Make 5 enemies explode with the Radar Range in BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode 1. Head back across the bridge you made and head up the stairs you come to and into a large room, head to the central pillar to find the final vent, when you arrive Elizabeth will inspect it and give you your next objective. Ignore Jack Frost's Village for now and head into Fontaine's Plasmids after having Elizabeth unlock the door for you. Each of these has a pair of functions associated with pressing or holding and releasing the plasmid button. Collect all Audio Diaries in Burial at Sea - Episode 1. Destroy ten Turrets in Burial at Sea - Episode 1. community members have thanked the author. Help us fix it by posting in its. A doctor will give her some serum with the intent on making her talk, but it doesnt... it doesn't do that. Head back towards where you entered and you will see a set of steps, head up and right in front of you at the top will be Turret 01/10 (be careful, if a turret is destroyed by anything other than your gunfire such as an explosion or from fire via Devil's Kiss the kill will not count towards your achievement) kill the turret and head into the small room it was guarding, beside its remains on a desk will be a lockpick and in the dressing room just behind it is a piece of gear, from here head back towards the stairs and then look to your right, you should be able to see a gap in the wall you can crouch and walk through, head inside and kill the lonely enemy, inside one of the boxes you will find Audio Diary 05/17 'Left Behind' as well as another lockpick. Inside head up the left-side path and then into the second side room on the left, on a table you can find Audio Diary 02/17 'Observation #33'. In front of the store will be a group of enemies, while they are distracted take a free shot at one of the women as they both have firearms while the men will use melee to fight, kill them all and loot their bodies. Head back outside and continue following Elizabeth, eventually into an elevator. When that's done, to get your bearings, you can look around. This walkthrough and any content included may not be reproduced without written permission. The battle itself isn't difficult, ust use the rails to avoid gunfire and take potshots at the enemies until they're all dead. Exit the room and turn right and head down under the large TOYS sign, on your right will be a door that requires a lockpick, open it and head inside kill the insane (even by their standards) Splicer and behind the counter you will find Audio Diary 16/17 'A Little Help'. Congratulations on completing Burial at Sea Part 1! Kill all the enemies that come at you and proceed back into Electronics where another pair of Splicers will be waiting, when you have killed them head up the next set of steps and through a couple of doors into the Customer Service area. © 2020 TrueGaming Network Ltd, All Rights Reserved. You will begin with an opening scene of Booker and Elizabeth, they will have a discussion about a young girl named Sally that has gone missing and while Booker believes she is dead, Elizabeth believes otherwise and enlists your services to find out what has happened to the child. Inside speak with the salesman again to have Elizabeth distract him and look around in the back to find yet another empty box, return to the front of the store and leave with Elizabeth once she is done listening to the record. Follow Elizabeth outside and into the city of Rapture, for a minute or two there isn't anything of interest, however once you walk through a door and see a Big Daddy doing some work out in the ocean look to your right along the path you will see a door with '907' above it, head inside and on your right is a counter, behind it you can find Audio Diary 01/17 'Doing Well By Doing Good'. From the place you're standing turn to the right and press the button. On the top floor there will be a group of Splicers awaiting your arrival, if you can try to dismount on the right hand side to gain access to vending machines should you need any ammo, at this point in the game you should also have roughly $400 if you have been searching through things whenever possible, if so you can use the upgrade machine if you choose to purchase both upgrades for Old Man Winter at $350 total, if you do this now, or later on in the game (I will give you a small reminder at each machine) you can pop. At the top turn to your left up a small set of steps and then a sharp right and up a larger flight of stairs and into the store named 'Maison Vosges'. Head into the centre of the room and have Elizabeth unlock the container, after a small scene you will have the Old Man Winter plasmid, from now you should use this plasmid as often as possible to freeze enemies and then kill them, causing them to shatter, repeating this five times will unlock. Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode Two Walkthrough The Room Elizabeth will awaken after the expected betrayal with a potato sack over her head obscuring her vision. There are total of 5 plasmids in the DLC and all bar one mirror a vigor in the main game. Head through the door just behind the pillar and follow the path through the door to turn up the heat, when you do you will hear Sally's scream, run back to the pillar with the vent for a scene after which you will do battle with a Big Daddy! To your left you will see a couple of Splicer duking it out, use a couple of well placed shots to kill them before they turn their attention to you and then head in their direction, on the counter in front of you will be a new piece of gear. Freeze 2 enemies with the same Old Man Winter trap in Burial at Sea - Episode 1. Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode Two Walkthrough Back in Rapture When you have control pick up the doll's head on the ground just in front of you. Throughout his adventure, Booker DeWitt will encounter various locations spread across Columbia. Head out and through the next door and make an immediate right through another door into a room filled with ice skates. Developed by Irrational Games, the studio behind the original BioShock and BioShock Infinite, this continuation of the Burial at Sea saga features parts of Rapture you’ve never seen before, includes modified stealth-oriented gameplay that brings you new weapons and plasmids, and involves nearly every major character from the original BioShock and BioShock Infinite. I am awakened suddenly by a rapping on the front door. When you exit there will be a few enemies about (I don't know if I should call them Splicers or not) aim to take the woman down quickly first as she has a pistol while the other two will use melee attacks, when they are dead head on over to the left where you can find two vending machines, one for upgrading your Plasmids and a store for health kits, ammo and the like. That is everything we can find in this area, use any tears in the room to stock up on ammo if you need it and then head back to the central room and use Old Man Winter to cross over to the other side. Head back towards the stairs but instead of going up them look to your left at a shop with a large diamond displayed in the centre of the sign, head towards it but instead of going inside, look just to your right to see an open doorway and head through into the next room and through the door that follows, you will find 'The Watched Clock'. That is everything in this area, head back downstairs towards the exit but be cautious as three tommy-gun and a melee Splicer will attack you, kill them all and then head out and use the rails to ascend to the next floor. Inside the room in the back you will find on a desk Audio Diary 09/17 'Insufficient Postage'. When you arrive at the next area kill the Splicer chasing Sally and then listen to some talk between Booker and Elizabeth, once that's done head around to the left and on one of the platforms with a mans face chained into his food there will be a lockpick by his feet, grab it and head into Electronics where a group of Splicers will be trying to lure Sally out of a vent, kill all of them and restock at the vending machine beside the entrance if you need to, head down the stairs to where the Splicers were but first veer to the left into the broken elevator where you will find Audio Diary 13/17 'Oven Of The Future' to the left of the elevator you will see a wall of televisions with one that has fallen on the floor, head over to the TV and behind it will be a lockpick, now you can head to the vent and close it off.

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