Plot. "The Magnificent Ferengi" is the tenth episode of the sixth season of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the 134th episode overall. The Magnificent Ferengi Series: I wouldn’t recognize Iggy Pop if I saw him on the street, but I thought Yelgrun was a nice difference from other Vorta simply because he wasn’t being an ingratiating creep so much as deadpan serious. Keevan tells them their only hope to is to get back to the ship and escape, but Nog tells him they're not going anywhere without their Moogie. The title is a spoof of the film The Magnificent Seven. Ishka refuses to be ignored, even in the middle of her own hostage exchange. Memory Alpha est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Télévision. I apply it twice a day. Written by: Ira Steven Behr and Hans Beimler. Usually when singers and pop stars get it into they’re heads that they can be actors too, the results are cringeworthy. 0:30m Star Trek: Lower Decks - Get Your Trek On. Ferengi episodes are in a very different place now from where they first started in The Last Outpost. That’s the gag, the Ferengis are humans. They have generally been tricksters, characters who offer a wry commentary on the grand narrative arcs of the larger Star Trek franchise. This will leave Yelgrun stranded on the station for a few days, giving the Ferengi more than enough time to get away safely before they return. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. This is reflected within and without the text. A bunch of self-satisfied Starfleet officers just stole my audience." 0:42m WATCH: David Ajala Talks Star Trek: Discovery at NYCC. However, Behr invested a lot of time an energy in developing the Ferengi as a credible culture. John Wick: Chapter 2 – This Just In (#243), No Country For Old Man Logan: The Apocalyptic New West…, New Escapist Column! Quark understands (and is entirely comfortable with) the kinds of moral compromises that Sisko has to make in In the Pale Moonlight. Technical Specs, See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro, STAR TREK DEEP SPACE NINE SEASON 6 (1997) (9.5/10), Literally Every Star Trek Episode and Movie, prop maker (uncredited) / props (uncredited), visual effects assistant editor (as Edward Hoffmeister), post-production coordinator (as April Rossi), production associate (as Kristina Kochoff). 6x10 "You see, I once did business with the nephew of the cousin of the stepsister of a friend of the secretary to the Consortium's chief accountant. That explains a lot.” Ishka clarifies, “No parents, no sweetheart, no investment portfolio…” Yelgrun cuts her off, “And no patience.” It’s not a threat. Could that have been an alternate title – The Fantastic Ferengi? "You do if they're Ferengi! ( Log Out /  I was cloned.” Pop delivers the line as a statement of fact, suggesting no real angst or curiosity, but some sense ambivalence. Contents . I’m sure they would have loved to have The Magnificent Ferengi return.”. "What do you want, Brunt?" On the Potential of the Pandemic Awards Season…, New Escapist Column! Once Ishka has made her pitch, he responds, “Fascinating. "They've ruined him! Keeping them in the dark. Loved the scene with Keevan – it’s rare that Star Trek will actually make me laugh out loud but that scene cracked me up. Keevan is stuck forever, constantly walking into the same bulkhead, taking a step back, and trying again. Learn how your comment data is processed. They did ask them to come, after all. To be fair, there is some slight redundancy there; both Brunt and Gaila are characterised as inept cowards. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – The Magnificent Ferengi (Review), To Behr, the Ferengi were a lot more familiar than the Klingons or the Vulcans, 21. chrono. Also, when Quark and Rom accidentally enter Sisco’s office at the beginning, I really like that Sisco was kind of sitting there silently, as if awaiting them. "I know, I know. Quark comes around the corner and asks if anybody's there. The Magnificent Ferengi takes what could have been an eminently predictable episode and through the use of some truly inspired ideas and twists (Keevan’s sudden death and reanimation is the height of hilarity), it becomes a comedy classic. Iggy Pop is nowhere near as convincing as a manipulative Vorta as Jeffrey Combs or Christopher Shea. "I'm trying! ( Log Out /  : 534. "If you think about it, medicine isn't that different from engineering," he says. During all this, Nog has been examining Keevan's body, finally deciding that he can't be revived. ", "[Sigh], I thought the Breen were annoying. “Your people have a reputation for cunning,” Yelgrun acknowledges. But the veteran Ferengi anchor the story so that it never loses sight of what is at heart a rather risky endeavour – rescuing Ishka from the Dominion (it was to be the Nagus but Wallace Shawn’s unavailability shot that idea in the head). (01 Jan 1998). Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. "Fine," Brunt says, innocently. However, it’s also a celebration of how well-developed the species is that the episode has seven distinct major Ferengi characters. Of course, it’s best not to worry too much about the ridiculous contrivances of the plot. Before they leave, however, Nog wants to know how they know it is really Ishka and not a Changeling impostor. It is an attempt to construct a story in which the Ferengi are unequivocal heroes. Nog is a trained Starfleet officer. He still ran, however, because "sometimes my brother gets things wrong.". And you shot Moogie.” Leck shrugs, “I saw we weren’t going to rescue her so I put her out of her misery.” Boarding the Ferengi shuttle that will take him to Empok Nor, Keevan warns his fellow travelers, “The moment we leave this station, you’ll have signed your death warrants.” His point made, he deadpans, “Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to take a nap.”, “… you realize that there is such a thing as truly funny.”. Ira Steven Behr was a producer with esoteric interests. Yelgrun watches Keevan's stiff movements as he walks towards him. Saisons: 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7(Films). "It's all about keeping things running, fixing broken parts." It is the funniest Ferengi episode since Little Green Men, if not since House of Quark. More than that, The Magnificent Ferengi is just fun. Episode Preview: The Magnificent Ferengi. Leck soundly agrees, though Brunt and Gaila only join in on a condition of equal shares of the fifty bars of latinum. Production no. Indeed, The Magnificent Ferengi is a celebration of the failed antagonists in more than just its willingness to cede them the spotlight. “The Magnificent Ferengi” Written by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler Directed by Chip Chalmers Season 6, Episode 10 Production number 40510-534 Original air … The episode overcomes the bumps in the screenplay by several inspired ideas. EPISODE DS9 is always best represented by Season 6 to me. Chronology. 1 of 1 people found this review helpful. They are awkward. It had been previously thought to be nearly unavailable for the last year due to a drought on the planet Balancar. This is … "Neither am I. Even if they don’t know about the relationship, they know she had “special dispensation” for a cosmetic operation? Summary Edit. Quark later thanks Captain Sisko and Major Kira for talking to Starfleet on his behalf and giving him a prisoner to exchange. And we’ve got to see a rather different kind of Vorta; not necessarily good, but still different. Instead, Pop’s performance works best when Yelgrun seems bemused or confused, aloof somewhere between genuine curious at the contours of his situation and bored out of his skull with what should have been a routine assignment. Rom wonders, “No parents? However, this flawed nature makes the Ferengi more heroic in a way. 0:32 > Editor's Picks. It looks much better following on from the double-header of Profit and Lace and The Emperor’s New Cloak, which rank among the worst episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ever produced. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Change ). “Statistical probabilities” (thanks for the great review/discussion which mirrored a lot of my thoughts) and this one are so perfect in their own account. However, Behr is also responsible for some of the weirder episodes; Prophet Motive, Through the Looking Glass, Shattered Mirror. In a corridor at the docking bay, Ishka and Yelgrun are discussing investing in hypicate roots when Quark arrives with the upright Keevan. To Behr, the Ferengi were a lot more familiar than the Klingons or the Vulcans: Ferengi are us. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. His second teleplay credit on the show was The Nagus. "What's an eliminator? Being a typical Ferengi himself, however, they'll say the reward the group will share is only twenty bars of latinum. Indeed, it could reasonably be argued that the best thing about The Magnificent Ferengi is that it puts a cap on the Ferengi as a concept, rendering any further Ferengi episodes completely superfluous to requirement.

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