Hvis Danmark derimod nedlagde våbnene, ville Tyskland ikke ”antaste kongerigets territoriale integritet eller politiske uafhængighed”. 5.30 mødtes med regeringsledelsen og kongen på Amalienborg for at drøfte situationen, var Masnedøfortet på Sydvestsjælland og Aalborg Lufthavn blevet angrebet af tyske faldskærmssoldater. Initially, the plan was to invade Norway and to gain control of Danish airfields by diplomatic means. Ottmer, Hans-Martin: "Weserübung". [1] ca. I Berlin havde man formodninger om, at Storbritannien ville iværksætte et fremstød langs Norges vestkyst, eventuelt med mineudlægninger vendt mod de tyske malmtransporter. Forestillingen om et helt uvarslet angreb lå regeringen fjernt, også fordi man mente, at den tyske regering var klar over, at et krav om støttepunkter bakket op af en militær trussel ville blive imødekommet. [16] Soldiers were to travel unarmed and not be part of unit movements. Disse officerer, især fra flåden, lagde strategiske analyser udarbejdet i 1926 til grund for deres interesse for Norden. Continuing to use this site, you agree with this. In the early morning of 9 April 1940 (Wesertag; "Weser Day"), Germany invaded Denmark and Norway, ostensibly as a preventive manoeuvre against a planned, and openly discussed, Franco-British occupation of Norway. Krise og krig (1925-1950) Krig og besættelse. [7] Two German soldiers were temporarily captured by the Danes during the brief fighting. Selvom planerne ikke blev til virkelighed, fik Tyskland viden om intentionerne, hvad der yderligere skærpede den strategiske interesse for Norden. Krigens første måneder. However "the mines were not laid until the morning of 8 April, by which time the German ships were advancing up the Norwegian coast. Operationen havde to dele: Weserübung Nord gjaldt Norge og Weserübung Süd Danmark. August-4. Though Denmark had little immediate military significance, it had strategic and to some extent economic importance. By the time the invasion forces arrived at the king's residence, the King's Royal Guard had been alerted and other reinforcements were on their way to the palace. warned and on their way to refuge in Sweden, transit of military goods and soldiers on leave, transit of troops and military equipment to and from northernmost Norway, British occupation of the Faroe Islands in World War II, "The German Decision to Invade Norway and Denmark", United States Army Center of Military History, http://www.history.army.mil/books/70-7_02.htm, "Besættelsen af Danmark den 9. april 1940 var ikke fredelig. [9], At 04:20 local time, a reinforced battalion of German infantrymen from the 308th Regiment landed in Copenhagen harbour from the minelayer Hansestadt Danzig, quickly capturing the Danish garrison at the Citadel without encountering resistance. Convinced of the threat posed by the Allies to the iron ore supply, Hitler ordered Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (Armed Forces High Command; OKW) to begin preliminary planning for an invasion of Norway on 14 December 1939. ", http://www.cultours.dk/presse/besettelsen-af-danmark-den-9.-april-1940-var-ikke-fredelig, The operation against the Danish Jews in October 1943, Norwegian Defence Force website on the sinking of the, National Archives and Records Administration, State Department and Foreign Affairs Records – Sweden, Jatkosota 1941–1944: 2. The 1941 Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran, and the 1940 German invasion of Norway have been argued to be preemptive, with the German defense in the Nuremberg trials in 1946 arguing that Germany was "compelled to attack Norway by the need to forestall an Allied invasion and that her action was therefore preemptive. Ziemke, Earl F. (2000 (reissue from 1960)). I Norge løb den ind i store vanskeligheder af såvel militær som politisk karakter. After the start of the Winter War between the Soviet Union and Finland in November had changed the diplomatic situation, Churchill again proposed his mining scheme, but once more was denied. Norway was vital to Germany as a transport route for iron ore from Sweden, a supply that the United Kingdom was determined to stop. Germany was dependent on iron ore from Sweden and was worried, with justification, that the Allies would attempt to disrupt those shipments, 90% of which originated from Narvik. Significant differences in geography, location and climate between the two countries made the actual military operations very dissimilar. Christensen, Claus Bundgård, Lund, Joachim, Olesen, Niels Wium, Sørensen, Jakob: Danmark besat. The name comes from the German for Operation Weser-Exercise (Unternehmen Weserübung), the Weser being a German river. Nielsen, Niels Kayser: "Weserübung", i John Lauridsen et. Two of these soldiers were killed in action later that day.At 05:25, two squadrons of German Bf 110s attacked Værløse airfield on Zealand and wiped out the Danish Army Air Service by strafing. Peace in Finland interrupted the Allied plans[23]. Dette tab satte blandt andet angrebet på England i venteposition. [5] The long northern coastline was an excellent place to launch U-boat operations into the North Atlantic in order to attack British commerce. Operation Weserübung var det tyske kodeord for den militære besættelse af Danmark og Norge den 9. april 1940. "Vedrørende 9. Den militære operation var nytænkende og særdeles dristig med overraskelsesmomentet og tempo som forudsætninger for succes. [1], At 04:00 on 9 April 1940, the German ambassador to Denmark—Cecil von Renthe-Fink—called the Danish Foreign Minister Peter Munch and requested a meeting with him. Operation Weserübung. Den britiske flåde kastede sig også ind kampen i Nordvestnorge. Given Denmark's position in relation to the Baltic Sea the country was also important for the control of naval and shipping access to major German and Soviet harbours. When that occurred, the Allies would implement Plan R 4 and occupy Norway. leaflets. For hær og Luftwaffe var der ingen større risiko, men flåden risikerede meget, især i angrebet på Norge, fordi den britiske flåde var den tyske overlegen rent størrelsesmæssigt. Man opererede med to scenarier. So they began considering a blockade strategy in an attempt to weaken Germany indirectly. The new Allied plans were Wilfred and Plan R 4. Kampene kostede 16 danske soldater livet. He had fought in Finland during the First World War and was familiar with Arctic warfare. Sweden's and Finland's trade was totally controlled by the Kriegsmarine. Man skulle ”belejre Storbritannien” og afskære det fra forsyninger fra imperiet og USA. Det var verdenshistoriens første angreb med den type soldater. Operationen førte ikke blot til besættelsen af dansk og norsk territorium, den markerede også et skifte i krigens dynamik. (Justification? Forsvaret blev sat i beredskab, men man ønskede ikke at flytte rundt på tropperne eller rykke dem tæt på den dansk-tyske grænse, da man ikke ville udfordre tyskerne eller give dem et påskud til aggression. Foto: Fra Frihedsmuseets billedarkiv. Den danske regering forstod imidlertid ikke, at angrebet var begrundet i ønsket om at komme til Norge og at overraskelsesmomentet var helt centralt af hensyn til at undgå allierede modtræk. The decision to also send the 2nd Mountain Division was made later. Den tyske flåde mistede omkring halvdelen af sin slagkraft i forbindelse med Operation Weserübung. Main articles: Swedish iron ore during World War II, Plan R 4, Operation Wilfred, and Franco–British plans for intervention in the Winter WarStarting in the spring of 1939, the British Admiralty began to view Scandinavia as a potential theatre of war in a future conflict with Germany. But stern warnings issued to both Norway and Sweden resulted in strongly negative reactions in both countries. Mens P. Munch kl. Clockwise from top: German forces advancing near Bagn in Valdres, King Haakon VII of Norway and his son Crown Prince Olav during a German air raid on Molde, German bombing of the coastal fortress Oscarsborg, German Gebirgsjäger troops near Narvik, and Norwegian artillery in action near Narvik. Norway was important to Germany for two primary reasons: as a base for naval units, including U-boats, to harass Allied shipping in the North Atlantic, and to secure shipments of iron-ore from Sweden through the port of Narvik. Den 17. september angreb og besatte Sovjetunionen den østlige del af Polen. Faced with the explicit threat of the Luftwaffe bombing the civilian population of Copenhagen, and only General Prior in favour of continuing to fight, the King Christian X and the entire Danish government capitulated at appr. On 12 March, the United Kingdom decided to send an expeditionary force to Norway just as the Winter War was winding down. In December, the United Kingdom and France began serious planning for sending aid to Finland. Men ønsket fra det tyske luftvåben, Luftwaffe, om at kunne bruge Aalborg Lufthavn som mellemlandingssted og i øvrigt en strategisk helhedsvurdering af det fordelagtige i også at have Danmark besat, gjorde også Danmark til en del af invasionsplanerne. The rapid Danish capitulation resulted in the uniquely lenient occupation of Denmark, particularly until the summer of 1943, and in postponing the arrest and deportation of Danish Jews until nearly all of them were warned and on their way to refuge in Sweden. General Nikolaus von Falkenhorst blev sat i spidsen for arbejdet med Operation Weserübung. The German force took Narvik and landed the 2,000 mountain infantry, but a British naval counter-attack by the old battleship, Main German land campaign northward from Oslo with superior equipment; Norwegian soldiers with turn-of-the-century weapons, along with some British and French troops (see, Land battles at Narvik: Norwegian and Allied (, With the evacuation of the King and the Cabinet Nygaardsvold from, The Norwegian Army capitulated (though Norwegian armed forces continued fighting the Germans abroad, Japanese prisoners of war in World War II, German prisoners of war in the Soviet Union, Romanian prisoners of war in the Soviet Union, German prisoners of war in the United States, Battles and operations of World War II involving Denmark, Battles and operations of World War II involving Norway, Battles and operations of World War II involving the United Kingdom, Military history of Denmark during World War II, Military history of Norway during World War II, Naval battles and operations of World War II (European theatre), Aerial operations and battles of World War II, Military operations directly affecting Sweden during World War II. Brødkrummesti Danmarkshistorien. På grund af svigtende radiokontakt nåede beskeden dog først frem visse steder omkring kl. On the 8 th of April the Luftwaffe mounted a three day campaign of large formation air raids on the Home Fleet in Scapa Flow which were intended to disrupt the British Navy’s ability to respond to Operation Weserübung. Det tyske forsvar stillede med godt 35.000 mand fordelt på de forskellige værn. [4][5]German dead being brought ashore from the German naval tanker Altmark. If the demands were not met, the Luftwaffe would bomb the capital, Copenhagen. [11] Despite Danish anti-aircraft fire, the German fighters destroyed 10 Danish aircraft and seriously damaged another 14, thereby wiping out 1/2 of the entire Army Air Service. [11], The invasion of Denmark lasted less than six hours and was the shortest military campaign conducted by the Germans during the war.

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