CEIC converts annual GDP per Capita into USD. Forecast: GDP PPP Per Capita (PPP Intl $), Total Trade of Goods & Services: % of Nominal GDP (%), GDP: by Expenditure: Final Consumption Expenditure (FCE) (RMB bn), GDP: by Expenditure: Final Consumption Expenditure: Household (HS) (RMB bn), GDP: by Expenditure: Final Consumption Expenditure: Government (RMB bn), GDP: by Expenditure: Gross Capital Formation (GCF) (RMB bn), GDP: by Expenditure: GCF: Gross Fixed Capital Formation (RMB bn), GDP: by Expenditure: GCF: Changes in Inventories (RMB bn), GDP: by Expenditure: Net Export of Goods and Service (RMB bn), GDP: TI: Leasing and Commercial Service (RMB bn), GDP: TI: Information Transmission, Software and Information Technology Service (RMB bn), GDP: TI: Financial Intermediation (RMB bn), GDP: TI: Accommodation and Catering Trade (RMB bn), GDP: ow: Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery (Incl. Gross Savings Rate of China was measured at 44.569 % in Dec 2019. The National Bureau of Statistics provides GDP per Capita in local currency. There is no data available for your selected dates. The Trading Economics Application Programming Interface (API) provides direct access to our data. GDP per capita, PPP (current international $), GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2017 international $), International Comparison Program & Purchasing Power Parity, International Household Survey Network (IHSN), Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building. In 2017, per capita GDP ranged at around 8,677 U.S. dollars in China. Federal Reserve Board average market exchange rate is used for currency conversions.In the latest reports, China's GDP expanded 3.200 % YoY in Jun 2020. This site uses cookies to optimize functionality and give you the best possible experience. Download historical data for 20 million indicators using your browser. Direct access to our calendar releases and historical data. GDP per capita in China averaged 1872.51 USD from 1960 until 2019, reaching an all time high of 8254.30 USD in 2019 and a record low of 132.10 USD in 1962. China's GDP Per Capita reached 10,263.710 USD in Dec 2019, compared with 9,982.310 USD in Dec 2018. Publish your articles and forecasts in our website. China GDP Per Capita data is updated yearly, available from Dec 1957 to Dec 2019, with an average number of 346.687 USD. China's GDP Per Capita reached 10,263.710 USD in Dec 2019, compared with 9,982.310 USD in Dec 2018. This page provides - China GDP per capita PPP - actual values, historical data, forecast, chart, statistics, economic calendar and news. Learn how the World Bank Group is helping countries with COVID-19 (coronavirus). Its GDP deflator (implicit price deflator) fell 0.090 % in Jun 2020. World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files. Trading Economics members can view, download and compare data from nearly 200 countries, including more than 20 million economic indicators, exchange rates, government bond yields, stock indexes and commodity prices. To learn more about cookies, click here. 1960-2019 Data | 2020-2022 Forecast | Historical | Chart | News. CEIC converts annual GDP per Capita into USD. Food & Energy) (Prev Year=100), CPI: Food, Tobacco & Liquor: Food: Aquatic Product (Prev Year=100), CPI: Food, Tobacco & Liquor: Food: Vegetable: Fresh Vegetable (Prev Year=100), CPI: Food, Tobacco & Liquor: Food: Dried & Fresh Melon & Fruit: Fresh Fruit (Prev Year=100), CPI: Healthcare & Medical Service (HM) (Prev Year=100), CPI: Education Culture & Entertainment (ECE) (Prev Year=100), Consumer Price Index: Recreational,Educational,Cultural Article &Ser (Prev Year=100), Consumer Price Index: Food, Tobacco & Liquor: Food (Prev Year=100), Consumer Price Index: Residence (Prev Year=100), Consumer Price Index: Rural (Prev Year=100), Consumer Price Index: Urban (Prev Year=100), Retail Price Index: 36 City (Prev Year=100), Retail Price Index: Urban (Prev Year=100), Producer Price Index: Industrial Products (Prev Year=100), Producer Price Index (PPI): Coal (Prev Year=100), PPI: Petroleum & Natural Gas (Prev Year=100), PPI: Petroleum, Coking & Nuclear Fuel (Prev Year=100), PPI: Ferrous Metal Smelting & Pressing (Prev Year=100), PPI: Comprehensive Utilization of Resource Waste (Prev Year=100), Exports: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Product (USD th), Imports: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Product (USD th), CN: Exports: fob: Emerging and Developing Economies: Emerging and Developing Asi... (USD mn), Import: North America: United States (USD mn), Export: North America: United States (USD mn), Import sitc: CM: Metalliferous Ore and Metal Scrap (USD mn), Import sitc: MF: Petroleum, Petroleum Pdt & Related Material (USD mn), Export sitc: MT: General Industry Machinery and Equipment (USD mn), Export sitc: MT: Office and ADP Machine (USD mn), Export sitc: MT: Telecom & Sound Recording Equipment (USD mn), Export sitc: MT: Electrical Machinery (USD mn), Import sitc: MT: Electrical Machinery (USD mn), Export sitc: Misc: Apparel and Clothing Accessory (USD mn), Import sitc: Misc: Professional Instrument (USD mn), Trade Index: Export: Value (Prev Year=100), Trade Index: Export: Quantum (Prev Year=100), Trade Index: Export: Unit Value (Prev Year=100), Trade Index: Import: Quantum (Prev Year=100), Trade Index: Import: Value (Prev Year=100), Trade Index: Import: Unit Value (Prev Year=100), Imports: Computed Tomography Apparatus (USD th), Imports: Other, Apparatus Based on the Use of X-rays for Medical (USD th), Imports: Other Needles, Catheters, Cannulae and the Like (USD th), Exports: Other Needles, Catheters, Cannulae and the Like (USD th), Foreign Portfolio Investment: Equity Securities (USD mn), Foreign Portfolio Investment: % of GDP (%), Foreign Portfolio Investment: Debt Securities (USD mn), Forecast: Current Account Balance (USD bn), Net International Investment Position (USD mn), BoP: CA: Secondary Income: Credit (USD mn), BoP: CA: Secondary Income: Debit (USD mn), Foreign Direct Investment: Utilized: ytd: United States (USD mn), Foreign Direct Investment: Utilized: ytd: Hong Kong (USD mn), Foreign Direct Investment: Utilized: ytd: Japan (USD mn), Foreign Direct Investment: Utilized: ytd: Singapore (USD mn), Foreign Direct Investment: Utilized: ytd: Republic of Korea (USD mn), CN: FDI: Utilized: ytd: Manufacturing (USD mn), CN: FDI: Utilized: ytd: Mfg: Comm, Computer & Other Electronic Eq (USD mn), CN: FDI: Utilized: ytd: Wholesale and Retail Trade (USD mn), CN: FDI: Utilized: ytd: Real Estate (USD mn), CN: FDI: Utilized: ytd: Leasing and Commercial Service (USD mn), Outward Investment: Latin America: British Virgin Islands (USD mn), Outward Investment: Latin America: Cayman Islands (USD mn), Outward Investment: United States (USD mn), Outward Investment: Asia: Singapore (USD mn), Outward Investment: Financial Intermediation (USD mn), Outward Investment: Leasing and Commercial Service (USD mn), Outward Investment: Manufacturing (USD mn), Outward Investment: Information Transmission, Software and Information Technolog... (USD mn), Outward Investment: Wholesale and Retail Trade (USD mn), Industrial Enterprise: No of Enterprise (Unit), Industrial Enterprise: No of Loss Making Enterprise (Unit), No of Business Entity: New Registration: ytd: Company (Unit mn), QFII: No of Institution: accumulated (Unit), QFII: Approved Investment Fund: accumulated (USD mn), Foreign Exchange Reserves: Months of Import (NA), Debt Service Ratio: Private Non-Financial Sector (%), Credit to Private Non-Financial Sector (USD bn), Monetary Authority: Asset: Total (RMB bn), Financial Institutions CF: Deposits: Enterprise (RMB mn), Financial Institutions CF: Deposits: Household Savings (HS) (RMB mn), Nominal Lending Rate: Within 1 Year (Including 1 Year) (% pa), CN: Nominal Lending Rate: Individual Housing Provident Fund Loan: 5 Year or Less (% pa), CN: Nominal Lending Rate: Individual Housing Provident Fund Loan: Over 5 Year (% pa), CN: Effective Exchange Rate Index: BIS: Real (2010=100), Spot Exchange Rate: Period Avg: SAFE: RMB to EURO (RMB/EUR), CN: Treasury Bond Yield: Interbank: Spot Yield: 1 year (% pa), Natural Gas Production: OPEC: Marketed Production (Cub m mn), CN: Tourism Industry: Total Revenue (RMB mn), Visitors Arrivals: Taiwan (Person-Time th), Visitors Arrivals: Total (Person-Time th), Visitors Arrivals: Hong Kong (Person-Time th), Visitors Arrivals: Foreign Tourists (Person-Time th), Visitors Arrivals: Japan (Person-Time th), Visitors Arrivals: Korea (Person-Time th), Foreign Exchange Income from Tourism (USD mn), Business Confidence: Net Balance (% Point), Business Climate Index: Wholesale and Retail Trade (WR) (NA), Business Climate Index: Industry: Construction (NA), 5000 Indu Enterprises: DI: General Business Condition (%), Entrepreneur Expectation Indicator (EEI) (NA), CN: Insurance Premium: ytd: Human: Life (RMB mn), Index: Shanghai Stock Exchange: Composite (19Dec1990=100), Index: Shanghai Stock Exchange: A Share (19Dec1990=100), Index: Shanghai Stock Exchange: B Share (21Feb1992=100), Market Capitalization: Shanghai Stock Exchange: Stocks (RMB mn), CN: No of Listed Company: Shanghai Stock Exchange (Unit), CN: No of Listed Securities: Shanghai SE: Total (Unit), PE Ratio: Shanghai Stock Ex: All Shares: Wgt Avg by Issued Volume (NA), Turnover: Value: Shanghai Stock Exchange: (RMB mn), CN: Turnover: Volume: Shanghai SE: Total (Share mn), Index: Shenzhen Stock Exchange: Composite (03Apr1991=100), CN: No of Listed Company: Shenzhen Stock Exchange (Unit), CN: No of Listed Securities: Shenzhen SE: Total (Unit), PE Ratio: Shenzhen Stock Exchange: Stocks (NA), CN: Turnover: Value: Shenzhen SE: Total (RMB mn), Turnover: Volume: Shenzhen Stock Exchange (Share mn), Securities: Issued: Corporate Bond (RMB mn), Securities: Issued: National Debt: Treasury Bond (RMB mn), Liner Shipping Connectivity Index (2004=100), Exports: Telecommunication Equipment (USD th), Imports: Telecommunication Equipment (USD th), Motor Vehicle Owned: Civil: Total (Unit th), CN: No of Motor Vehicle: Commercial: Total (Unit th), Motor Vehicle Owned: Private: Total (Unit th), CN: Number of Tractor: Large & Medium (LM) (Unit), CN: Railway: Passenger Traffic (Person mn), Passenger Carried: Civil Aviation (Person mn), Flow of Funds Accounts: Financial Transaction, Flow of Funds Accounts: Financial Transaction: Domestic Sector, Flow of Funds Accounts: Financial Transaction: Financial Institution, Flow of Funds Accounts: Financial Transaction: Government, Flow of Funds Accounts: Financial Transaction: Household, Flow of Funds Accounts: Financial Transaction: Non Financial Enterprise, Flow of Funds Accounts: Financial Transaction: Rest of the World, Flow of Funds Accounts: Physical Transaction, Flow of Funds Accounts: Physical Transaction: Domestic Sector, Flow of Funds Accounts: Physical Transaction: Financial Institution, Flow of Funds Accounts: Physical Transaction: Government, Flow of Funds Accounts: Physical Transaction: Household, Flow of Funds Accounts: Physical Transaction: Non Financial Enterprise, Flow of Funds Accounts: Physical Transaction: Rest of World, GDP: By Industry: Current Price: Provisional, GDP: By Industry: Index: Previous Year=100, Gross Domestic Product: Annual Growth Rate, Gross Domestic Product: by Expenditure: Annual, Gross Domestic Product: by Province: Quarterly, Gross Domestic Product: County Level Region, Gross Domestic Product: Deflator and Volume Index: Annual, Gross Domestic Product: Deflator and Volume Index: Quarterly, Gross Domestic Product: Income: by Province, Gross Domestic Product: Index: by Province, Gross Domestic Product: Index: by Province: Quarterly, Gross Domestic Product: Index: PY=100: Municipality District, Gross Domestic Product: Index: PY=100: Prefecture Level City, Gross Domestic Product: Index: PY=100: Prefecture Level Region, Gross Domestic Product: Municipality District, Gross Domestic Product: per Capita: County Level Region, Gross Domestic Product: per Capita: Prefecture Level City, Gross Domestic Product: per Capita: Prefecture Level Region, Gross Domestic Product: Prefecture Level City, Gross Domestic Product: Prefecture Level City: per Capita, Gross Domestic Product: Prefecture Level City: Secondary Industry, Gross Domestic Product: Prefecture Level Region, Gross Domestic Product: Primary Industry: Municipality District, Gross Domestic Product: Primary Industry: Prefecture Level City, Gross Domestic Product: Primary Industry: Prefecture Level Region, Gross Domestic Product: Purchasing Power Parity, Gross Domestic Product: Secondary Industry: Municipality District, Gross Domestic Product: Secondary Industry: Prefecture Level City, Gross Domestic Product: Secondary Industry: Prefecture Level Region, Gross Domestic Product: Tertiary Industry: Municipality District, Gross Domestic Product: Tertiary Industry: Prefecture Level City, Gross Domestic Product: Tertiary Industry: Prefecture Level Region, Input-Output Table: Final Use: Input/Output: Final Use, Input-Output Table: Final Use: Input/Output: Final Use: Export, Input-Output Table: Final Use: Input/Output: Final Use: Final Consumption, Input-Output Table: Final Use: Input/Output: Final Use: Final Consumption: Government, Input-Output Table: Final Use: Input/Output: Final Use: Final Consumption: Household, Input-Output Table: Final Use: Input/Output: Final Use: Final Consumption: Rural Household, Input-Output Table: Final Use: Input/Output: Final Use: Final Consumption: Urban Household, Input-Output Table: Final Use: Input/Output: Final Use: Gross Capital Formation, Input-Output Table: Final Use: Input/Output: Final Use: Gross Capital Formation: Fixed Capital, Input-Output Table: Final Use: Input/Output: Final Use: Gross Capital Formation: Inventory, Input-Output Table: Final Use: Input/Output: Import, Input-Output Table: Final Use: Input/Output: Other, Input-Output Table: Intermediate Use: Input/Output: Banking and Insurance, Input-Output Table: Intermediate Use: Input/Output: Chemical Industry, Input-Output Table: Intermediate Use: Input/Output: Coking, Coal Gas and Petroleum Processing, Input-Output Table: Intermediate Use: Input/Output: Construction Industry, Input-Output Table: Intermediate Use: Input/Output: Construction Material and Non Metallic Mineral Product Manufacturing, Input-Output Table: Intermediate Use: Input/Output: Electricity, Heating and Water Production and Supply, Input-Output Table: Intermediate Use: Input/Output: Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Fishery, Input-Output Table: Intermediate Use: Input/Output: Food, Beverage and Tobacco Manufacturing, Input-Output Table: Intermediate Use: Input/Output: Machinery Equipment Manufacturing, Input-Output Table: Intermediate Use: Input/Output: Metal Product Manufacturing, Input-Output Table: Intermediate Use: Input/Output: Mining, Input-Output Table: Intermediate Use: Input/Output: Other Manufacturing, Input-Output Table: Intermediate Use: Input/Output: Other Service, Input-Output Table: Intermediate Use: Input/Output: Real Estate, Leasing and Commercial Service, Input-Output Table: Intermediate Use: Input/Output: Textile, Garment and Leather Manufacturing, Input-Output Table: Intermediate Use: Input/Output: Transport, Storage, Post, Information Transmission, Computer Services and Software, Input-Output Table: Intermediate Use: Input/Output: Wholesale, Retail, Accommodation and Catering.

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