as this in Spanish? I also recommend the book ‘Kinky Gazpacho’ which is the story of an African American woman who lived here in Spain and even married an Andaluz!

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