This viewpoint sets up motivation for constructing CI systems. Gib Dein Feedback möglichst zeitnah und krame keine ollen Kamellen aus der Vergangenheit aus, die Deine Position stärken. Based on existing explanatory understanding of CI, this perspective proposes a constructive model for building artificial CI systems, i.e., problem-oriented CI phenomena with AI-powered information integration and feedback. In particular, we treat the mechanism embodied in CI as a way to solve complex problems based on large-scale collaboration. 3. The EteRNA system [4] is a cyber CI system that engages non-scientists in solving protein structure problems. Bad: “Your presentations are very confusing to us. Based on the problem-oriented viewpoint, we propose a constructive model for CI (see Fig. Feedback bezieht sich auf das Hier und Jetzt. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. Reflexion: Erinnere Dich, wann wurde Dir einmal kritisches Feedback gegeben, dass Du gar nicht annehmen konntest? Und dann ruckelt da was zwischen uns. Bin ich in seinen Augen okay? Die Abmeldung ist jederzeit möglich. Different CI phenomena are distinguished by different implementations and combinations of these details. Das liegt daran, dass wir emotional involviert sind und meist nicht so cool mit einer Situation umgehen können, wie wir wollen. Two valuable properties are observed from those natural CI phenomena in physical space: the amplification effect on individual intelligence, and the scalability to the number of participating individuals. Wenn wir miteinander sprechen, verhandeln wir unbewusst auch immer unser Selbstwertgefühl: Wie steht der andere zu mir? Das ist die halbe Miete, denn dann kannst Du auf die Situation des anderen neugierig werden, anstatt ihn zu verurteilen. This entry was posted in Employee Engagement, Giving feedback, Leadership & Management and tagged Caroline Cooper, constructive feedback, Employee leadership, feedback model, Giving feedback, hospitality management, hotel management, Hotel Staff, Leadership & Management, managing hotel staff on May 17, 2010 by Caroline Cooper. In the domain of problem solving, the system [3] provides an online platform that enables a large group of people to collectively give answers to multiple-choice questions, showing high accuracy when solving prediction or decision-making problems in many real scenarios. Don’t take it personally. human-made automated machines/algorithms); in an artificial one, the two activities are carried out completely by artificial machines; and in a semi-artificial one, the two activities are accomplished by a combination of artificial machines and other components (e.g. Und wann hat Dir jemand ein kritisches Feedback gegeben, nachdem Du Dich wohl und erleichtert gefühlt hast? Deswegen ist gute Vorbereitung alles. A constructive model for CI, which manifests itself as a continuously executing loop, consisting of three activities: exploration, integration and feedback. The meaning behind the feedback is further amplified with the way you say … Zum Beispiel: „Ich denke dann sofort, dass Dir das Projekt nicht wichtig ist! Sei sehr konkret. Solutions to this problem are closely related to existing AI research, including knowledge graphs, recommendation algorithms, etc. Constructive feedback is a healthy blend of praise for achievement and suggestions for improvement. 1). For the second ‘why’, a cause is that the first ‘why's’ former two causes just disappear in cyberspace. physical laws or human individuals). integration); (iii) the puck's movement is observed by all individuals (i.e. For a long time, scientists have observed seemingly paradoxical phenomena in many kinds of social insect: each individual either does not have, or has very limited, intelligence. A typical example is the concept of stigmergy, which was originally coined to explain CI phenomena in social insects [5] and also gradually shows applicability in analyzing and explaining humaninvolved CI phenomena [6,7]. Greif‘ den anderen nicht persönlich an. Instead partner to look for ways to fix … Always ensure that you maintain an appreciative tone in your voice while conveying constructive feedback. © The Author(s) 2020. Nach dem Feedback vereinbart Ihr, was sich genau verändern soll und im Nachgang schaut Ihr, ob es geklappt hat. Hier noch ein paar golden funkelnde Feedbackregeln: Wir treten uns alle mal auf die Füße. It is impossible to construct pure artificial CI phenomena in physical space. An EIFL also exists in this system: (i) players design their solutions in their own workspaces (i.e. In order to facilitate this future's realizing, besides non-technical issues, three technical problems should be investigated sufficiently. Und dann, ab in die Arena! This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, A proposal for clinical trials of COVID-19 treatment using homo-harringtonine, Recent progress in reactivity study and synthetic application of N-heterocyclic phosphorus hydrides,, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, Copyright © 2020 China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. (Science Press). In order to resolve various problems it has been confronted with, the human species has depended much on pervasive collaboration between human individuals in physical space. For the first ‘why’, there are three causes: (i) high cost of assembling a large group of people in physical space; (ii) low speed of information transmission in physical space; and (iii) dependence on a small elite to integrate large-scale information fragments and low efficiency of integration. Erfahre mehr, Mit anderen darüber sprechen, wie blöd/doof/schwierig sich X wieder verhalten hat, Die kalte Schulter zeigen, denn mein schöner Rücken kann ja auch entzücken. More dimensions can be introduced, if necessary (e.g. Das ist die Haltung mit der Du erfolgreich Feedbacks führst. The question-solving process embodies an EIFL: (i) each individual shows her/his opinion by placing a virtual magnet at an appropriate position relative to a virtual puck (i.e. Sei ehrlich mit Dir und dem anderen und unterscheide genau zwischen Wahrnehmung und Wirkung. Bitte Dein Gegenüber, dass Du ihm Feedback geben darfst. Traditional human knowledge discovery is a kind of physical CI phenomena, in which many kinds of EIFL exist according to how knowledge/information is recorded in physical space. Current research on CI focuses largely on explanatory aspects of CI, that is, how to explain the occurrence of observed CI phenomena. Wei Zhang, Hong Mei, A constructive model for collective intelligence, National Science Review, Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2020, Pages 1273–1277, The 360 degree feedback model offers a safe environment for an individual to receive feedback from peers and supervisors. Ich bin okay, Du bist okay. The EIFL model proposed in this article reflects our efforts to facilitate the realization of this brighter future of human collaboration. 2). We name this model the EIF loop or simply EIFL. Be open to how others view you, even if it’s painful. We do believe that stigmergy provides an insightful explanatory model of CI, behaving well in post hoc analysis of existing CI phenomena. Beschreibe die Fakten. Furthermore, we propose a classification of CI phenomena in two dimensions (see Fig. Solutions to this problem will provide objective functions to guide the exploration of different implementations of EIFL. In the domain of biological research, the EteRNA system [4] is a multi-player online game, which has successfully engaged a large number of non-scientists in solving complex protein structure problems. Feedback ist situativ, besprich‘ also die Situation die Dich verärgert hat und widerstehe dem Impuls, das Thema größer zu machen als es ist. Your role as a manager is to help your employees develop and contribute their best efforts towards the team’s shared goals. Whether general or domain-oriented mechanisms can be found for large-scale information representation, integration and feedback, so that these mechanisms can be reused when building CI systems. Für ihre Arbeit wurden sie und ihr Team mehrfach ausgezeichnet, z.B. Developed by the Center for Creative Leadership, the SBI™ feedback tool outlines a simple structure that you can use to deliver effective on-the-spot feedback. A constructive model for CI, which manifests itself as a continuously executing loop, consisting of three activities: exploration, integration and feedback. We conceptualize EIFL as a constructive model for CI, and a refinement of the existing explanatory understanding of CI. Natural CI phenomena in physical space show a potential approach to effective large-scale human collaboration in cyberspace, since it is much more economical to assemble a large group of people in cyberspace than in physical space. Feedback schafft Vertrauen. “I’m curious about where we are with Y project. If any issues have come up, it’s best that I know as … Die Sandwich-Methode – ich sage erst was Gutes, dann was Schlechtes und dann wieder was Gutes! We name this model the EIF loop or simply EIFL. A two-dimensional classification of CI phenomena.

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