In conclusion I think that my hobby is the best and I wish that anyone will try it. Our taste buds do sommersaults over Grandma's homemade nut breads, I enjoy cooking because it keeps me happy in my life. But we will see an abundance of amazing colors, beautiful views and stunning insights along the way.”, “To turn hours into minutes, turn your employment into enthusiasm.”, “We sometimes use a friend to prevent or stop ourselves from feeling abnormal (or crazy) for liking or enjoying something (or some of the things) that we like or enjoy.”, “It is painful to see someone do something we do with displeasure for pleasure.”, “Il y a dans cette oiseuse occupation un charme qu'on ne sent que dans le plein calme des passions mais qui suffit seul alors pour rendre la vie heureuse et douce : mais sitôt qu'on y mêle un motif d'intérêt ou de vanité, soit pour remplir des places ou pour faire des livres, sitôt qu'on ne veut apprendre que pour instruire, qu'on n'herborise que pour devenir auteur ou professeur, tout ce doux charme s'évanouit, on ne voit plus dans les plantes que des instruments de nos passions, on ne trouve plus aucun vrai plaisir dans leur étude, on ne veut plus savoir mais montrer qu'on sait, et dans les bois on n'est que sur le théâtre du monde, occupé du soin de s'y faire admirer”, “When enthusiasts meet, they soon become friends.”, “If you keep feeding your hobby, your hobby will feed you too.”, “Rest is the best cure for busy man and work is the best cure for lazy man.”, “If I have a passion I can achieve, it’s probably less a passion and something more akin to a hobby, for any real passion must bigger than my ability to achieve it.”, “The power of passion trumps the power of problems.”, “There is a difference between a hobby and a business. and friends. It is the best music EVER! I don't know what I do, if I woun't know about this style. Here are 19 famous food quotes that will make you laugh, set you thinking and most importantly, encourage you some way or the other. It is your right and your responsibility. Edgar went on, "but I suppose that is why you enjoy it. Words of Wisdom  |   Actually, I will also cry after it’s ending. Some people like books, some people like fishing, some people like music. So I kept reading. Cooking and traveling are the most things I enjoy doing, I could cook for many people types of various recipes without getting board or tired. Those people -- like M.F.K. You should look around and you see that music is everywhere.Every day after school I should relax. I hope you all find activities that you enjoy doing in your spare time! Extreme sport To begin with, many people go in for extreme sports, because other kinds of sports are too boring for them. My favorite hobby is travelling. For me, the best hobby is sport, if be more precise - handball. I couldn’t imagine when, that I will like it so much soon.I don’t remember acutely who recommended me to listen it, but I can exactly tell, what it was accidental. you want to use to build yourself up. Also, to be more attentive and always remember which coins he has.To sum up, I say that I like my hobby because it`s amusing for me also it expands my outlook and develops my personal qualities.Kozlovskaja. I never looked at basketball as work. You won't learn to swim on the kitchen floor. ", “But will you not have a house to care for? Writing used to be my hobby, but now that it's my job, I have no hobby - except watching TV and laying around the pool reading 'U.S. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all." -Jim Davis, "All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast." Cooking to me is also an enjoyable thing to do as well as it being a special hobby. Harriet Van Horne. When I come back from school, i do my homework and after that, i always visit my training. Disclosure  |   Hobby helps us to relax, to forget about our problems and missions, to look aside. The most expensive hobby a rich man could have is a boat, and the second most expensive hobby he could have is a very old house. Each Saturday a large group of about 500 people meet at 9.00 a.m. in the morning, and go for a 5 km run together. I worked for a race team when I was 15 and I traveled with them. -Mark Twain, “It's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato." He has to toil from dawn to dusk. But my favourite hobby is cooking. I think that I really help people to enjoy when they hurt each other on the battlefield. The best countries where I was - Spain, Belgium, Germany, Denmark. This quote absolutely express my idea about books and reading. This kind of songs was a complete contrast to what I heard before. Now I go every week, and I even have trained for some longer races 10 km and my longest was 20 k.m. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all. ", Travelling is a good thing in my life Firstly I'd like to say that life without a hobby is a very boring life. I share my hobby with my mother. "I'll make time," I promised. I was able to turn my hobby into my profession, and I am thankful for that. But a grandmother's kitchen goes My mother taught me that cooking is fun, not something to be anxious Actually, I can’t say that I spend much time by doing photos and than put it in final form in Photoshop.

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