Publicité | Preparing for space flight is such a complex task, that a secret moon mission would be impossible, especially in the United States. There is no radio lag between earth and the lander or the orbiter. On the patch that the astronauts wear, the command module pilot and lunar module pilot's names are switched. | Which is which shall be left for the viewer to decide, and the longstanding debate on sound in space movies will not be continued here. CGU | They walk normally, even shuffling their feet at times, except in the stock footage from actual astronauts. Connections There was also a feeling after the Apollo 13 emergency that NASA risked having its entire manned space program cancelled if a crew was lost on another Apollo mission. | It would have been impossible for the Russians to launch a moon mission and to have it not be noticed by numerous professional and amateur astronomers, as well as the US government itself. Maintenant, il reste plus qu'a espérer que tout le budget du film n'a pas été utilisé pour la BA.Les amerloques sont tellement fortiches pour pondre des films visuellement parfait, mais sans scénario, qu'on peut quand même se méfier avant de foncer devant la toile. However, the actual Quindar tones of Apollo were only audible to Earth-based listeners of the transmissions; astronauts did not hear the tones. (at around 8 mins) It would not have been possible for the Apollo spacecraft to land on the moon's south pole. The astronauts are not on the far side of the Moon. On a multiple EVA mission, the suits would have been very dirty. How did the "found footage" get to Earth. Apollo 18 monster? Qui sommes-nous | : It seems Copernicus, the final program goal as previously set for Apollos 19 and 20, was also considered before the cancellation. Politique de cookies | The LK ('Lunniy korabl' - lunar craft) was not revealed to the west until much later. un titre accrocheur, un bande annonce bien ficelée = pognondans la même ligné que Le Dernier exorcisme ou les paranormal activity tous ces gens se sont vite rendu compte qu'il pouvaient générer des bénéfices avec cette gymnastique de vrp bien rôdée, donc pourquoi s'en priver.une épidémie qui touche essentiellement les escrocs dont la seule motivation est de se remplir les fouilles, et comme beaucoup de maladies virales, elles touchent le gros colon, engendre de multiple diarrhées cinématographique qui n'ont hélas plus beaucoup de point commun avec le 7 éme art. Ler sujet est bien amené, et le lieu est depaysant ca vaut le coup d'oeil je pense. Apollo 17 landed on December 11, 1972. on doit encore passer les 3/4 du film a se faire chier et attendre que ca se passe, @ enerGumensuper tu donne toute la fin ! j'ai vu le film au Québec et je peux vous dire qu'il est vraiment nulle la fin est a chier et encore je pèse mes mots, vraiment déçu par la bande annonce qui donnait envie de voir le film. (at around 2 mins) At the beginning of the movie it is stated that in order to conceal the additional manned mission to the Moon, the DoD justifies the launch of the extra Saturn V rocket with the need of putting a very heavy payload in Earth's orbit. When the two astronauts are driving the Rover, trying to find back the Russian capsule, the skyline of a city can be seen in the background for a few seconds, revealing that the scene was shot on Earth, rather than the Moon. Soundtracks. An expanded Apollo LM data system would be available for Apollo 16 (spacecraft 112). Derniers trailers, Bandes annonces des films prochainement au cinéma, Contact | The original February 1972 landing date was extended when NASA cancelled the Apollo 20 mission in January 1970. Some sound is heard in the moon scenes, despite taking place in a vacuum. (at around 1 min) In footage of the pre-flight barbecue at Ben's, one of the guests is shown twisting the cap off a beer bottle. (at around 11 mins) The film does not state that the far side of the Moon never receives sunlight. Even the footprints from the cosmonauts are evenly spaced, as if they had been walking in earth's gravity. The weight of that additional fuel would have required a rocket larger than the available Saturn 5 rocket. Avis aux glandeurs qui font les affiches. (at around 30 mins) The U.S. flag shown in front of the rover has 12 stripes instead of 13 - white on the top, red on the bottom. Apollo 18 was originally planned in July 1969 to land in the moon's Schroter's Valley, a river-like channel-way. Asked by Wiki User. La bande annonce fait assez flippé ! Quindar tones (the famous "beeps" that are heard during radio voice transmissions from Houston) are heard in the film. NASA issued a tentative planning schedule for the Apollo program: Ground rules for service module design and integration, established during recent changes in the lunar orbital science program, were reported. Although, it wouldn't have been possible for Apollo to land on the moon's south pole because of limited fuel, they only show one launch. This does occur in many areas near the Moon's polar regions, which is where this movie takes place. After the EVAs, while in the Lunar Module, the astronaut's suits are still pristine white, but they would actually have accumulated considerable dark lunar dust, especially on the arms and lower legs of the white suits. ^^. Caspar Weinberger OMB director under orders of President Richard Nixon cancelled all flights after Apollo 17 which was the last flight of Apollo. 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