Portuguese casualties were high, but only – in First World War terms – when it comes to prisoners taken. The more traditional explanation is that in the face of a coming offensive, Haking engaged in a race against time to replace the Portuguese and that he narrowly missed his goal, in part because many of the reserve units at his disposal had only recently arrived from the March 1918 battle, in the hope of resting in a quiet sector. Manuel de Oliveira Gomes da Costa (1863–1929). More French reinforcements arrived in the latter part of April, after the Germans had suffered many casualties, especially among the stoßtruppen. On the afternoon of 8 April 1918, however, an order arrived from General Richard Haking (1862–1945) of XI (British) Corps, stating that the 2nd Division’s infantry should also withdraw to the rear for a prolonged period of rest. The situation on the frontlines was confused, and soon after the battle accusations began to fly between Portuguese and British about who had given way first at the points of contact between the 2nd Division and its neighbouring formations, allowing German forces to surround and mop up Allied soldiers. Moreover, there was a great deal of confusion over what its actual mission was. The Battle of Lys was part of the 1918 German Spring Offensive ordered by Luderndorff in a final attempt by the Germans to break the Allied lines around Ypres. On the afternoon of 8 April 1918, however, an order arrived from General Richard Haking (1862… The Spring Offensive was technically as success for the Germans and they succeeded in taking allied ground. However, the town held out when the Australian 1st Division halted the German advance five miles from the town centre. What the Portuguese call the Battle of the Lys represented merely the start of Operation Georgette, the second of Erich Ludendorff's (1865-1937) 1918 Spring Offensives. 6 Key Battles in the Wars of Scottish Independence. began to insist on holding a main line of defence at all costs, informing the commander of the Portuguese division, General Manuel de Oliveira Gomes da Costa (1863–1929), and his subordinates, of this new approach. 750,000 casualties were inflicted on the Central Powers, these were mostly Austro-Hungarian but around 140,000 Germans are also included in the 750,000. There is some controversy over the extent to which the British High Command knew that the German offensive would begin on 9 April 1918, and over whether or not it failed to pass on that information to the Portuguese. Battles of the Meuse-Argonne (September 26–November 11, 1918), a series of final confrontations on the Western Front in World War I. While the initial territorial gains in the battle may have boosted German confidence in their High Command, they could not cope with their overall losses. The battle was presented – and is generally remembered – as an epic encounter against impossible odds. With the huge numbers of people involved there are, of course, difficulties in calculating precise numbers. The March 1918 offensive having come to a halt, the German High Command decided to strike a second blow further north, aimed squarely at the British sector. Initially Foch was unwilling to send reinforcements but on April 14th he did just this. Initially Foch was unwilling to send reinforcements but on April 14, The arrival of reinforcements eased Haig’s plight. Meneses, Filipe Ribeiro de: Lys, Battle of the , in: 1914-1918-online. Filipe Ribeiro de Meneses, National University of Ireland Maynooth. A new online only channel for history lovers, Living Through the Dresden Firebombing with Victor Gregg, 5 Great Speeches by Allied Leaders on D-Day. History Learning Site Copyright © 2000 - 2020. Since the American declaration of war, American soldiers had arrived in Western Europe in very large numbers. Launched in response to the Spring Offensive the Hundred Days would be one of the worst periods of fighting on the western front. The Serbian human cost was extensive too though and over a quarter of their population perished in the course of World War One.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'historyhit_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_23',143,'0','0'])); Fought to defend Paris from German capture the Battle of the Marne led to a quarter of a million French casualties. The Battle of Masurian Lakes occured as the Germans pursued the retreating Russian force inflicting another 125,000 casualties while once again only losing 10,000 of their own men. The Battle of Lys can go by numerous titles and has been called the Fourth Battle of Ypres, the Lys Offensive and the Third Battle of Flanders. The Germans lost 120,000 killed, wounded or missing. The battle waged on 9 April 1918 constitutes the central event of the CEP’s history even if the full details of the encounter were not generally understood at home. The Serbian campaign was disastrous for Austria-Hungary and Kolubara marked the turning point in favour of the Serbians. Some days earlier, two brigades had been sent to the rear to rest; the remaining four brigades and the artillery corps, making up the Portuguese 2nd Division, had stayed behind. Since the American declaration of war, American soldiers had arrived in Western Europe in very large numbers. Facing them were 50,000 German troops. Fought between the French and the Germans the second battle of the Aisne resulted in 182,000 French and 163,000 German casualties. This text The Battle of Lys cost the Germans dearly in terms of men lost. Gas mixed with the existing fog to blind the CEP; communication between its constituent parts was soon lost. The Germans lost 120,000 killed, wounded or missing. Allied losses too were high though and both Britian and France would emerge from the Spring Offensive with over 400,000 fewer men than they started with. In reality, though, the new infiltration tactics used by the Germans were probably responsible. The casualty figures for Passchendaele are highly contested but it is generally agreeed that each side lost a minimum of 200,000 men and likely as many as twice that.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'historyhit_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_1',144,'0','0'])); The Gorlice-Tarnów Offensive was a clear victory for the Central Powers over Russia with the latter suffering over 400,000 casualties in May alone.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'historyhit_com-leader-1','ezslot_21',162,'0','0'])); The Battle of the Somme presented very few tangible gains for either side and yet was one of the most terrible of the war. The Spring Offensive was an attempt to defeat the Allies before the full might of the Americans reached Western Europe. What began as a withdrawal turned into a rout. However, they failed in their main objective to capture Hazebrouck and force a British withdrawal from the Ypres salient. 623,907 French and British soldiers became causalties as did up to half a million Germans. The gains at the Battle of Lys were the last the Germans made in World War One. At Nueve Chapelle they came across 20,000 Portuguese soldiers from the 2nd Portuguese Division who were commanded by General Gomes da Costa, a future President of Portugal. British and French losses were on a similar scale. What Was The Atlantic Wall and When Was It Built? The attack started on April 9th 1918 following a two-day artillery bombardment. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'historylearningsite_co_uk-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',129,'0','0'])); By the Spring of 1918, the Germans knew that they faced a major problem on the Western Front. At the Battle of Tannenberg itself the German army lost only 10,000 men but inflicted 170,000 casualties on the Russians. In the process, however, they took 688,341 casualties and their depleted forces were unable to hold onto the areas  taken in the offensive. On 9 April 1918 the Portuguese Expeditionary Corps (Corpo Expedicionário Português, CEP) was about to enter a new, and as yet undefined, phase of its existence. The extent to which the change to the battle plan was understood by the Portuguese is open to question; Gomes da Costa would continue to insist, for years to come, that the CEP had been asked to defend too many lines with its enfeebled battalions. The initial objective was to reach and cross the Lawe and Lys rivers. The German High Command knew that these numbers would only dramatically increase given time. By far, the Meuse-Argonne was the single most deadly battle for United States forces. Luderndorff called a halt to the attack. The Battle of Lys was part of the 1918 German Spring Offensive ordered by Luderndorff in a final attempt by the Germans to break the Allied lines around Ypres. In the wake of the battle, and amid conflicting accounts of what had happened, the British High Command decided to prevent the reconstitution of the CEP as a frontline fighting force. Following the German retreat from the Marne River in July, a series of practically simultaneous offensives against the shaken German armies carried the Allies to … Who Was Behind the Allied Plot to Depose Lenin? On 9 April 1918 the Portuguese Expeditionary Corps (Corpo Expedicionário Português, CEP) was about to enter a new, and as yet undefined, phase of its existence. The Germans planned to attack the First Army south of the river before moving northwest. The third German offensive Operation Georgette takes place in Flanders with the objective of capturing key railway and supply roads and cutting off British Second Army at Ypres. A total of 1,070,000 British, French and Americans were either captured, killed or wounded.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'historyhit_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_18',163,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'historyhit_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_19',163,'0','1'])); As with the Battle of Galicia the Brusilov Offensive was a Russian victory that came at a staggeringly high price this time over 1 million men became casualties on the Russian side alone. French civilians became increasingly hostile to Belgians in their midst. Managed by Caboodle UX design studio in London, Citation: C N Trueman "The Battle of Lys". eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'historylearningsite_co_uk-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_14',118,'0','0'])); The German advance was such that Field Marshal Haig asked the new General-in-Chief Allied Forces, Marshal Foch, for reinforcements. Telo, António José / Marquês de Sousa, Pedro: Battles, battlefields and campaigns, Western Front, Manuel de Oliveira Gomes da Costa (1863-1929). The Battle of Lys cost the Germans dearly in terms of men lost. What Was It like to Be a Jew in Nazi Occupied Rome? While the Germans continued to advance and took several key targets (Mount Kemmel and the Scherpernberg – both of which gave the Germans height advantage), the attack had started to stall by April 29th with the arrival of French reinforcements.

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