Bella Figura was just that, and then some. After having created three ballets for NDT(Viewers, Stoolgame and La Cathédrale Engloutie), Kylián became the company’s artistic director in 1975 together with Hans Knill. created by Vaslav Nijinsky)Nijinsky's The Rite of Er entwarf das Lichtdesign für mehr als 200 Tanzproduktionen von Choreographen wie Hans van Manen, Jennifer Muller, Louis Falco, Glen Tetley, Nacho Duato und vor allem Jirí Kylián. Bella Figura is a one-act ballet by Jiří Kylián, first presented in 1995 by Nederlands Dans Theater. Set to 17th- and 18th-century compositions by Giovanni Pergolesi, Antonio Vivaldi, Alessandro Marcello and Giuseppe Torelli, as well as Lukas Foss, Bella Figura explores the esthetic ambiguity of theatrical representation. Introductory matinee on 6 Jan 2019. Kylián’s entire body of work counts 100 creations to date, ofwhich 77 performed by NDT and no less than 75 were especially created for the company. 6 in G minor "Christmas Concerto"). Thanks to all dancers of Ballet Zurich and the Junior Company for this awesome performance! 01, 07, 09, 16, 21 May; 01, 02, 05, 13, 16 Jun 2021. 2017 arbeitete er in China für das National Center of Performing Arts, Beijing: Lear (Regie: Li Liuyi) und für das National Ballet Dunhuang, Choreografie: Fei Bo. “At birth, or when the curtain raises? Where is the division between art and artifice, reality and imagination? Having repeatedly staged individual choreographies by Kylián in recent years, Zurich Ballet will now present an exclusive, representative cross-section of his pioneering dance works during this new evening. technical adaptation by Kees Tjebbes. This page was last edited on 20 January 2020, at 11:06. Video by Ernesto Galan, Boston Ballet is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. Exhibiting good manners, tact and gentility is an essential component of “cutting a beautiful figure†. Figura is a one act ballet by Jiri Kylian, first presented in 1995 by set design was by Kylian, costume design by Joke Visser, lighting design and In 2019 Ballet Zurich pays tribute to him presenting 4 masterpieces of his works from the 80s and 90s. In 1978, he put NDT on the international map with Sinfonietta. Go behind the scenes of a work that's sensual yet sensitive, vulnerable and poetic. to boil protest against cruelty and barbarity. E-Mail-Überprüfung fehlgeschlagen, bitte versuche es noch einmal. I seek the moment where dreams intrude into life, and vice-versa.”, Lukas Foss, G.B. Premiere: Australia in 1996 by Nederlands Dans Theater. Mit 15 Jahren wurde er ins Prager Konservatorium aufgenommen, dessen breitgefächerter Lehrplan neben den Fächern Klassisches Ballett, Modern Dance (Graham-Technik) und Folklore, Tanz- und Musikgeschichte, Musiktheorie und Instrumentalstudium (Klavier) auch eine Einführung in die Choreografie ermöglichte. Lebensjahr ist er dem Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT) verbunden, wo er sämtliche Stationen der technischen Abteilung durchlief. Lukas Foss ("Lento and Andante" from Salomon Rossi Suite) Ändern ). After an extraordinary record of service, with an oeuvre of almost 100 ballets, Kylián handed over the artistic leadership in 1999, and remained associated to the dance company as house choreographer until December 2009. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Bei Introdans und dem Scapino Ballet Rotterdam kreierte er das Lichtdesign für Neuproduktionen von Ed Wubbe, Nils Christe und Itzik Galili. Stepping Stones, premièred by Stuttgart Ballet in 1989, is also one of the choreographies Kylián created after an extended sojourn in Australia. Joke Visser arbeitete zehn Jahre als freischaffende Kostümdesignerin für das Holländische Nationalballett, das Nederlands Dans The­a­ter und die Holländische Opernvereinigung, bevor sie 1987 fest beim Nederlands Dans Theater angestellt wurde. Er arbeitete mit Bühnenbildnern wie Jean-Paul Vroom, William Katz, Walter Nobbe, Nadine Baylis, John Macfarlane und Michael Simon zusammen. He also initiated Nederlands Dans Theater 3 in 1991, the company for older dancers from forty till ‘death’. I danced ballet as child, albeit with little success. Informiere mich über neue Beiträge per E-Mail. Zeige alle Beiträge von ballettlovers. Fifteen years after its entry into the repertoire, Bella Figura by the Czech choreographer Jiří Kylián is once again on the bill at the Palais Garnier alongside two new productions: Tar and Feathers and Symphony of Psalms.Eleonora Abbagnato and Alessio Carbone, both of whom were present in 2001, evoke their memories and reminisce over a ballet that profoundly marked them. Im September 2000 wurde ihm der Herald Archangel Award verliehen. Neben seiner choreografischen Arbeit schuf er neue Strukturen innerhalb des NDT. Bella Figura is a one-act ballet by Jiří Kylián, first presented in 1995 by Nederlands Dans Theater.. returns again to the Finnish National Opera season repertoire in March of 2013. ( Abmelden /  Pergolesi, Allessandro Marcello, Antonio Vivaldi, Giuseppe Torelli. Despite this, my passion for ballet and dance has carried into adulthood. intermissions after 1st part after approx. After an extraordinary record of service Kylián handed over the artistic leadership in 1999, but remained the company’s house choreographer until 2009. Boston Ballet program notes (March 2012). Get to know Jiří Kylián, the man behind several audience favorites including Bella Figura, Petite Mort, and Wings of Wax. Watch the dancers rehearse Bella Figura, Jiří Kylián's visually stunning masterpiece that subverts the Baroque compositions that form its backdrop. Zusätzlich zu dem bereits renommierten NDT I gründete er 1978 das NDT II, eine jüngere, besonders experimentierfreudige und athletische Compagnie, die sich aus Tänzern und Tänzerinnen zwischen 17 und 22 Jahren zusammensetzt, und 1991 das NDT III, das in der Tanzgeschichte eine Vorreiterfunktion übernahm, da es erstmals eine Compagnie für sehr erfahrene Tänzer und Tänzerinnen über 40 darstellte. and after 2nd part after approx. Er ist zudem als Lichtdesigner für sämtliche weltweit neu- oder wiederaufgeführten Kylián-Produktionen verantwortlich, arbeitet aber auch mit Choreografen wie Ken Ossola, Stephan Thoss, Crystal Pite, Yuri Possokhof und Didy Veldman zusammen. Für sein Werk wurde Jiří Kylián mehrfach ausgezeichnet. An elect there is a Lyon, France 2015 by Ballet de l'Opéra de Lyon, Music: Since his last piece Mémoires d’Oubliettes for NDT in 2009, Kylián’s creative focus has shifted to more small scale projects and films. To this day, Kylián’s masterpieces are frequently performed by numerous dance companies and schools around the world. A journey in time, light and space. Duration 2 H. 20 Min. Beitrag nicht abgeschickt - E-Mail Adresse kontrollieren! Sweet Dreams (1990), set to music from Anton Webern’s Sechs Stücke für Orchester (Six Pieces for Orchestra) op. mandolins in G major) and Torelli ("Grave" from Concerti Grossi Op 6 no. Photo by Sakari Viika"The Rite To music by John Cage and Anton Webern, he outlines his vision of a global dance culture. Tracing the footsteps of Franz Kafka and the Belgian painter René Magritte, Kylián constructs a world full of absurd severity and beauty in this choreography. In this four-part evening entitled Bella Figura, Zurich Ballet will pay homage to Jiří Kylián, one of the international dance scene’s legendary personalities. slavic tribe gathers for a holiday of sacred spring. In the last ten years, Kylián has directed three dance films, Car-Men (2006), Between Entrance & Exit (2013), Schwarzfahrer (2014) and Scalamare (2017). In 1978 he and Carel Birnie founded NDT 2, meant to offer young dancers the opportunity to develop their skills and talents and focus on maturing their artistic personalities.

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