An elite unit of the LA County Sheriff's Dept. The only small problem with this is that ice floats. Proof that even the very finest of movies aren’t immune from gaps in logic. How does the theory work? Alternate Versions In Limitless, Bradley Cooper becomes the world’s smartest man thanks to a new wonder drug. Posing as a pit crew member, Whiplash gets onto the track and directly attacks Tony Stark, who just happens to be driving a racing car, after impulsively deciding he wanted to and chucking his driver out (probably someone who would have won the race like Vettel). Nobody is seen hunkering down in their vehicles, screaming, or panicking. At 33 minutes, as Big Nick is leaving his car, the warning chime is ringing. It’s not their war, they’re just helping out their mate Gandalf. However, this may be an example of "movie geography" where a realistic-sounding but imaginary location is devised to create a setting for fictional events. You’d think Skynet would want to make sure the job was done. Sub-contracting firms to build vast star ships under the Apple banner? However, you think you’re so smart working this out, but then you realise – all knowledge about how we think the world works could come from the Matrix. Several police vehicles in the movie (most notably unmarked cars and a SWAT truck) have only blue emergency lights. Marty arrives back in 1885 in a DeLorean. or something to that effect. Lumiere also says they’ve been cursed for 10 years. Did Jor El make it for him? It’s a pity that the beginning of the movie shows us humans cutting a massive hole in the side of that same ship – inevitably leading to a fatal hull breach once Christopher leaves our atmosphere. Then he has a change of heart and sends the frankly incompetent hyenas to do the deed. Of course, they might not have had weapons aboard, and the plot of the sequel may well be the return of the angry earthlings. It’s a classic. What are these powers, his special party tricks? The original Superman movie has often been held up as an example of how to do a comic book movie right. I love District 9. Basically, it all boils down to the fact Morpheus mistakenly thought he was the One, and unplugged him. If a plot hole feels so stupid that it makes you enjoy the film less, than the director has not done their job. The iconic bike scene proves E.T. Despite it being one of the truly great endings of a film, you can’t ever think too much about it. In Los Angeles, a team of robbers led by Ray Merrimen make a violent armed attack and hijack an armored truck. How? The goof item below may give away important plot points. And for a January release, I'd say that's an accomplishment. They know exactly what Hulk can do. In, Den Of Geek is well known for its fondness for, Was this the straw that broke the back of the ‘villain meaning to get caught’ plot device? Is it peer pressure? Except, wouldn’t those scars have always existed in this new reality considering they had already happened in the past before prison? It’s one of my all-time favourite sci-fi films, and in Christopher Johnson, has one of the most unlikely filmic heroes of all time. So Obadiah Stane spends years slowly and subtly maneuvering himself into a position where he can take over Stark Industries. Honestly, does creating lizard men make any sense to anyone? It is a serious federal crime for a convicted felon to possess a firearm under almost all conditions, something a seasoned cop should know. He would have missed the court hearing! Yet once they’ve got him onboard, the top-secret, state of the art HeliCarrier, they let Bruce casually wander around with no restraints, and no one watching him – free to be shocked by Tony Stark into potentially Hulking out. Not so funny now, is it? Fright at a giant monster? Benedict agrees, but not without calling in a SWAT team to secure the vault and getting his men to intercept the van with his money in. Was this the straw that broke the back of the ‘villain meaning to get caught’ plot device? It’s a core rule that I’ve lived by my entire life. Keyser Soze – not really much of a master criminal in the shadows when you think about it. Yes, it does seem obvious. Skynet is damaged at the end of Salvation, almost beaten in fact. ‘Run Simba, run far away and never come back’. He earlier encountered Merrimen, who is a convicted felon, practicing at a gun range. Set in Los Angeles, California, the film opens with an armored truck making a stop at a coffee shop. Was it just a lucky guess, like when you do that age composite thing online to see what you’d look like as an old person? I like to think that there’s a whole Planet Of The Apes subplot which will be revealed one day where humans built hyper-intelligent cars who eventually overthrew their masters and then proceeded to remake society along the only lines they knew how – human civilisation. What if Q took ages deciphering the code? But since the slide is already in the rear position and looked there, all he needs to do is releasing the slide catch and the gun would be ready to fire. They seem to be made from something even stronger than adamantium. You know – the droid he built and his last surviving link to his mother. It’s our darkest day. The other officer reaches into a drawer to get it and pretends to put it on top of the desk, but it is already there. So he then spends a good couple of decades in a prison. So… why doesn’t he just levitate himself right at the beginning of the film and get back onto his spaceship? So read on, and add your own in the comments. den of thieves plot holes. Nero arrives in the Star Trek past all-guns blazing. Perhaps, as no matter how fine a film, In an unexpected moment of love for his last surviving blood relative, Scar lets Simba go rather than confirming his position of power and right to rule. Benedict agrees, but not without calling in a SWAT team to secure the vault and getting his men to intercept the, Tony Stark didn’t even know he was going to do that until moments before. However, my favourite answer to this was suggested by critic Devin Faraci, and neatly ties in, Now actually, there’s a deleted scene which explains this plot hole – Nero’s ship is damaged from Kirk Senior’s heroic sacrifice, and he’s therefore unable to prevent his capture by Klingons. If Keyser is so concerned about keeping his identity secret, why does he spend hours in the police station yapping on about everything? Uh, ok…. Keep this movie away from impressionable youngsters, who may decide this is the lifestyle to aspire to. In the final shootout, gunfire is exchanged lengthwise along cars stopped in traffic. He should be directing!”). Well if Indy had just stayed at home during Raiders Of The Lost Ark, World War II would probably never have happened. No, it’s probably just a malfunction. Can Fantasy Films Escape Lord of the Rings' Shadow? It’s only the most important mission left for Scar to do, and, yeah, I get he doesn’t want to get his claws dirty, and cub murder is probably a bit much for a Disney cartoon, but come on! Leaving us with a mockery of our own world. It’s not as if there’s a shortage of Terminators lying around. But: why didn’t they just dig up the fully-fuelled DeLorean the Doc had buried in the mineshaft awaiting his 1955 counterpart? An innate understanding of his true nature? Why? Big Nick tells his guys "they're wearing vests, no center mass shots" but he shoots several rounds at Merrimen that are center-mass. Well I guess he was pretty busy over the years hunting down the remaining Jedi, building an Empire, mourning Padme, and solidifying his position as the Emperor’s right hand man, but you think Darth Vader would have remembered C3PO. | So after numerous madcap escapades (which definitely wouldn’t get old and tired over the course of two ‘hilarous’ sequels) Phil, Stu, and Alan finally realise Doug had been on the roof of the hotel the entire time. If he’s so smart, why does he think it’s a good idea to borrow money from a mobster? I haven’t seen it for a while). Oh well, it’s still a beautiful film. Cue he and Doc creating an ingenious and ridiculous plan to power the DeLorean via a steam train, and various rail hijinks en-route. Only in it's greatest year (1992) does it come close, with 2,641 bank robberies in the seven-county region of LA (1~ every 66 minutes). Had it been there all the time? And considering four of them were spent fighting people while dressed as a clown, meant he’s got to be shit hot at applying make-up. PLEASE NOTE: There are spoilers here. I really wish they’d put this on-screen. The leader of the gang, Merriman, says the federal reserve bank deletes the serial numbers of bills when they are shredded. It’s actually quite an enjoyable and entertaining film (until the silly ending). Guess they thought Banner was a really cool guy once they met him in person. How Hunt A Killer Expands the Blair Witch Universe with New Horror Game, Sci-Fi Explosion: A Spooky Night of Horror Hilarity, Trivia, and Prizes with Warner Archive, Best Horror Movies on Netflix: Scariest Films to Stream, Razer Blade 15 Is a Dream Gaming Laptop for PC Gamers. They rush to his rescue and find a very sunburnt but basically okay groom-to-be. In that case, I can definitely time travel – I’ve just done it. How can he find time to go and fight Peter Parker at his high-school when he’s on a strict evil plan time-scale? So how did Whiplash know he was going to do that? The shooting starts and the civilians presumably occupying the remaining vehicles seemingly disappear. So this Tim Allen comedy ‘classic’ opens with Tim basically killing Father Christmas (that’s right isn’t it? However, sometimes the internal logic of films stretches credulity so much, you can’t but sit up and take notice. In fact, the entire character is just completely all over the place and never really defined – can he control when and how he turns into a lizard? Then he has a change of heart and sends the frankly incompetent hyenas to do the deed. | More BTTF paradoxes can be found, Who put the poster back in place after the daring escape in, You’d think Skynet would want to make sure the job was done. Luckily, however, the alien invaders of Independence Day are Mac compatible and we’re able to upload a virus and win. But how did he attach it in place from inside the tunnel? So Kutcher goes back in time, sticks a skewer in his hand and then in the present shows off his scars – which blows his cell mate’s tiny mind. Is it another case of a villain magically being able to see into the future and being able to plan for everything? Even if we buy into the fact that his plan was first to attack M but not kill her – destroying her office, leak the agents’ identities and therefore get the government to summon her to a hearing and dismiss her in disgrace, we then have to accept that this was all to lead her into an exposed position for him to kill her – that two henchmen give him a fake police uniform backs up the fact that the hearing was always the target. Soundtracks. In X-Men: The Last Stand’s finale, Phoenix Jean Grey is literally tearing reality apart and ripping people into nothingness. During the initial shootout, the bad guys tear out the windshield of the armored truck; however, while they are driving away, the windshield is shown intact multiple times. High security facilities like the Federal Reserve would not allow a guest like Donnie (or any food deliveryman) to walk around unescorted. But what about the international date zone? They spark a mystery that must be solved, and a look back into the past of an all powerful man who yearned to return from where he once came. Who died in front of him and made him turn evil. Because that’s what I would do. So they must have had good reason to do so – and the reason is that he’s clearly a genius hacker with ability to manipulate the Matrix.

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