Your choices will not impact your visit. This site uses functional cookies and external scripts to improve your experience. Business bank accounts are provided by all of the biggest lenders in Spain. If you are coming for business to Spain and you are a man, you should always wear a dark conservative business suit and tie, even during summer. However, the strong hierarchical and bureaucratic organisational culture is changing due to a growing number of young managers educated abroad and changes in Spanish society itself. No actually this was my very first blog ever! Gold accessories look exceptionally attractive up against the colored suits that are so popular in Spain, and can truly help to make one’s appearance “pop” when worn correctly. Guide to American Business Casual Attire These colorful suits can be worn either with stark white dress shirts or those which incorporate even more color into an ensemble, so long as care is taken in not allowing the different pieces to clash. Business Mentality – Personal contacts are vital for all business success in Spain, so building a friendly relationship and meeting people face to face are the key to success. Spanish work culture is slightly different than the culture in places such as the US or Germany and it’s more common to hear men complimenting or commenting on the appearance of female coworkers. Better to wear classic brand names such as Loewe, Dior, Chanel or Louis Vuitton, also Hugo Boss, Armani or Ermenegildo Zegna, less so Ferragamo or Coach. Generally, the Spanish are a very open and communicative people ; they value highly their families, personal relationships and cultural traditions. If smoke is an issue for you, look for a smoke-free restaurant, bar, or hotel: now you can find them, and of course, complain if it is not fulfilled. At restaurants, bars, and taxis, it is typical to leave the small change, though you won’t get dirty looks if you don’t. In this article we take a closer look at the wardrobes of Spanish businessmen and business etiquette unique to this culture. Spaniards take accessories rather seriously, although they keep them to somewhat of a minimum. Business etiquette in Spain implies that the ideal outfit for a woman is a discreet but stylish business suit. The most significant environmental issues in Spain include air, water and noise pollution. Relations are usually built personally through lunch and social meetings rather than over the phone or via email. More typically, the deals are done at the office, and then after the successful negotiations, it’s customary to celebrate later at a restaurant. The way you present yourself is of critical importance when dealing with Spanish business people. Gold is far and beyond the most popular material for accessories in Spain, with Gold watches and rings taking the forefront and worn by just about anyone with a penchant for adding a formal touch to their appearance. Shorts should not be worn around city. Hence, a strict business suit would be an ideal option for following the business etiquette of Spain. It is expected that the penalties on bribery will be increased even more in following years, so that they have a clear dissuasive effect. Corporate gifts or books about your country are also welcome gifts, and a bottle of whisky or brandy would also make a useful alternative gift, if you have nothing else to offer. If you speak Spanish, use the formal form ‘usted‘ until you are invited to use the familiar form of address ‘tu‘. Staying connected in Spain will be crucial for your business success. Spaniards are initially quite formal in business settings. Spanish presentations can tend to be long-winded; expect it and don’t get frustrated. A few tips, though, may help you in developing your business relationships in Spain. As Spanish weather can be very hot, it is usually acceptable to wear lightweight suits, to loosen one’s tie and throw one’s jacket over one’s shoulder. Following our guide to Business Dress in Japan, which is part of our Business Attire Around the Globe Series, we make it across the big pond to Europe., Bosrock., Mary M. "Spain - Cultural Etiquette.". Unless you are visiting Spain as a tourist, it is best to avoid wearing shorts and dress conservatively in the cities. Lunch and dinner are an important part of the business culture in Spain. In the South, a more traditional, formal style of negotiation is appreciated, in which bargaining is cherished. People in Spain take their attire very seriously and are very dress-conscious. Unlike in some other countries, holidays in Spain cannot be exchanged for extra pay and it’s unusual for Spanish employees to not use up their full holiday entitlement or to ask for leave days to be carried over into the following year. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. going to the gym or shopping. In August, when most people take their vacations, office hours change to jornada intensiva: 8 am – 3 pm. Dark or calm pastel tones are preferred. First impressions truly are everything to Spaniards and they will perceive your appearance as an indication of your professional achievement and your social standing. A few tips, though, may help you in developing your business relationships in Spain. NOTE: These settings will only apply to the browser and device you are currently using. This is a bit different to the culture in places such as the UK or the US where breaks are usually much shorter (or sometimes skipped entirely) and workers often use the time for solo pursuits e.g. Business etiquette in Spain. Do not plan a business meeting with Spanish business partners too early or during siesta hours. Gifts are usually opened as they are received. Business dress is classic, professional and conventional. In Spain, people’s concept of time and punctuality is not the same as in other western nations. Spain has, to some extent, a higher level of corruption than other western European countries. Ask them about their children or family; few subjects are taboo. We are ready to assist you in the preparation of all necessary documentation to make your business even more prosperous. Conducting business in Spain is not just about having long lunches and patience. 37% of managerial positions in Spain are held by women, which is slightly above the EU average but below the country’s pledged quota of 40% by 2015. It is not considered impolite to interrupt someone or even yell at someone in a meeting, especially if they have yelled at you first. Greetings, While many Spaniards will meet each other with a kiss on both cheeks, this is not common in business relationships unless you know the other party well. It is crucial to realise this fact when conducting business with Spaniards, as this may help you to understand the point of view of your Spanish counterparts in various situations. Anyone you will potentially do business with will need and want to find out that you are a person they can trust before they enter into any transactions or contracts with you. Your email address will not be published. Similar details shape the basics of the business etiquette in Spain - every person willing to start a business in Spain should take them into consideration. A number of anti-corruption initiatives have been adopted under the framework of the Plan of Economic Reactivation, presented by the Economy and Finance Ministry in March 2005. The main priorities for Spain are: transparency and communication, social cohesion, diversity management, support for a productive economy, socially responsible investment, and integration of CSR into the education system. Designer clothes are particularly recommended and elegant accessories are important for both men and women. Business banking in Spain. Furthermore, high quality restaurants will have a formal dress code, even in hot summer months, such that T-shirts, cheap jeans and trainers are incompatible to correctly fit the criteria of business etiquette in Spain. Most of the cases of bribery and corruption are reported from the public sector. If you have been invited out, you should reciprocate at a later date, being careful not to give the impression that you are simply ‘repaying’ your earlier hosts. Appearance is extremely important to the Spanish, especially in the world of business When pairing accessories along with the outfit it’s important that they make the outfit look good and don’t ruin the look and make you look cheap. For my next post I will talk about the non-verbal communication styles of the people in Spain. In Spain the look of the person one is doing business with is important. If you are invited to a Spanish home, you should take presents for the family members and suitable gifts may include a box of chocolates, sweets, souvenirs or flowers. Business etiquette in Spain on this matter is not usually to give gifts to each other. If the Spanish party wants to be nice to you, they will most likely invite you to go to a nice restaurant. Find out about Spanish management culture, hierarchy, negotiations, and business etiquette in Spain. However, be careful not to say anything that might offend a coworker’s personal dignity or honor. Meetings are far less formal affairs in Spanish business, held to give instructions and communicate decisions already made rather than reaching a consensus on something. Spaniards rarely invite (business) friends to their home; instead they prefer to meet in a restaurant or café. The importance of trust within Spanish business transactions can’t be overstated. Casual does not mean un-ironed T-shirts, cheap jeans and trainers/sneakers. As a rule, the first meeting begins with handshakes and the exchange of business cards. They contain first name and surname, job title, but no academic titles. However, gifts are sometimes offered at the end of a successful negotiation or to say thank you for a favour. Regions. Spaniards are known not only for wearing … I think it’s cool that the women there don’t feel like they have to show off their bodies. Meetings will often start and finish late, deadlines are frequently stretched, the working day might not get properly going until after 10am and working late until around 8pm is not uncommon. The good news is that it is possible to get a bespoke account depending on the specific needs of your business. They are related primarily to concessions, ambiguous approvals to contractors and economic groups, or passing jobs to friends and family members. Large department stores are open all day. Most people in Spain eat at home, though in big cities, it is common to go to a restaurant and have a menu (and avoid the double commute). 1. Those who work in the business sector almost always keep their hair cropped short, as long hair is considered to be a sign of a lack of professionalism. In Spain being late is usually not considered impolite and deadlines are often considered as objectives to be met where possible, but are not viewed as binding. Doing business in Spain is similar to doing business in the rest of Western Europe. The following are a few characteristics of men’s business dress in Spain, all of which are important to understand if you intend to visit the country for work. It is also expected that the legal definition of a bribe will soon be extended to non-monetary benefits, including nepotism. If a subordinate has a problem, the convention if for the boss to deal with it so it’s better to think twice before trying to tackle a sticky issue yourself.

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