Different persons act as advisers to the autocrat and their suggestions influence the decision-making. This research emphasizes the importance of the interaction between neurons in two different brain areas within the prefrontal cortex. In conclusion few more words may be stated. There is external set up or setting. Moreover, in this age of globalisation the nation-states have come closer to each other and the interdependence among them has surpassed all the past records. Then, do the right thing for your well-being. Once a decision has been implemented the formulators will have to study the impact of the decision. And at what cost? We have already noted that the bureaucratic structure or the political organisation of political system have positive influence on the policy making processes. Cooperation means people’s participation. The state cannot move in an uncharted sea and if it tries to do so that will be a fruitless venture. Once it has been decided that in order to cope with the situation or problem a decision is to be prepared, policy-makers then proceed to adopt decision and this is called policy/decision formulation which is the second stage. But so far as the importance of bureaucracy in policy­making affairs is concerned Ralph Miliband, noted Marxist, holds the view that in USA bureaucracy plays vital part in both policy formulation and administration. That is the policy/decision is the dynamic force of action. ", So far, "we can predict at a rate of about 68 percent," he says, adding: "Obviously, we would like to get close to 100 percent.". Of course this is not a very usual procedure because if the decisions were made after applying a good deal of rationality the question of abandoning it does not arise. Herbert Simon once said: a theory of administration should be concerned with the processes of decision as well as the processes of action. For this particular reason the exponents (particularly C. E. Lindblom) have propounded a thesis that it is a continuous process. In an unexpected twist, the researchers at OIST found the three parts of the striatum work together in a coordinated hierarchy. Nasser wanted fund from USA and Britain for the construction of Aswan Dam on the river Nile. Here several conceptual processes are mingled together. The exponents of the model believe that though the ministers have a positive role in the policy-making process, the actual function is performed by bureaucrats and it is held that during the Cuban crisis this came to limelight. His team provided subjects with a 2.75-second glance of photos of each of 100 different foods while their scanning their brain activity in an MRI machine. Though the problems are quite old taking of action had actually started in the last decade of the twentieth century. 2. Again human action relates to policy decision. This will reveal his intelligence, acumen, experiences, and ability to form opinion and to take decision. From the mid-fifties to the end of fifties Richard Snyder published a series of writings whose chief objective was to propagate the importance of decision-making approach. In other words, conflict arises between rationality and reality or the general welfare of the bodypolitic. This is called evaluation. A decision must always be goal or benefit oriented. The formulation of policy may aim either at short-term or long-term objectives. Here crops up a confusion. The chief objective is to study the success and failure of the policy. The critics observe that what holds good for one discipline may not hold good for another discipline. Again, various organisations and institutions have made their contribution to the making of foreign policy or decision making processes. That is why it has been found that the policy maker is compelled to make compromises and modifications of approaches and policies or decisions. So any method that helps predict actual sales could be useful.". All these create definite impact upon the decision-making processes. Thirdly, there is a decision-making approach for international politics. There is another aspect of policy formulation. What are the consequences of evaluation? He weighs all the aspects and sides of any venture. 3. It is believed that the large political and other organisations have their own values, ideas and long cherished and well guarded inclinations. 3. But in practice this situation hardly prevails. If the decision-­makers are rational it will be supposed that they are not to be influenced by beliefs and ideology. Lindblom’s incrementalism cannot satisfy all these “ifs” simultaneously. What transpires from the above analysis is the decision maker adopts a tendency of evasion. "For example, if you ask people to rate blueberries and elderberries, and you see their brain voxels [portions of the brain] associated with subjective value are more active for blueberries, you can assume that they will later choose the blueberries," even if they verbally gave elderberries a higher rating, Camerer says. Using brain scans, MacArthur Fellow examines people's expressed values and the choices they later make. Lindblom, the chief exponent of incrementalism, has said that in this approach of decision making there is very little scope of change, mistake and miscarriage of any policy because the policy maker refrains himself from taking any type of risk. The decision-making as a process of administration has a wide range of application mainly in public administration and at the beginning of the fifties of last century it came to the limelight. A decision should be both subjectively and objectively rational. An abstract policy adopted with a lot of fanfare may not come to the benefit of the government department. I had a go as one of my contributions to a new book called 30-Second Brain that's released in the USA today. 2. 1. In fact, the liberal democratic system state does not play an overriding role. It is clear from the above analysis that the two criteria are active in the entire process of decision-making—rationality and utility. But this does not mean that his approach is wrong or has no meaning in reality. The purpose of policy making is to embrace all these structures and their functions. The decision-making is a process and passes through a number of stages. In one of his NSF-supported projects, Camerer did, in fact, look at food choices. In the decision-making process very often personal liking/disliking, phobia etc. The fMRI results successfully predicted subsequent addictive behavior and smoking habits. 4. Many persons organisations, institutions etc. We shall now deal with a model which was framed in the background of Cuban Missile crisis in 1962 and the model was championed by Graham Allison in 1971. A good rapport exists between the authority on the one hand and numerous organisations on the other hand. Again the policy/decision-making is a composite which means number of persons is involved in the preparation. These animal studies offer clues for the windows of opportunity humans have for better decison-making. For a perfect and bold decision it is necessary that facts and information must be correct and impartial. This excessive dependence is the manifestation of irrationality. Situations, factors, elements, processes, persons all are to be brought under an umbrella and this is decision. 5. 6. This may be called policy from the above. Secondly, he analyses and judges all the alternatives and their advantages and disadvantages. The next time that you need to make a decision, take a few deep breaths and think about the pros and cons of your next move in a pragmatic and mindful way. The authority knows that if demands are not met that will open the door to complications. A) Strategies B) Rules C) Policies D) Objectives E) Goals Answer: C) Policies. In the same line of thought another observer points out: “Policy is not made once for all, it is made and remade endlessly. Dagher's findings suggest that addiction may result from aberrant connections between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and other brain regions in individuals who are more susceptible to compulsive or addictive behavior. But this criticism is unfounded. There is a large proliferation of the decision-making theory. But generally speaking this type of irrationality does not become the common feature. A loving relationship can be an oasis in uncertain times, but nurturing it requires attention, honesty, openness, vulnerability, and gratitude. Critics have raised objection about the too much emphasis on rationality. Moreover, there is ample scope of modification. We are trying to add in the missing elements.".

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